Holton Road Commercial Renewal Area Grant

Vale of Glamorgan Council

Notes to applicants

  • Answer all questions as fully as possible and delete answers as appropriate.
  • Please ensure all required information listed is included with your application, only complete applications will be considered.
  • Applicants are advised to retain a copy of their completed application form.
  • An electronic version of this form can be obtained by e-mailing

  • Completion of this application form will NOT necessarily result in a offer of grant assistance and the Council will not be liable for any costs incurred as a result of unsuccessful applications
  • Completed applications should be returned to:-
Vale of Glamorgan Council
Development Services
Economic Development Unit
Dock Office
Barry CF63 4RTTel: 01446 704753
Please refer to the applicant guide and indicate which grant you are applying for? (Please Tick)
Commercial Improvement Grant
Town Centre Living Grant
1.1Applicant Contact Details
Address / Telephone
Postcode / E-mail
1.2Do you have a trading name? (Delete) / YESNO
If Yes, what is the trading name of your business?
1.3 What is the status of your business? (Please Tick)
Sole Trader
Limited Company


Other (Please Specify)

1.4Is your business a SME? (Small & Medium Sized Enterprise, i.e. has less than 250 employees) / YES NO
1.5 If your business is a Charity please provide your registration number with the Charity Commission.
1.6If your business is a limited companyplease provide the following:
Date of Registration
Registration Number

1.7Are you in partnership with anyone, YES NO

whether or not in connection with

this grant application?

1.8 Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt, YES NO

entered into a voluntary arrangement with

your creditors (formally or informally) or

been involved in any failed business previously?

1.9Have you ever been convicted of fraud or any YES NO

other offence involving dishonesty?

1.10 Are you sourcing any other public sector YES NO

funding in relation to this proposed project?

1.11Do you currently have any outstanding debts YES NO

with the Vale of Glamorgan Council?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, please provide details. Processing of your application may be delayed as a result of any discrepancies identified between the information provided on the application and any checks undertaken by Vale of Glamorgan Council.

