Directors of the study: Dr Wolfgang Mann , Dr Robin Thompson, Rachel O’Neill
Research Assistant : Pavundeep Johal
Online Reading Project :
Some of your child’s responses will be video-recorded in the course of this study. We will label all data with identifying numbers rather than names or any other information associated with his/her identity. However, because face information is important in signing, it is not possible to fully conceal your child’s identity. Therefore we will seek your specific consent for the different possible uses of still images or video clips from which your child might be recognised. We will only use your still or video images in those circumstances for which you have explicitly given consent.
Please mark “YES” if you give permission for us to use images or brief clips from your video data for a particular purpose, “NO” if you do not give permission.
Do you give permission for this use?
1. Analysis of your responses by research staff YES NO
All of the following uses are strictly optional and will not affect your
participation in this study. Please feel free to respond “NO” for any
reason. You do not need to provide any explanation.
2. Presentations at academic research conferences YES NO
3. Academic publications reporting the results of these studies,
including journal articles, book chapters, technical reports,
reports to funding bodies YES NO
4. Educational uses in classroom settings to demonstrate
the research methods and/or outcomes YES NO
5. Academic Web pages describing the research methods
and/or methods and/or outcomes YES NO
6. Media reports of the research: a. Print YES NO
b. Television YES NO
c. Internet YES NO
7. Community relations: presentations of the research to
groups/organisations within the Deaf community YES NO
Please note any additional concerns or restrictions on the reverse of this sheet
Name and Surname ………………………………….
Name and Surname of my child....................... Child’s date of birth.......................................
Signature ……………………………… Date ……………………………………
Investigator Contact Details:
Dr Wolfgang Mann Dr. Robin Thompson
University of Roehampton University of Birmingham
School of Education School of Psychology
Froebel College, Roehampton Lane Edgbaston, Birmingham
SW15 5PJ B15 2TT
Telephone: 02083926291 Telephone: 0121 4848689
Please note: if you have a concern about any aspect of your participation or any other queries please raise this with the investigator. You can also contact the Director of Studies. However, if you would like to contact an independent party please contact the Deputy Director of Research.
Deputy Director for Research :
Professor Andrew Stables
School of Education, Froebel College
Roehampton Lane, London, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)20 8392 3865