MBCAP 2003 Staff Summer Agenda / p. 1
Oct. 28Sept. 6Aug. 15, 2004
FROM: Bill Chamberlin
Bold indicates a new thing on the list or something to pay attention to otherwise. Order of names simply indicates who is in charge of the office if no one above them is in.
I. Rachel
- Rachel. Please make sure that I can review neutral statements to go out. Do the neutral statements as your very first priority.
- Please let me know the first day you are back to work. Do we have any Aug or Sept. office birthdays?
- set up Gabriella. But she should not have card swipe yet. She is volunteer only and I want to see how she handles things. Also try not to leave her along for a few weeks.
- Work with Donna on whatever we need to do for finances.
- Please start to work on AEJMC reimbursements. I have a few things at home I need to give you.
- Please make sure student papers from AEJMC get to Craig Lee, Boaz, and Courtney. This gets the list onto college website, college records and publications, and our own website. Also the material I sent you over the weekend.
B.Rachel, in the data base, we have not had arkansas email open records. It was curious because we have everything else. Please see if one was rated, even a null. Use Nissa if you need to in order to find capsule. Then get score and capsule to Kristen. There is neither on the website. Rachel, Dawne said we did this but I have no idea until someone tells me. Please check to see if done. Either me or any student can show you how to find out. If it is missing, then get together with Kristen. Dawn said its done.
- You should have I am going to get you a file marked SPJ. Please help me sort this out. I will need to explain some things. Dawne said she couldn’t figure out the file alone and I didn’t expect her to. I looked through this file and couldn’t make heads or tails of it alone. There may be things in it that are I did show it to Rachel and said there were some expenses in there that may be reimburseable, I said hold on to this and you would get with her. Let’s do this as soon as we can.
- We need to talk about putting up display of diagram.
D.I have done what I need to do to mark the medical leave spots. Please record and work with Cheryl to put on line. Then please show me how to do it on the MyUFL. Please fix up my annual leave as gone the first two days of this week, all of the week before that, and Friday the week before that. Do you need to catch up now on medical leaves? They are all in calendar. Do you need me to go back and copy? I know I need to fix some things up here. We looked for those in the calendar but all the color was gone. I told her if we had time we would go through day by day and get this together. We talked to Cheryl about it, Cheryl said it could be done by you on MyUFL or we could still do it by hand and she would enter them. Let’s talk about this the way we did on Friday about MyUFL.
- organizing our Brechner Reports. Dawne said: I got the last year and a half as you asked and Brian was going to put them in a binder for you. Please follow up. This is another relatively easy task that we need to get behind us.
- Building our shelves. Stay on top of this regularly, Rachel. Contact him maybe twice a week until we get this done. Nicely but persistently. Work on the carpenter this week. I emailed Sean and he said he would be on it. There may be trouble with the color choice for the wood. It may have to be bought raw and stained, he said he was booked solid and staining would be an issue maybe.
- I need to know where the disk is that have my old email that was cleaned off during the summer. Please check with Kristen to see if she has it. Work with me and Arlindo to delete email and copy other email onto disk. See me about deleting and organizing my email. I thought someone, either Arlindo or Zane had looked at this, determined it had to be done off the large server because you had too many to work off of from your computer at the desk. Dawne: I told them you wanted prior to 2002 off on a disk (or two) as a group, then the remaining would be categorized for removal at a later date. I guess that hasn’t happened yet??? Rachel: I need to know where the disk is that has the earlier material.
- Please let us start work on the filing I am giving you.
- Ordering furniture. The shelves comes first. Then the counter/table we were discussing. Then the chairs.
- You need to add to annual report for next year, thesis, for Wes Brewer, “The Secret Lives of Government Documents.” You know where these go now, right? Dawne: These things are saved in a folder for Rachel. Please make sure you know where this is and enter these as you can.
- Good work on cleaning up the office. clean up and make neat the front office. We will continue to work on this. I need to be checked before anything is thrown away. It is certainly first a working office, but it needs to look like a professional office.
- See me about looking for state law materials among our boxes.
- Please go through all resource pages on the website and make sure we have in the office copies of all of the new publications and all of the newsletters. Work with Brian or Kristen? Courtney can explain to you what I mean. See me and Dawne to find our old stuff. but if it has been published in the last two years we don’t have it unless it is on the shelfs in the front part of the office.
- Please talk to me about getting my office desktop at home and home desktop at office.
K.We need to talk about putting up display of diagram.
L.Ordering furniture. We didn’t have money for this that I could see so I never ordered chairs.
See me about looking for state law materials among our boxes.
Please let us start work on the filing I am giving you.
