Name ______Date

Earth’s History in Geologic Time – Review Worksheet

1) Magma that forces its way into rock and hardens is called a(n)

a) Extrusion

b) Unconformity

c) Fault

d) Intrusion

2) A petrified fossil forms when

a) minerals seep into the empty space of a mold.

b) minerals replace all or part of an organism.

c) an organism becomes trapped in amber.

d) the weight of sediment squeezes everything away except carbon.

3) The earliest forms of life appeared during

a) the Paleozoic Era.

b) the Cenozoic Era.

c) Precambrian Time.

d) the Mesozoic Era.

4) On the Geologic Time Scale, eras are divided into

a) epochs.c) periods.

b) indexes.d) relative dates.

5) Fossils provide evidence for all of the following except for:

a) changes in the Earth’s surface

b) how Earth originally formed.

c) how environments on Earth have changed over time.

d) how groups of organisms have changed over time.

6) Which of these was not in the Paleozoic Era?

a) Cenozoic Period

b) Carboniferous Period

c) Silurian Period

d) Cambrian Period

7) Most fossils form when organisms die and are buried in

a) sediment

b) igneous rock

c) ice

d) metamorphic rock

8) The Mesozoic Era is often called the

a) Age of Mammals

b) Age of Fish

c) Age of Reptiles

d) Age of Amphibians

9) Scientists use radioactive dating to

a) determine the absolute ages of rocks.

b) discover the source of index fossils.

c) determine the relative ages of extrusions.

d) find trace fossils in igneous rock.


10) A scientist who studies fossils is called a(n) ______.

11) The process by which all living things have changed over long periods of time is called ______.

12) The ______of a radioactive element is the time it takes for half of the radioactive atoms to decay.

13) The ______is the age of a rock compared to the ages of other rocks.

14) Plants and animals first reached land during the ______Era.

15) An animal with a backbone is called a(n)______.

16) According to the law of superposition, the______layer is at the bottom. Each higher layer is______than the layers below it.

17) The ______is the number of years since the rock has formed.

18) Fossils that are of organisms that were found in many places around the world but only during one specific time period are called ______.

19) ______is a radioactive element that decays into ______and is good for dating bones, teeth, wood and other living things.

20) ______and ______are two elements that decay and are good for dating rocks and things that are millions or billions of years old.

20) Create the chart that was on the board – fill in the missing blanks

______Period ______

______Era Neogene Period – large mammals and birds

______Period ______


______Period ______

______Era______Period large dinosaurs/reptiles

Triassic Period______


______Period - mass extinction


______Period ______

______EraSilurian Period______


______Period first invertebrates


______Time Single celled organisms (bacteria)