Minutes Bingham PTSA Board Meeting October 7, 2014

Those Present: Pres. Sheri Mattle, Pres. Elect Debbie Kroll, Sec. Amy Janisch, Treas. Connie Chamberlain and board members Dalesse Bowles, Christy Lane, Darci Crossley, Cyndi Thomson, Tom Gatten and Josh Ricks.

Sheri Mattle excused Kristen Pehrson and Chantal Brown from meeting.

Thought: Debbie Kroll

Minutes reviewed/approved for Sept: Dalesse Bowles motioned, Debbie Kroll seconded.

Reviewed Budget: Connie Chamberlain went over budget – stated deposited Zions check for grad night donation of $1000.00 and membership money received from Bingham for teachers.

Administration: Tom Gatten introduced Bingham teacher Josh Ricks who was in attendance – he is interning for admin. Tom advised board of upcoming events happening at Bingham. Josh Ricks advised board that the Student Gov over service is Skye Cowdell.

Election for Nominating Committee for 2015-2016 board: Darci Crossley volunteered. Sheri Mattle will work on this for next month meeting. Need to have a committee in place by Dec. 31, 2014.

Legislative Issues: Sheri Mattle handed out flyer for Meet the Candidates Oct. 23, 2014 @ Elk Ridge Middle school. She also talked about the Advocate Conference Oct. 22, 2014. She will email the information to Amy Janisch to email to board about registering to attend.

Membership: Sheri Mattle received info from Chantal Brown that Bingham teacher memberships have been paid. We have a total of 448 members: 149- students, 201-adults, 98-teachers. Chantal will be scheduling time at Bingham to get the membership cards out to students and adults.

Reflections: Dalesse Bowles stated everything went great. She has sent out an email to the board with the results and handed out a budget to the board members. She requested $200.00 more to be added to her budget for prizes, luncheon. The board discussed alternate ideas and came upt with a $100.00 budget change. Darci Crossley motioned for approval and Cyndi Thomson seconded. The board approved unanimously with 10 members. Dalesse stated the luncheon will be on Oct. 28, 2014.

Student Board/Service Club: Darci Crossley stated they held their elections and she will email Amy Janisch a list to email board members. Student board will be working on Red Ribbon week which will be Oct. 27 – 31, 2014. Cyndi Thomson stated service club held their Foreign Exchange party. She asked Mr. Gatten to let her know if the school needs any projects done that the service club could do.

White Ribbon Week: Sheri Mattle received info that Kristen Pehrson has sent deposit to “Fight the New Drug” for the assembly. Will let board know exact date when she hears back from them.

Hospitality: Christy Lane stated the Parent Teacher Conference dinners are reserved but need help from board to plate and deliver the dinners to the teachers. She stated that she struggled planning because of the budget she was given and advised an increase to $900-1000.00 next year. Christy asked Mr. Gatten where we could setup and he suggested the restaurant room next to cafeteria. The Bingham Administration will also help deliver dinners.

Next Board Meeting – November 4, 2014.