The Title of Your Paper Should Be Capitalized
(All Words Except for Short Connectives),
in Bold Type, 14-Point Size, and Centered
Across the Top of the First Page
Author (s), affiliations (s), complete address (es), telephone number (s), and email address (es).
should be centered below the title. Skip 2 lines before and after this section.
Do not use titles such as Dr., Professor, etc.. Use 10-point type.
Abstract: Introduce the paper with an abstract of approximately 100 words. Indent .5" from the left and right margins. Skip 2 lines before and after abstract. Start this section with “Abstract:” in bold (no quotes). Use 9-point type.
Heading 2 (Bold, Capitalized, 11-Point, Skip 2 Lines Before and 1 Line After)
Please follow these format instructions carefully. Your paper for the 2008 ACME International Conference Proceedings will be reproduced directly from the pages you submit. Papers that deviate from these instructions may not be published at the discretion of the Proceedings Editor. Regular papers are limited to 16 pages, although extra pages are available at $100 per page (see special instructions for abstracts, symposia, tutorials, and workshops).
On 8.5"x11" paper, use Times or New Times Roman, 10-point type size. Justify text so that it fills the full line width. Top and side (left and right) margins are .5"; bottom margin is 1". All text should be single-spaced. Begin new paragraphs with a tab indent, no extra space between lines. The first paragraph following a heading should not be indented. Do not type in page numbers or page headers/footers. The page numbers will be added after the Proceedings has been assembled. See separate mailing addresses on last page for Proceedings submissions and registration form/check.
Paper Size / 8.5"x11"Font & Size / (New) Times Roman, 10-point
Text alignment / Justified
Text spacing / Single-spaced
Top margin / .5"
Side margins / .5"
Bottom margin / 1"
Page numbering / None
Table 1: Formatting specifications
References and Citations
References should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the paper and referred to in the body of the text by Name (date). Skipping a line between each reference is preferred.
Note: It is highly desirable that all regular session papers contain a list of references. Whenever possible, authors are advised to edit their submissions to insure there is sufficient space for a reference list. However, should the paper become too long, the authors could use author-year citations in the text (e.g., Baker, 1974) and, at the end of the paper, could include the following note: “References available upon request from [Name of Author].” This line should explicitly identify the author responsible for sending out reference lists.
Figures and Tables
Figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to where they are cited. Center figures and tables between the margins with one blank line above and below. Place captions (e.g., “Figure 1: Caption text”) after the figure/table (see example above). All figures and tables should be prepared in a professional manner.
The use of footnotes is discouraged, but endnotes are acceptable.
All equations should be placed on separate lines and numbered consecutively, with the equation numbers placed within parentheses and aligned against the right margin.
R1 = f(X1)(1)
The Appendix should immediately follow the body of the paper (using the first-level heading “APPENDIX”) and precede the references. If there is more than one appendix, number each consecutively.
Special session (tutorials, workshops, panel discussions, etc.) write-ups are limited to one page. The first line of the paper should be the session’s title. The title should be bold, all caps, and centered; other typing instructions are the same as regular papers. The name of the chair (or moderator) should be centered on the second line below the title. The chair’s complete address and phone number should be included.
The next section should begin with “PARTICIPANTS,” (bold, all caps, and centered on the page). List the session’s participants and affiliations in this section. There is no need to include the complete addresses and telephone numbers of the participants. Do not include biographical sketches in this section. If biographical sketches are to be included, they should be the last major heading before the reference section.
The remainder of the write-up can be varied to meet the needs of the particular session. It is recommended that the section immediately after PARTICIPANTS be called “______(type of special session goes here: TUTORIAL, WORKSHOP, or PANEL DISCUSSION) FORMAT.” This section could describe how each of the participants will contribute to the special session, and/or describe the format of the session. Other sections might provide background information, a summary, or references.
Format your paper in Microsoft Word®.
Manuscripts should be single-spaced. All paper submissions must be submitted via email attachment in onesingle Word file with MS Word format (any other format will not be processed) to the Proceedings Editor, Dean. Edward Chow, at and cc to the program chair to Dr. Huei Lee at byWednesday, June4, 2008.
Your file name must be the given submission number. If you have any questions regarding the preparation of proceedings materials, contact the Proceedings Editor. June4, 2008deadline, which is critical for the timely production of the CD-ROM proceedings (hard copy will not be printed). Also, please do not change the title of this submission, which has already been assigned a submission number.
Send proceeding materials to ACME 2008 Proceedings Editor:
Edward Chow, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Commerce
Taiwan, ROC
and cc to:
Huei Lee, Ph.D.
Program Chair, ACME 2008
Department of Computer Information Systems
Eastern MichiganUniversity,
Ypsilanti, MI48187