Materials Development Plan: Kramer vs. Kramer, French Toast scene

Author(s): Sujin Choi, Daun Chung, Kookjin Lee, Jinhee Min

Level: Intermediate to lower advanced

Age group: Middle school students

Preparation time: 40 minutes


·  Handout

·  Film clip from Kramer vs. Kramer (“French toast” scene, near the beginning of the film)


·  Pre-viewing, Activity 1:

1)  Students work individually. Ask students to write down 3 things that they always/usually/often/hardly ever/never do in the morning (see handout, “Pre-viewing, Activity 1”)

2)  Pairwork. Ask student to talk with their partners and share their ideas.

·  Pre-viewing, Activity 2:

1)  Show students 10 things they can see in the kitchen (need to create a PowerPoint, with things like refrigerator, stove, cups, coffee grinder, coffee maker, etc.)

·  During-viewing, Activity 1:

1)  Have students fill in their 3X3 grid (see handout, “During Viewing, Activity 1”) while watching the video clip in mute mode. (Note: you may want to create a PowerPoint slideshow that lists many of the words that they see in the clip – e.g., refrigerator, stove, cups, coffee grinder, coffee maker, etc.)

2)  Play “Bingo” with the students’ grids and words from the PPT file.

·  During-viewing, Activity 2:

1)  Have students watch the clip again (with sound this time), and draw lines to match the picture of Mr. Kramer or Billy and the things each does (see handout, “During Viewing, Activity 2”)

2)  Check the answers with the whole class

·  During-viewing, Activity 3:

1) Immediately after the second viewing, have students write the number that matches the order in which Mr. Kramer makes french toast (see handout, “During Viewing, Activity 3”)

2)  Let the students watch the clip one more time to check their answers. (The teacher can push the pause button while they are checking.)

·  Post-viewing, Activity 1:

1)  Ask students to write sentences using “should have p.p.” (e.g., “The father should have cracked the eggs with two hands.”) (see handout, “Post Viewing, Activity 1”)

2)  In small groups, students share their sentences

3)  As a whole class, ask students to share the most interesting sentences from their groups.

·  Post-viewing, Activity 2:

1) Small groups. Ask students to write a letter to Mrs. Kramer from the son’s point of view (see handout, “Post Viewing, Activity 2”). The letters should be done as chain writing (that is, each student takes a turn writing one sentence of the letter, then passes it to the next student in their group)

·  Post-viewing, Activity 3:

1) Individually, ask students to complete the sentence, “If I were Mr. Kramer, I would/wouldn’t ______.”

2) Ask for volunteers to share their ideas to the whole class.

Handout: Kramer vs. Kramer

Pre-viewing, Activity 1

Write three things that you do in the morning, using the words below:

always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never

·  ______

·  ______

·  ______

During viewing, Activity 1

Watch the video and fill in the bingo grid:


During viewing, Activity 2

Draw lines to match who does what:

/ a) wakes up by himself /
b) goes to the bathroom
c) takes some eggs out of the refrigerator
d) drinks orange juice
e) says where the pan is

During viewing, Activity 3

Write the number that tells the order in which Mr. Kramer makes breakfast:

_____ makes coffee

_____ folds the bread in half

_____ pours the stirred eggs into the pan

_____ dips the bread into the mixture of eggs and milk

_____ takes some pieces of eggshell out of the cup

Post-viewing Activity 1

Create your own sentences using “should have + p.p.” (for example, “Mr. Kramer should have cracked the eggs with two hands.”):

·  ______

·  ______

·  ______

Post-viewing Activity 2

If you were Billy, what would you write in a letter to your Mom?

Dear Mom,