Health, Exercise, and Sport Science 2009-2010



Four undergraduate students from the Department of HESS were awarded Second Place at The Citadel Undergraduate Research Conference held 18-19 March 2010. Shanna M. Couch, Whitney M. Nave, A. Nicholas Perrone and Dominic Snyder were recognized for their project entitled “A study of a 5-repetition leg press max compared to a 1-repetition leg press max in Citadel cadets”. This project was supervised by Dr. Dena Garner.

Two undergraduate students and one graduate student from the Department of HESS were awarded Third Place at The Citadel Undergraduate Research Conference held 18-19 March 2010. Kristine E. Devine, Emily M. Green, and Judith M. Herrin were recognized for their project entitled “Physiological responses during and following a single suspension training workout”. This project was supervised by Dr. Wes Dudgeon.

Dr. John Carter, Emily Green & Kristine Devine Emily Green & Dr. Wes Dudgeon

Two graduating seniors in the Department of HESS were recognized as “Outstanding Majors of the Year” by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). Lauren A. Fleming from Anderson, SC was selected by the HESS faculty as the outstanding major in health and wellness, while Jonathan A. Felix from Fayetteville, NC was selected as the outstanding major in physical education.

Jonathan A. Felix Lauren A. Fleming

The recipient of the 2009-2010 “Keith Hamilton Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Potential for Future Professional Growth” was health and wellness major Lauren A. Fleming from Anderson, SC. The award was presented by Mrs. Jean Hamilton.

Mrs. Jean Hamilton, Lauren A. Fleming and Dr. John Carter

Awards were presented and all HESS graduating seniors were recognized at a picnic held in their honor at the Citadel Boat House on May 6, 2010. HESS faculty and staff, along with the families of graduating seniors enjoyed an afternoon of good food and fellowship.


2010-2011 AY

Student officers who will lead the Health, Exercise, & Sport Science Majors Club for the 2010-2011 academic year were elected by their peers at the April 23, 2010 HESS Majors Club Meeting. The officers are:

  • President - Ali Burns from Pendleton, SC - health & wellness major
  • Vice President - Shanna Couch from Edwardsville, KS - health & wellness major
  • Secretary – Emily Dalton from Cary, IL – health & wellness major
  • Treasurer – Hannah Warne from Sarasota, FL – health & wellness major
  • Senior Rep. – Michael Cardwell from Charleston, SC – health & wellness major
  • Junior Rep. – Angela Foyt from Houston, TX – health & wellness major
  • Ex-officio member – Quintin Turner from Mt. Pleasant, SC – health & wellness major



The Department of Health, Exercise, and Sport Science proudly recognizes seven of their 2010 graduating seniors commissioned in the United States Armed Forces.

  • Sophia M. Bay – United States Navy
  • Tate H. Blenke – United States Marines
  • Ariel L. Bowen – United States Marines
  • Matthew J. Carey – United States Marines
  • Katheryn A. Gatewood – United State Army
  • Robert S. Hart – United States Navy
  • Rachelle M. Ornelas – United States Army


All cadets were invited to attend the 2010 edition of The Citadel Health & Wellness Fair held at the Deas Hall main gymnasium in February.

This year’s event was co-sponsored by The Citadel’s Department of Health, Exercise, & Sport Science, The Citadel Counseling Center, and The Citadel Infirmary. The primary purpose of the Fair is to provide cadets an opportunity to increase their health, physical fitness, and wellness knowledge in order to make better decisions to enable healthier living. In addition to health screenings, approximately 1,000 cadets, along with several faculty and staff members, interacted with and asked questions of health and exercise professionals at 30 different booths, as well as participated in fun competitions for valuable prizes.

Did you know…..

  • HESS has nearly 200 undergraduate majors and 100+ graduate students currently enrolled.
  • Summer 2010 marked the initial offering of the first two courses in our new 15-hour graduate certificate program in sport marketing and sport sales.
  • Deas Hall has approximately 250,000 visitors annually. These users attend undergraduate and graduate classes as well as utilize the facilities for recreational, exercise, and sport participation.
  • Deas Hall swimming pool underwent extensive renovation during summer 2009.
  • HESS has hosted MUSC’s Heart Health program since spring 2010. Physical activity and exercise sessions focus on youngsters 8-18 years of age who have bodyweight imbalances.
  • The Department of HESS & ICRA are proud partners of The Citadel Family Association’s “Citadel Heroes Project”.


