Holt Literature & Language Arts: The Renaissance (1485-1660) pages 238-254
R3.7: Evaluate philosophical, political, religious, ethical and social influences of the historical period that shaped the characters, plots and setting.
- What does renaissance mean, and what does it refer to?
- What did people discover in the Renaissance?
- According to the text, what does “renewal of the human spirit” mean? What did this do for people?
- How do we use the term “Renaissance” in today’s world?
- When and where did the renaissance begin? Why?
- List the few “Renaissance” men.
- Since most Europeans were Roman Catholics, the Church was extremely rich and powerful. What did Pope Julius II commission Michelangelo to do?
- What questions drove humanism? Why did individuals seek the answers behind humanism?
What was their goal in seeking the answers?
- Detail the two tasks humanists pursued. Why did they pursue them? In other words, what werer they looking for?
- How did the printing press transform the way information was exchanged during the Renaissance?
- Who invented the printing movable press?
- In your opinion, how did the two humanists: Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More become great friends?
- In the most general sense, what was the Reformation? Why did the English resent the Roman Catholic Church?
- What did the German monk, Martin Luther found?
- Why did the King of England, Henry VII desire a break from the Roman Catholic Church? Explain this in your own words.
- What is the main teaching in Protestantism?
- Why was King Henry VIII both a Renaissance man AND an executioner? Explain in your own words.
- Queen Mary succeeded King Edward after he died of Tuberculosis. What is her relationship to King Henry VIII, and who was her mother? Why was she called Bloody Mary?
- After Queen Mary died, her half sister, Elizabeth was reigned the queen of England. What did she do for England after she became queen?
- Briefly define the Spanish Armada.
- After the defeat of the Spanish Armada, what symbolic meaning did Queen Elizabeth represent to her people? Why did authors dedicate their work to her?
- Briefly detail the decline of the Renaissance.