Request for Proposals
Charter Bus Service Pre-Bid Meeting Q&A
SF Environment’s Student Field Trip Program
Pre-Bid Meeting Q&A
January 20, 2010
- Q: Are all the schools being given your field trips part of the SF Unified School District (SF
USD)? - A: No. Both SFUSD schools, and private San Francisco schools are given field trips through SF Environment. However, the majority of schools given field trips are SFUSD schools.
- Q: The RFP notes that field trip sites may be within a 15-mile radius of San Francisco. Do you plan to offer trips outside of the city limits?
- A: We do not plan to offer trips outside of San Francisco city limits. The 15-mile radius is specified just in case.
- Q: How do you decide between contracting to school buses or private motor coaches?
- A: Submitted proposals that meet the RFP requirements will be scored according to each firm’s experience, proposal outline, 4-hour trip fee, and use of alternative fuel (CNG, liquid natural gas, hybrid electric or electric, and/or biodiesel).
Clarification: See RFP page 7-8 for detailed explanation of scoring criteria.
- Q: Are school buses owned by SFUSD?
- A: No, SFUSD contracts out bus service.
- Q: Does PUC licensing have to be turned in with the bid submission (RFP page 7)?
- A: Yes, contractor is required to provide proof if asked; submit proof of licensing with the proposal.
Clarification: Proof of licensing is not required to be submitted with the proposal, although bidders are welcome to include it. Proof of licensure will be required of contractor upon bid acceptance.
- Q: Are you asking for a “Certificate of Insurance” to be included with the bid submission (RFP page 7)?
- A: Yes.
Clarification: Bidder’s “Certificate of Insurance” is not required to be submitted with the proposal, although bidders are welcome to include it. “Certificate of Insurance” will be required of contractor upon bid acceptance.
- Q: Do HRC forms have to be submitted with the proposal, even if our company is a city approved vendor?
- A: Yes.
Clarification: Bidders, including those that are city-approved vendors, are required to submit the HRC Contract Participation forms, HRC Non-discrimination Affidavit, and HRC Employment form; see RFP Appendix A, and RFP pages 13-14 for submission guidelines. See “Additional Information” below regarding HRC form requirements in RFP Appendix B.
- Q: Should questions be submitted to Rachel Pomerantz?
- A: Yes. Written questions are due by 5:00pm on 1/20/10.
- Q: I believe that the drivers and buses need to be at least SPAB certified. You mentioned only that the drivers needed to be CPR and First Aid certified. Please clarify.
- A: As stated in the RFP, in Section IV under “Special Requirements”, buses and drivers must be SPAB certified, and possess the necessary liability insurance. They must also follow school bus requirements, notably CPR-certified drivers and first aid kits on vehicles.
Additional Information
Field trips may take place from September through June of each year.
In 2010-2011 school year, Conservatory of Flowers will not be a field trip site.
In RFP Appendix B: Bidders do not have to submit any of the forms referenced in RFP Appendix B unless awarded the contract, as these are requirements to be met only if awarded the contract. None of the forms referenced in Appendix B have to be submitted with your proposal.