Oak Garden Apartments

2800 Corabel LaneSacramento, CA95821 (916)484-9265

Residential Rental Application

Thank you for printing clearly and completing all of the required information

One application per 18+ year old adult


Applicant’s Full Name Marital Status

Date of BirthSocial Security Number

Driver’s License # Exp. State

Make & Model of Car Year License Plate #

Make & Model of Car Year License Plate #

Number of Pets Type of Pets Waterbed?




Please provide rental history for at least 5 years

Present Address City State Zip

Phone Length of Time at Address Rent/Own?

Complex Name Manager’s Phone #

Reason for Leaving

Former Address City State Zip

Length of Time at Address Rent/Own?

Complex Name Manager’s Phone #

Reason for Leaving

Former Address City State Zip

Length of Time at Address Rent/Own?

Complex Name Manager’s Phone #

Reason for Leaving

Former Address City State Zip

Length of Time at Address Rent/Own?

Complex Name Manager’s Phone #

Reason for Leaving


Check Present StatusEmployed Full Time Part Time Retired

Student Unemployed

Please provide employment information for at least ten years

Employer How Long?

Business Address Phone

Position Supervisor’s Name

Current Monthly Income

Previous Employer How Long?

Business Address Phone

Position Supervisor’s Name

Monthly Income

Previous Employer How Long?

Business Address Phone

Position Supervisor’s Name

Monthly Income

Previous Employer How Long?

Business Address Phone

Position Supervisor’s Name

Monthly Income


Name of Nearest Relative Phone


In Case of Emergency Contact:


Phone Relationship

Please tell us any other information about yourself that might help us evaluate your application

Applicant represents that statements made above are accurate and hereby authorizes verification of references, statements, and employment history made herein, including but not limited to the obtaining of a credit report and agrees to furnish additional credit references on request.

Date Signature

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, color, sex, age, or the physically handicapped.