- Please talk to me about Loislaw. I will explain when we talk.
- Mounting the teaching mission statement. I never found my paper at home that matched your award paper. From Rachel: I mentioned to Rachel when I took her over to the Reitz that there was a frame shop there at Reitz and you needed an award reframed. She should look into doing that there as it was easily accessed.
- Arranging for a message service on our bulletin board (see me about this).
O.Please talk to me about getting my office desktop at home and home desktop at office. I believe this may be bigger than me. That’s okay. We can start talking about it first. Now, you could work with Zane to do the office part of both of us, and get specific instructions for how to get the home part.
- See me about putting more names on an award plaque we have, and maybe developing new plaques.
II. Amanda Reid
- Revisit purpose of records, particularly purpose of computer records with Dr. C. I know this wasn’t your category earlier but we have to do some cleanup. Please keep your note on this. Particularly this includes a look at the GIS for Maryland.
- Develop Lexis Eclipse system for the project
III. Josh Azriel (10 hours for spring assistantship) (swipe authority)
- Fees. Let me know if you hear anything from Angela.
- Getting ready for my visit to Public
- I am keeping this here for my purposes right now, Josh. Please go to whatever you can find on Louisiana definition. I don’t think we have anything in office. See if you can order anything in our resources section. Linda Lightfoot is on our board if you need anything. Please see if their access group has web page. See when this portion of law got passed and whether there are any court interpretations. Go to statutes annotated and to Nexis.
IV. Amy Sanders (7 hours) (please get her swipecard authority)
- Please report to me what we need to do for the broad capsules on constitutional meetings courts. Remember we want to do as little as possible while letting people know what is going on.
- Constitutional and Entities on courts.
- Work on some editing of some previously written case law summaries. I will explain.
- Please work up Media General Operation Inc. v. Feeny, 2-21-03, Florida District Court of Appeals. I asked Phil to give you the opinion from Media Law Reporter. Please enter in Current Category table under CAP omni work file. Can I assume you did this?
- Please work up NJ v. AA, U.S. No. 01-17227, cert. Denied by U.S. Supremes 10/7/02. sex offenders’ home addresses. We want to make sure we have NJ law solid given denial of cert. U.S. District Court for the District of NJ involved. Please enter in Current Category table under CAP omni work file. See 7/17/93 entry for email by Sherica. Go to Current Category table under CAP omni working file. Did you do this?
- Sometime this semester finishing off a chart of history of communications Law profs
V. Courtney (10 hours a week) (swipe authority) (OPS)
see website page for all, even now website material.
VI. Brian (10-15 hours a week) (volunteer)
- Please let me know what you and Gaby are doing.
- File magazines and CAP filing material as given to you.
- Set up mailing list of newspapers. Include foi newsletters and new foi organizations.
- We need mentions of the project from the web and law services and news services. He should ask one of the legal scholars how to use Lexis/Nexis. He should search for us on the web and get all of the cites. He should copy all pages he can find in color.
- Work with Dr. C and Courtney to set up NFOIC mailing list
- Please go through all resource pages and make sure we have in the office copies of all of the new publications and all of the newsletters. See me and Dawne to find our old stuff but if it has been published in the last two years we don’t have it unless it is on the shelvs in the front part of the office.
- Work with Courtney and Gaby. Check links of resources pages. Every law now. Other links every four states, starting with the end of the alphabet. Can be checked sooner if you want to as long as someone keeps track of what has been done. See F.
- We need to talk about organizing our Brechner Reports. Tammy took both my office copy and home copy and I haven’t gotten them back. We need to make sure both are completely updated. We still need examples of how the project has been used today or tomorrow. I also appeared on NPR in the last year. See if you can find that query—it may be in last year’s bunch. By May, we will need a list of all of places that have carried stories about us for the last year. We want titles of articles, dates, and publications when possible. For an annual report and our friends list.
- Help Courtney with whatever she needs.
- Help Rachel whenever you can
- Help label things in office. See Dr. C.
VII. Gaby (no office responsibility at this time)
- Work with Rachel, Courtney, and Brian to work on something on Brian’s list.
- Someone please let me know what Gaby is doing.
VIII. Nissa (No office responsibility10 hours a week for fall) (swipe authority)
A. Go back to finishing up one education category by another
B. Checking out overview capsules for education categories
A.Revisit purpose of records, particularly purpose of computer records with Dr. C. I know this wasn’t your category earlier but we have to do some cleanup. Please keep your note on this. Particularly this includes a look at the GIS for Maryland.
Develop Lexis Eclipse system for the project
III. Courtney (10 hours a week) (swipe authority) (OPS)
see website page for all, even now website material.