2.1Please provide details of the property for which grant aid is being sought?
2.2 Is the building currently vacant? YES NO
If Yes, how long has the building been vacant and what is the proposed use?
If No, what is the existing use and what is the proposed use?
2.3Are you the freeholder of the building? / YES NO
2.4Is the site leased? / YES NO
If Yes, please provide the following information and attach a copy of the lease agreement together with landowners consent. / Date Lease Commenced
Term Of Lease
2.5 Please provide contact details of the person managing the project e.g. architect.
2.6Please provide a detailed description of the project including what works the grant will be used for?
2.7 When do you anticipate the project will start and finish?
Anticipated Start Date
Anticipated Finish Date
2.8 Are any statutory consents
required for the project? / YES NO
If Yes, please detail below and supply copies of the relevant consents?
If No, please detail below and provide proof that the consents are not required?
2.9 How many buildings will be improved
as part of the project?
2.10 What will the total internal
area of the project be? (sq/m)
2.11 How many new jobs will be created or safeguarded from the project?
Created / Safeguarded
Full Time
Part Time
3.1 Has the business received any type of grant aid from the Vale of Glamorgan Council in the last 5 years? / YES NO
If Yes, please specify:
3.2 Has the business received in the last 3 years, or is in the process of applying for any type of grant aid from another public source? / YES NO
If Yes, please specify:
3.3 Has the business received De Minimus aid in the last 3 years and if so how much was this aid? (Please refer to Section 3.6 of the Standard Terms and Conditions). / YES NO
If yes, please specify:
3.4 If the Vale of Glamorgan Council is unable to fund your project, what will the effect be? (please tick)
The project will be delayed
The project will be reduced in scale
The project will not go ahead
Please give details:
Tender details
3.5 Applicants are required to submit at leastthree separate tenders, based on the same specification, for the proposed works. Please list the names of the firms who were issued with a tender and costs received below. These costs should be supported with copies of itemised quotes.
Tender 1 / Tender 2 / Tender 3
Name of
Tender Price
Please indicate below which tender you propose to accept and justify your preferred choice of tenderer, taking into consideration the terms and conditions of the tender invitation.
3.6Total project costs
Please provide the following costs for the whole project:
Contract Cost
Design/ Supervision
Other (specify below)*
* Other (see above)
3.7 Eligible works
Please provide the following costs for the eligible works under the project (please refer to the applicant guide)
Contract Cost
Design/ supervision
Other (specify below)*
Total Eligible Costs
*other (see above)
3.8Funding Breakdown
Funding Sought*
*Please refer to the applicant guide
Match Funding**
**Total project costs less (subtract) funding sought
3.9 Match Funding Sources
Applicants are required to provide proof of match funding e.g. bank statement, audited accounts, confirmation letter from lender.
1 / 2 / 3
Funding Source
Funding amount
3.10 Have you received, or are you
applying for, financial assistance for works not shown in the tenders
provided, but which are associated
with this project? / YES NO
If Yes, please give full details.
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given on this application form, and in any supporting material, is correct.
By signing this declaration I confirm:
  • That the information I have given is accurate and true;
  • That I understand that if I have made misleading statements or withhold information at any point, my application will be invalid and I will be liable to repay any money that I have received;
  • That I have read, understood and confirm that I will be able to meet the standard Terms and Conditions of the Grant;
  • That I agree for the Vale of Glamorgan Council to contact Council Tax, NNDR, and Company Records in order to undertake an assessment of my financial circumstances;
  • That I agree to the Vale of Glamorgan Council using and sharing my information in the following ways. The Vale of Glamorgan Council will use my information in the administration of the grant, including providing it to third party’s working with the Council in respect of the provision of grants. The Vale of Glamorgan Council may disclose my information: where it is required to do so by law. I understand that I have a right to receive details of certain information held about me by applying to the Vale of Glamorgan Council in writing; and,
  • That I accept that the Vale of Glamorgan Council is subject to access to information legislation which includes the Freedom of Information Act and The Environmental Information Regulations which provides a right to request information held by the Council. It is the Councils decision as to whether information is released and the legislation sets out a number of exemptions from the right. If information is requested the Vale of Glamorgan Council may consult with you on the issue.

I understand that acceptance of this application by the Vale of Glamorgan Council does not in any way signify that the Council has agreed that the project is eligible or will receive grant aid.
I am applying for a grant of
Which represents / %
Of the total cost shown in question 3.6.
I confirm that, from the start of any construction works, the property that is the subject of this application will be insured against all normal risks. I also confirm that this insurance will remain in place for a period of five (5) years from the date that the project is completed.
Prior to submitting the application form please ensure that you have answered ALL the questions and enclosed the following (if applicable)
An A4 size or OS map extract of sufficient scale to clearly identify the exact location of the property concerned / YES NO
A current schedule of condition/ structural survey of the property prepared by a professionally qualified surveyor or architect may be required depending on the nature of the project. Applicants are requested to clarify with the Council whether they fit into this category / YES NO
Annotated drawings showing the existing building and the proposed works together with a detailed specification of the works. These should be prepared by a professionally qualified architect or chartered surveyor or other person approved in advance by the Council / YES NO
Where applicable, copies of all relevant statutory consents, or proof that consents are not required / YES NO
Three itemised tenders which shall be based on the same drawings and specification and which shall be broken down into parts to show the cost of all works. It is important that all tenders should be itemised in a similar manner to enable comparison of prices / YES NO
A Statement showing the proportion of the fees that are attributed to the works and the name and qualifications of any professional consultant employed by the applicant / YES NO
Proof of land ownership or copy of lease together with landowner consent. Please seek further advice from the Council if you hold the original title proofs. / YES NO
Proof of match funding / YES NO
The Standard Terms and Conditions of the Grant have been read and understood / YES NO
Section 3.6 of the Standard Terms and Conditions of the Grant which refers to State Aid have been read and understood / YES NO