Plymouth Regional High School
Teacher’s Name- William Gunn
Department- Performing Arts (Music)
Syllabus for 2015-2016
Course Title
/ JAZZ ENSEMBLELength of Course /
1 Year- 1 Credit
Prerequisite(s)- / Entrance by PermissionCourse Description / Jazz Ensemble is a select ensemble open to anyone who has been recommended based on musical ability. This ensemble will develop the skills already being developed in the regular ensembles, as well as explore jazz literature and performance practice. This ensemble will perform the concert music with the other two bands, as well as additional “big band” charts at each concert.
21st Century Learning Expectations
- Students will approach challenges with creativity and innovation
- Student will work collaboratively
Text / Jazz Ensemble Repertoire
Concert Band Repertoire (piano, bass, guitar exempt)
Black Folder (provided)
Pep Band Songs
Units and Topics Covered / Articulation
Tone Quality
Key Signatures and Scales
Listening and describing music performances
Evaluating performances
History and Culture related to literature
Skills / Skills taught in Jazz Ensemble will be proper instrumental technique, basic music theory, as well as working together as an ensemble.
Writing / Students will be required to write in-depth reflections on their individual and group performances in order to make improvements at the end of each quarter
Assessments / Daily grades are based on class participation and effort. Various music theory and performance quizzes will be given throughout the year. Attendance at all concerts is mandatory, and all conflicts should be brought to the teacher far in advance.
At the end of this course, students will be prepared to: /
Become a self-sufficient musician
Academic Expectations
- Students will communicate effectively through writing
- Students will communicate effectively through speaking
- Students will engage in the process of critical thinking and problem solving
- Students will develop and apply information literacy skills
- Students will approach challenges with creativity and innovation
Social Expectations
- Students will work collaboratively
- Students will work independently and responsibly
Civic Expectations
- Students will participate in civic life as informed citizens
Grading Criteria:
(20 %) TestsMidterm/Final Exam
(60%) Performance Assignments Theory and performance quizzes
(10%) ReflectionsWritten reflections
(10%) Participation Refer to “Habits of Work” rubric (Daily Grades)
Class Expectations:
- Attendance: You are expected to be in class on time. If you are late, you must have a pass. Excessive tardiness, either by being too late or by being tardy too often, will result in disciplinary measures as well as a lower grade.
- Behavior: Students are to demonstrate respect for all members of the school community and will demonstrate respect for each other, the teacher, and the music.
- Performances: All performances are available on the Performing Arts Calendar. All concerts and the large group music festival are required. Please bring any conflict to the teacher as soon as possible.
- Dress: Dress: Concert dress will be all black for women, white dress shirt and tie, black pants for men. No jeans or sneakers. Please bring any questions about appropriateness to the teacher as soon as possible.
- Supplies and Materials: Students should bring their instrument, sheet music, black folder, and a pencil to class every day.
- Pep Band: All members of band (excluding piano/bass/guitar) are expected to be involved in pep band. We will meet for all of the home football games as well as several basketball games. Any conflicts should be brought to the teacher ahead of time.
- Extra Help: Extra help is available at anytime throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to see the teacher for an extra lesson or clarification on lectures or assignments. The instructor is available Blue-4 and White-4 and after school by appointment. Scales class is optional and will be from 7:00 am to 7:30 am every Tuesday and Thursday morning for extra credit.
- Practice- You are expected to practice a minimum of 90 minutes per week on band music. Consistent and efficient practice is the only way to improve.