Questions in Intelligent Robotics for Qualifying Exam.

All slides are available for ECE 478 and ECE 479 in WWW of Marek Perkowski.

Search, Artificial Intelligence and LISP

  1. Depth First Search and applications in robotics
  2. Breadth First Search and applications
  3. A* Algorithm
  4. Dynamic Programming
  5. Search algorithms other than those from points 1-4.
  6. Implementing recursive search in LISP.
  7. Implementing search algorithms in LISP.
  8. Monkey and Banana problem for Stanford robot using predicate calculus
  9. Semantic networks for robotics. Examples.
  10. Predicate calculus, unification and resolution and Prolog in robotics.
  11. General Problem Solver of Newell and Simon, lessons for robotics.


  1. Genetic Programming in LISP. Implementation of operators, especially crossover.
  2. Implementation of an evolutionary program in LISP where the fitness function is evolved.
  3. Simulation in robotics. Simulation in GA and GP.
  4. Examples of Fitness Functions for various robotics applications.


  1. Decision trees and applications – realization in LISP.
  2. Ashenhurst-Curtis decomposition as a based of Constructive Induction for a robot that talks, listens, and acts.
  3. Learning rules – examples.
  4. Use of entropy – decision trees. AC decomposition
  5. Learning by examples.
  6. Neural nets for mobile and humanoid robots.

  1. Decision learning using Greedy DNF minimization in robotics.


  1. Robot in Maze – algorithms to escape from the maze.
  2. Obstacle avoidance algorithms in LISP.
  3. Forward and inverse kinematics of a simple robotic arm.
  4. World of blocks, tower of Hanoi and simple microworlds for robot arm.


  1. Programming Natural Language dialog for robots. Pattern Matching, Alice, Eliza, rule based, etc.
  2. Algorithms for a robot arm. Lisp, search. Rule based. Shortest Path.
  3. Kissmet and emotional robots.
  4. Evolutionary hardware in robotics, especially humanoids.
  5. Movement generation for humanoid robots: walking robots, stationary robots.
  6. Speech recognition, dialog and speech synthesis for robots.
  7. Face recognition and gesture recognition for humanoid robots.


  1. Early vision for robots. Thresholding, histogramming, noise removal.
  2. Edge detection
  3. Thinning algorithms.
  4. Labeling and application in robotics.
  5. Vision for robot soccer.
  6. Hough transform.
  7. Spectral transforms in robotics.
  8. Median Filtering, other filtering in robotics. High-pass and low-pass filters in image processing.
  9. Morphological operations.
  10. Quadtrees and Octtrees.
  11. Edge detection on cellular automata
  12. Shape encoding and shape-based recognition in robotics. Bar codes.
  13. Image segmentation based on thresholding
  14. Hierarchical coding/compression based on quadtrees.
  15. Reed-Muller, Walsh and Fourier Transforms.
  16. Convolution software/hardware for robot vision
  17. Visual feedback and tracking
  18. Neural Nets in Vision.


  1. Drives for robotics.
  2. Sensors for robotics.
  3. Servos for robotics.
  4. Evolutionary robotics. Evolving robot behaviors – examples.
  5. Probabilistic robotics.
  6. Applications of fuzzy logic in robotics. Examples with analysis.
  7. Sonar
  8. Positioning sensors.
  9. Robotic actuators: DC motors, servos, stepper motors, pneumatics. Air Muscles.
  10. Radio and robot communication. Serial port.
  11. Stability of standing and walking. Hexapods versus quadrupeds veesus bipeds
  12. Mapping robots – applications and examples. CMU.
  13. Shaft encoding.
  14. Sensor fusion
  15. Matching lines to models.
  16. Dead Reckoning. Odometry.
  17. Robots for disabled, health care, smart houses, etc.


  1. Definitions of robot
  2. Braitenberg Vehicles and Quantum Braitenberg Vehicles.
  3. Simple vision algorithms for robot soccer and robot theatre, region growing, centroids, moments, color, etc. Architectural aspects.
  4. Sense-Plan-Act versus Subsumption architecture.
  5. Compare mapping, state machine based and subsumption architectures.
  6. Path planning and obstacle avoidance.
  7. Agents and Expert Systems in robotics.
  8. Pattern matching and applications.
  9. Collective robotics, robot societies.
  10. Use of randomness in robotics.
  11. FiniteState Machine control for tasks such as robot soccer. Other architectures for robot soccer. Situated automata from Stanford.
  12. Artificial Intelligence, versus Cognitive Science versus Computational Intelligence versus Intelligent Robotics.
  13. Biologically inspired robotics.
  14. Psychology inspired robotics
  15. Use of ProbabilisticState Machines in robotics.
  16. Configuration spaces in robotics, X and derivative of X. Mapping from spaces to spaces.
  17. FSMs with counters, timers and stacks in robotics.