Professional Development for PETC Cadets

Row 1 (l-r): B.J. Ramage, Phil Finelli, Neil Brabham

Row 2 (l-r): Shannon Frain, Jonathan Felix, Steven Urgelles, Terry Adams, Michael Ross Collins

On January 15, 2010, eight physical education majors traveled to Columbia, SC to participate in a teacher development workshop presented by Dr. Shirley Holt-Hale, author of a text book used by cadets in lesson and unit planning. This teacher development workshop was designed to help physical education teachers throughout the state improve their programs and teach to the South Carolina Academic Standards for Physical Education. Our cadets participated in many activities along with certified physical education teachers which served to enhance collaboration leading to professional growth and development. Dr. Lori Williams was advisor for this workshop.

Physical Education Majors “Share the Wealth”

One way for future professionals to experience collaboration and professionalism first hand is by attending and presenting at conferences. In January 2010, physical education majors attended the “Share the Wealth Physical Education Conference” in Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Terry Adams at a badminton session B.J. Ramage at a Tinikling session

At the conference, cadets enjoyed attending a variety of sessions and events ranging from badminton fundamentals to Tinikling.

Not only did cadets attend a variety of sessions, several were presenters at the convention. Terry Adams, Phil Finelli, and Steven Urgelles presented Teaching flag rugby: A tactical approach. Attending as well as presenting at professional meetings has provided physical education majors with experiences necessary for successfully meeting future challenges in education. Dr. Lori Williams and Dr. Tim Bott were advisors for this conference.

2010 Southeast American College of Sports Medicine

Five undergraduate Health & Wellness majors attended and four presented posters at the 2010 Southeast American College of Sports Medicine meeting in Greenville, SC in February 2010. Dr. Wes Dudgeon and Dr. Dena Garner were advisors for this conference.

Caloric Expenditure of a Suspension Training Workout. E. Green, W. Dudgeon, J. Herrin, D. Thomas, J. Aartun, K. Devine and T. Scheett..

Emily Green with her poster at 2010 ACSM Conference

Physiological Responses During and Following a Single Suspension Training Workout. K. Devine, T. Scheett, J. Herrin, D. Thomas, J. Aartun, E. Green and W. Dudgeon.

Kristine Devine with her poster at 2010 ACSM Conference

Effects of Time-of-Day on Physical Fitness Test. Barton, L., Campbell, J., Leek, W., Patt, J., Winkler, A.J., Garner, D.

Lee Barton & A.J. Winkler with their poster, along with H&W major Blake Hopkins

at 2010 ACSM Conference


Lori H. Williams, Ph.D.


Williams, L. & Hall, T. (2010, March). Teacher Competency Using Scoring Rubrics to Assess Student Motor Performance. Research poster presentation. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention & Expo, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Hall, T., Rink, J., & Williams, L. (2010, February). Implementing a schoolwide physical activity program. Southern District AAHPERD Convention, Myrtle Beach , SC.

Thomas, P., Bott, T., & Williams, L. (2010, February).Teaching sport through appropriate progressions. Southern District AAHPERD Convention, Myrtle Beach , SC.

Williams, L. & Bott, T. (2010, February). Fit for hire: Preparing teachers for employment. Southern District AAHPERD Convention, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Williams, L, Adams, T., Finelli, P., & Urgelles, S. (2010, January). Teaching flag rugby: A tactical approach. Share the Wealth Physical Education Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.

Williams, L., Bott, T., & Thomas, P. (2009, October). Fit to teach: Achieving NASPE initial PETE standard 2. The Physical Education Teacher Education Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Bott, T. & Williams, L. (2009, October). PE Metrics: Measuring student success. The Physical Education Teacher Education Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.


Rink, H., Hall, T. & Williams L. (2010). Schoolwide physical activity: A comprehensive guide to designing and conducting programs. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Avery, M., Dyson, B., Fisette, Fox, C., Franck, M., Graber, K., Placek, J., Rink, J., Williams, L. & Zhu, W. (2010). PE metrics: Assessing national standards 1-6 in elementary school. Reston, VA: NASPE.

Dena P. Garner, Ph.D.

Scholarly Abstracts and Presentations (Poster and Oral)

Garner, D.P. (June, 2010). Mouthpiece use during exercise: Cortisol discoveries (Oral). Presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting for the Academy of Sports Dentistry Annual Meeting Symposium (Washington, D.C.).

Garner, D.P. (June, 2010). Mouthpiece use during exercise: Understanding the effects of its use on cortisol, lactate and airway openings (Oral). Presented at the 2010 American of Dental Sleep Medicine Conference (San Antonio, TX).

Fleming, C.T. and Garner, D.P. (May 2010). The effects of an eight week dragon boat program and a walking program on body fat percentage in cancer survivors. Presented at the 2010 South Carolina Public Health Association (Myrtle Beach, SC).

Davakos, H. and Garner, D.P. (February, 2010). Dietary habits of Greek high school students. Presented at the 2010 Southern District/South Carolina Alliance for HPERD Convention (Myrtle Beach, SC).

Barton, L. Campbell, J., Leek, W., Patt, J., Winkler, A. and Garner, D.P. (February 2010). The effect of time-of-day on physical fitness test. Presented at the 2010 Southeast Regional Chapter of American College of Sports Medicine (Birmingham, AL).

Scholarly Journal Publications (Peer reviewed)

Garner, D.P., Dudgeon, W.D., and McDivitt, E. (2010). The effects of mouthpiece use on cortisol levels during an intense bout of resistance exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning. In Review.

Garner, D.P. and McDivitt, E. (2009). Effects of mouthpiece use on airways openings and lactate levels in healthy college males. Compendium: A Supplement of Continuing Education in Dentistry, 30(2): 9-13.

Garner, D.P. and Miskimin, J. (2009). Effects of mouthpiece use on auditory and visual reaction time in college males and females. Compendium: A Supplement of Continuing Education in Dentistry, 30(2): 14-17.

Garner, D.P. and McDivitt, E. (2009). The effects of mouthpiece use during endurance exercise on lactate and cortisol levels. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(5): S448.

Wesley D. Dudgeon, Ph.D.


Hand, G.A., Lyerly, G.W., Jaggers, J.R., and W.D. Dudgeon. Impact of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Health of HIV-Infected Persons. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 3: 489-499, 2009

Hand, G.A., Jaggers, J.R., Lyerly, G.W., and W.D. Dudgeon. Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Patients with HIV/AIDS. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports. July; 3(4):288-295, 2009

Dudgeon, W.D., Phillips K.D, Lyerly, G.W., Davis, J.M., Durstine, J.L., Burgess, S.E., and G.A. Hand. Individual Exercise Sessions Alter Circulating Hormones and Cytokines in HIV-Infected Men. Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism. (In Press)


The following poster presentations were given at the 2010 Southeast American College of Sports Medicine meeting in Greenville, SC. The first two presentations listed were given by HESS students Emily Green and Kristine Devine.

*Caloric Expenditure of a Suspension Training Workout. E. Green, W. Dudgeon, J. Herrin, D. Thomas, J. Aartun, K. Devine and T. Scheett..

*Physiological Responses During and Following a Single Suspension Training Workout. K. Devine, T. Scheett, J. Herrin, D. Thomas, J. Aartun, E. Green and W. Dudgeon.

An Evaluation of the TRX Suspension Training System. J. Aartun, M. Ervin, Z. Halewood, R. Hensley, B. Morris, A. Snipe, W. Dudgeon and T. Scheett.

Effects of Combined Aerobic and Resistance Training on Bone Mineral Density in HIV-Infected Men. Gregory A. Hand, Jason R. Jaggers, Kenneth D. Phillips, Wesley D. Dudgeon, Stephanie Burgess and J. Larry Durstine.

