Camden Haven Dragon Boats Inc
Low light and night session safety policy
Original document date:26/03/2016
This version:Version 2Version date:04/12/2017
Reviewed: 04/12/2017Next due for review: 04/12/2018
To ensure the safety of members when training in low light or night time.
Camden Haven Dragon Boats Inc. is committed to ensuring the safety of members at all times. In low light and/or night time, it is essential that the boat and members can be seen.
The Committee is responsible for ensuring this procedure is readily accessible by all members and included in the induction of every new Club endorsed coach and sweep.
Sweeps and coaches are responsible for ensuring they adhere to this policy and follow the associated procedure.
When a boat goes on the water for a training session in low light or at night,
- …Maritime rules for lighting on the boat must be followed
- …CHDB Inc. Marine Rescue communication policy must be followed
- …the sweep must wear a PFD and high visibility clothing
- …the coach must wear a PFD and high visibility clothing
- …the coach for the session must sit on the bow of the boat so they can see the sweep and raise the alarm if the sweep goes overboard
- …if there is no coach for the session, a paddler must sit on the bow of the boat so they can see the sweep and raise the alarm if the sweep goes overboard. That paddler must wear a PFD and high visibility clothing
- …as far as is practicable, all paddlers in the boat are to wear reflective or light emitting arm bands
- …the boat must not be taken further upstream than the Dunbogan Bridge and the first red marker buoy downstream beyond the Marine Rescue building
1 of 1CHDBC Low light and night session safety
Version 2Date: 04/12/2017