Type in your information below, RESAVE the document to your desktop(i.e.,PSC_MYNAME.doc), CONVERT it into PDF file, and SEND your application to the Congress Secretariat.
Please Note the Deadline for Submitting Session Proposals is 31 October 2015.
Primary Contact InformationFirst Name / Last Name
Street Address
Postal Code / Telephone
E-Mail / Fax
Application Checklist
Your Proposal should include:
Type of Session (Symposium or Workshop) / Title / Conveners (symposium) or Leaders (workshop)
Justification and description / Time requested / Potential invited speaker(s)
PotentialContributors / Anticipated outcomes of the symposium or workshop
Session Type
Symposium / Workshop
The Congress Secretariat:
The PSC-23 Website:
In order to aid organizers of the Congress in planning and fundraising, the applicant should prepare a 1-page summary including the following elements.
A. Specify Symposium or Workshop TopicPlease select the congress sub-theme for symposium or workshops topicsfrom the following list.
Theme:______(e.g. I, A, 3)
I. Understanding and Addressing Environmental Challenges
- Climate Change and Earth System Sciences
- Climate Trends and Impacts
- Climate Adaptation Measures
- Ecosystem and Social Resilience to Climate Change
- Biogeochemical Processes
- Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
- Human-Biosphere Interaction
- Future Earth
- Ecosystem Change and Resilience
- Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- Coral Reef, Mangrove, Seagrasses
- Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems
- Coastal Zone Management
- Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Invasive Species
- Genomics: Evolutionary, Ecological, and Metagenomics
- Eco-Tourism
- Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security and Urban Agriculture
- Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainability
- Soil and Environment in Sustainable Agriculture
- Allelochemicals in Agroecosystems
- Food Safety
II. Tackling Human and Social Challenges
A. Human Health
- Urban Pollution and Health (including Persistent Pollution and EnvironmentalToxicology)
- Access to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation
- Emerging Infectious Diseases
- Lifestyle- and Non-Communicable Diseases
- Early Disease Detection, Personalized Medicine and Telemedicine
- Drug Development and Alternative Medicine
- Healthy Aging and Long-Term Care
- Prehistory of the Pacific
- Cultural/Linguistic Diversity and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
- Inclusive Development: UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Transnational Migration: Impacts on Host and Sending Societies
- Gender and Social Equity: Female Laborers’ Working Conditions
- The Roles of the Nation-State, Trans-National, and Non-State Actors in aSustainable Future
- Center-Periphery Relations: Metropole Relations with Outlying Areas
- Multiple Developments with Civilian and Community Initiatives
- Land Allocation and Residential Justice in a Sustainable Society
- Challenges of Aging Populations: Old Age Care and Social Policy
- Natural Disaster Risk and Management
- Technological Disaster Risk and Management
- Disaster Forensics and Impact Assessment
- Enhancing Decision-Making of Disaster Risk Reduction through Science andTechnology
- Promoting Public-Private Partnership for Societal Resilience
- Reducing Risk in Urban Areas
- Plans and Implementations of Post-Disaster Recovery
III. Connecting Science and Innovation for a Sustainable 21stCentury
A. Science for Society: Building Green Societies
- Science for Society (e.g. Citizen Science, Science Communication, Science and Media)
- Science Education (e.g. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics); MOOC (Massive Open Online Course))
- Green Economy
- Growing Smart Cities / Sustainable Urbanism
- Green Architecture
- Sustainable Transportation
- Gender and Science
- Big Data: Acquisition and Analytics in the Biological, Ecological and Social Sciences
- Advanced Materials
- Alternative Energy Research
- New Tools for Biodiversity Protection: Remote Sensing, Mapping, and Aerial Monitoring
- Desalination Technology
- Human-Machine Interfaces
- Complexity Science: New Tools for Biological and Social Science
- Biomimetics and Biomechanics
- Green Manufacturing (“Cradle-to-Cradle” Product Design, Production, and Consumption)
- Data Visualization
B. Title
C. Objectives
D.The Names and Contact Information for Committed Conveners (Symposium) or Leaders (Workshop)
Note that it is highly recommended that at least 2 leaders (or a convener and co-convener) be committed for each symposium/workshop, and that they be from different countries. We also encourage cross-disciplinary session ideas, although this is not required.
E. Proposed List of Session Speakers and Potential Paper Titles
F. A One Paragraph Justification and Brief Description of the Symposium or
G. Time Requested
H. Name, Affiliation, and Tentative Title for Each Invited Speaker
I. Anticipated Outcomes
The Congress Secretariat:
The PSC-23 Website: