Membership Application Form
Instruction Sheet
The following 5 articles of information must accompany your A.A.C.R.M.Membership Packet:
1. A check for the application fee of $100.00
2. A copy of the IRS final 501c3 determination letter for the organization
3. A complete copy of your current IRS Form 990 stating the annual gross income forthis Alabama organization (not a branch or subsidiary of another organization).
4. A copy of the latest “Annual Report of Services” provided by your organization
5. A cover letter including what your organization hopes to benefit and contribute as a member of AACRM. Please explain your organization’s philosophy of ministry/recovery. Explain any state or federal funding you may receive.
The Board of Directors meets quarterly. The membership process usually takes at least two quarterly meetings, a site inspection, and finally a visit by the applying organization’s Executive Director to a quarterly Membership meeting. Once your organization is granted membership into A.A.C.R.M. you will be billed for annual dues in accordance with the information contained on the IRS Form 990.
The Alabama Association of Christian Recovery Ministries’ membership dues are based on the Applicant’s annual gross income. Not included are funds received for capital campaigns or governmental grants. Income generated through industrial operations for example should be included.
A “Financial Hardship Appeals Process” has been established to consider financial hardship for all applicants filing a written appeal. Appeals for Membership Dues exemption will be considered annually. Hardship cases will be reviewed at the January meeting when the dues are due.
Dues Contribution Policy
DECStatement mailed for A.A.C.R.M annual dues contribution.
JANPayment for dues contribution should have been made.
Hardship appeal letter should be postmarked by this date.
JANDues contribution payment is now delinquent.
FEBA.A.C.R.M. Membership in default.
MARA certified letter will be sent by AACRM to the member in default
P.O. Box 1095
Mobile, AL 36633
Application for Membership
Name of Organization: ______
Street Address: ______Mailing Address: ______
City: ______Alabama Zip: ______
Telephone: ______Fax: ______
Email address: ______
Executive Director’s Name: ______
President, Board of Directors: ______
Date Facility Opened: ______Federal Employer Identification #: ______
Type of Business: ______
Number of businesses currently operating in Alabama? ______Where? ______
State whether Corporation, Partnership or individually owned: ______
RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: By action of the Board of Directors at a regularly called businessmeeting on (date) ______the above named organization authorized this application for membership into theAlabama Association of Christian Recovery Ministries (A.A.C.R.M.), in accordance with the Alabama Rescue Services Association, Inc.Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.
Date Secretary or President of the Board
A.A.C.R.M. Application Fees and Membership Dues provide funds for the administrative and operational cost of maintaining theAssociation and access to the comprehensive A.A.C.R.M. Accreditation Packet. The Application Fee is $100.00. There is a $250 non refundable accreditation fee which is paid prior to accreditation inspection. There is an annual membership fee, based on a sliding gross income scale, not to exceed $1000.