The Effects of Static Stretching on Jump Characteristics in Female Collegiate Volleyball Players. R. Golding, W. Frail, A. Gant, K. Gayman, E. Jackson, T. Logothetis, E. Lovelace, W. Dudgeon and T. Scheett.

Changes in Body Composition and Salivary Cortisol Following Combined Aerobic and Resistance Training in HIV-Infected Men. Jason R. Jaggers, Kenneth D. Phillips, Wesley D. Dudgeon, Stephanie Burgess, J. Larry Durstine and Gregory A. Hand.

The following abstracts were presented at the 2010 American College of Sports Medicine Scientific Meeting in Baltimore, MD.

Metabolic Responses During and Following a Suspension Training Workout. W.D. Dudgeon, J. Aartun, J. Herrin, D. Thomas, and T.P. Scheett.

Physiological Markers as a Gauge of Intensity for Suspension Training Exercise., T.P. Scheett, J. Aartun, J. Herrin, D. Thomas, and W.D. Dudgeon.

The following abstracts were presented at the 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association Meeting in Orlando FL.

Effects of Suspension Training on the Growth Hormone Axis. Wesley D. Dudgeon, Johannes D. Aartun, D. David Thomas, Judith Herrin, and Timothy P. Scheett. Department of Health, Exercise & Sport Science, The Citadel, and Department of Health and Human Performance, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.

Anabolic Hormonal Responses to an Acute Bout of Suspension Training. Timothy P. Scheett, Johannes D. Aartun, D. David Thomas, Judith Herrin, and Wesley D. Dudgeon. Department of Health and Human Performance, College of Charleston, and Department of Health, Exercise & Sport Science, The Citadel, Charleston, SC.

Timothy S. Bott, Ph.D.

Served as President for the South Carolina Association for Physical Education and Sport 2009-2010. Actively engaged with political leaders in the state to help understand the need for quality physical education in a state that ranks ninth in nation in terms of obesity rates.

Regional: (Southern District Convention)

Thomas, P., Bott, T., & Williams, L. (February, 2010). Teaching sport through appropriate progressions. Southern District Convention, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Williams, L., & Bott, T. (February, 2010). Fit for hire: preparing teachers for employment. Southern District Convention, Myrtle Beach, SC.

National: (Physical Education Teacher Education Conference)

Williams, L., Bott, T., & Thomas, P. (2009, October). Fit to teach: Achieving NASPE initial PETE standard 2. The Physical Education Teacher Education Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Bott, T. & Williams, L. (2009, October). PE Metrics: Measuring student success. The Physical Education Teacher Education Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.



In May 2010, construction of the Dr. Hank Cross Human Performance Laboratory began. This new lab is located on the first floor of Deas Hall and includes a conference room and a 12-person computer lab. The project will be completed in August 2010, and has been made possible through a very generous gift from Bite Tech, Incorporated, which has supported research in the Department of Health, Exercise, and Sport Science for several years. The Dr. Hank Cross Human Performance Laboratory will be a state-of-the-art, high-technology learning laboratory used for:

  • Continuing research on use of the Bite Tech mouthpiece during exercise as it relates to changes in levels of the stress hormone cortisol, airway openings, lactate levels, and changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide kinetics in various populations such as college-aged, middle-aged, and older populations. This research will help move this beneficial product to market, and also increase the profile of The Citadel as the research center for the product, which is being promoted and marketed by Under Armour and Patterson Dental.
  • Assessing other hormonal and stress markers related to athletes and their performance.
  • Understanding effects of exercise and nutrition on cancer survivors.
  • Conducting a multitude of other research and studies related to human performance and physical fitness including height/weight assessments for on-campus students and others off-campus who want an understanding of their physical fitness levels related to body composition.
  • A center for cooperative research with other universities and The Department of Defense with the goal of improving performance of military personnel.

HESS alumni have been asked to consider sending a monetary gift to the Citadel Foundation for one or more of the equipment needs for the lab. All donors will be invited to the grand opening and dedication of the Dr. Hank Cross Human Performance Laboratory in fall 2010, possibly to coincide with Homecoming November 5-6, 2010. Donors will also be recognized with a plaque in the new lab.