IV. Seung Eun (No office responsibility) (swipe authority)
A. Need to finish off punishment, appeals, etc.
IV. Josh Azriel (10 hours for spring assistantship) (swipe authority)
A.Getting class materials to printer.
B.Anything else with regards to class.
C.Josh, we still need to do this. Let me know if you have any questions. This actually is a good thing for you to do because of your interest in legal history. Please go to whatever you can find on Louisiana definition. I don’t think we have anything in office. See if you can order anything in our resources section. Linda Lightfoot is on our board if you need anything. Please see if their access group has web page. See when this portion of law got passed and whether there are any court interpretations. Go to statutes annotated and to Nexis. Josh, have you done anything on this? Do you need help getting started?
E.Coordinating with Angela on fees until I get back in the summer. Get her to help you do whatever most needs done. If she can more productively not doing exactly what you are, put her on fees and general and supervise and ask questions.
VIIV. Samantha Powers (no office responsibility) (swipe authority not needed)
- Election capsules and neutral statements
VIII. Wes Brewer (no office responsibility6 hours) (swipe authority) (OPS)
- Finish requests.
VI. Seung Eun (20 hours for spring on fellowship) (swipe authority)
A. Need to finish off category for the summer.
IXVII. Julia (swipe authority) (no office responsibility)
- Please get me as many statements on dissemination as soon as possible.Respond to my editing once I manage to get to it.
- Check Nebraska for Legislature. Julia, let us please wrap these up.
Check to see if cases for Legislature recorded. If so, we need a “most recent” score from statutes, constitutions, or cases. Let me know if you need to know how to calculate courts into that mix. Julia, let us please wrap these up.
X. IV. Brian (10-15 hours a week) (volunteer)
File magazines and CAP filing material as given to you.
A.Set up mailing list of newspapers. Include foi newsletters and new foi organizations.
B.We need mentions of the project from the web and law services and news services. He should ask one of the legal scholars how to use Lexis/Nexis. He should search for us on the web and get all of the cites. He should copy all pages he can find in color.
C.Work with Dr. C and Courtney to set up NFOIC mailing list
D.Please go through all resource pages and make sure we have in the office copies of all of the new publications and all of the newslettersSee me and Dawne to find our old stuff but if it has been published in the last two years we don’t have it unless it is on the shelfs in the front part of the office.
E.We need to talk about organizing our Brechner Reports. Tammy took both my office copy and home copy and I haven’t gotten them back. We need to make sure both are completely updated. We still need examples of how the project has been used today or tomorrow. I also appeared on NPR in the last year. See if you can find that query—it may be in last year’s bunch. By May, we will need a list of all of places that have carried stories about us for the last year. We want titles of articles, dates, and publications when possible. For an annual report and our friends list.
Help Courtney with whatever she needs.
F.Help Dawne whenever you can
Help label things in office. See Dr. C.
Angela (work for credit) (out of townswipe authority)
- Capsules for DPP.
Find copy of electronic fee capsules you’ve done and copies of those I have edited
Revise the capsules that have been edited
- Finish doing the electronic fees capsules that you haven’t done
Samantha Powers (externship credit; work irregular hours) (swipe authority)
Election capsules and neutral statements
VII. Amy Sanders (7 hours) (please get her swipecard authority)
A. Finish making corrections on constitutional meetings. If you can finish more today,
I will respond as soon as I can. Then work with you as a priority to finish off the set
as soon as I get home.(you can get swipecard access by going through Tammy and Arlindo)
A.Please finish up the little odds and ends that I have given back to you, and we will otherwise postpone the rest of the list until you are back on board.
B.I am going to give you another online problem to solve. :) You’ll see it in your box one of these days. It is updating Florida law based on 2000 language. We need to see how the law reads today and maybe talk about the viability of the law.
C.Finish off Virginia request. I know it is on my back for the moment.
D.Sometime this semester finishing off a chart of history of communications Law profs
E.Work on some editing of some previously written case law summaries. I will explain.
Please work up Media General Operation Inc. v. Feeny, 2-21-03, Florida District Court of Appeals. I asked Phil to give you the opinion from Media Law Reporter. Please enter in Current Category table under CAP omni work file.
Please work up NJ v. AA, U.S. No. 01-17227, cert. Denied by U.S. Supremes 10/7/02. sex offenders’ home addresses. We want to make sure we have NJ law solid given denial of cert. U.S. District Court for the District of NJ involved. Please enter in Current Category table under CAP omni work file.
See 7/17/93 entry for email by Sherica. Go to Current Category table under CAP omni working file.