Fifty –Sixth Annual North Carolina Federation
Of Chapters Convention
Cherokee, NC
May 9 -11, 2012
The 56th Annual NC Federation of Chapters Convention was hosted by Smoky Mountain Chapter 1420. Freida M. Terrell, Area I Vice President, was the 2012 Convention Chair.
All business sessions began with door prize drawings conducted by Gwilli G. Gerichek and her committee.
Paul E. Sams, Federation President, called the first business session to order at 6:00 p.m. President Sams welcomed all NARFE members and guest present at the convention.
President Sams stated the Chapter Banners would be presented at the second business session on Thursday morning –May 10, 2012.
Reverend Katherine Crain gave the invocation. The JROTC Cherokee Central School, Cherokee, NC posted the Colors. President Sams led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the USA Flag. The National anthem was rendered by Yona Wade, Director of Cultural Arts Center.
Freida M.Terrell, Area I Vice President, Convention Chair of host Smoky Mountain Chapter 1420 and Master of Ceremonies gave the host chapter welcome to the 56th Federation Convention. She introduced Vice Chief Larry Blythe of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation, who gave the welcome address.
President Sams introduced Daniel D. Wood, Convention and Group Sales Manager of Harrah’s Cherokee Casino and Hotel, who welcomed everyone to Harrah’s hotel.
Vilma Geisert, Executive Vice President, responded to the welcome.
President Sams welcomed the “First Timers” and requested them to stand and be recognized. The First Timers’ NARFE Orientation was hosted by Carolyn London, Public Relations and President Sams from 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
President Sams introduced the head table as follows: Federation Secretary – Gracie W. Couch, Federation Treasurer – Samuel E. Crain, Freida M. Terrell, Convention Chair, Executive Vice President -Vilma Geisert, and Myra C. Shobande, Director, FEP Marketing –Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
President Sams introduced Myra C. Shobande, Director, FED Marketing of Blue Cross/Blue Shied. Myra introduced her committee accompanying her, and thanked the Federation for inviting her and her committee to the convention. Myra welcomed everyone to the Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s reception to start at 7:00 p.m., after the business session.
President Sams introduced the Federation Board: Sam Crain – Federation Treasurer; Gracie W. Couch – Federation Secretary; Vilma Geisert – Executive Vice President; Freida Terrell – Area I Vice President; Sue Hawkins – Area II Vice President; Betty J. Whitten – Area III Vice President; Bennie Saunders – Area IV Vice President; Lloyd Geisert – Area V Vice President; Nancy G. Batchelor – Area VI Vice President; Tom Hobgood – Past President; Bill Martin – Region X Vice President; Sabine Dieringer – Editor; Tom Hobgood – Parliamentarian; Lloyd Geisert – Service Officer; Ron Buffaloe – National/State Legislative Officer; Carolyn London – Public Relations; Margaret “Peggy” Malley – Alzheimer’s Coordinator; Theron Rumsey – Membership Coordinator; Tom Hobgood – NARFE-PAC Coordinator; Charlie Pratt – Web Page Coordinator; Linda Pratt – Assistance; and Richard G. Thissen – National Treasurer.
Gracie W. Couch, Federation Secretary, introduced the Standing Committee as follows:
- Audit Chair Jerry Pifer – Chapter 211
- Ballot & Teller ChairHerbert J. Lieberman – Chapter 211
- Budget & Finance ChairMerrill Jackson – Chapter 192
- Bylaws ChairGene O. Williams – Chapter 1791
- Courtesy ChairSandy Rumsey – Chapter 156
- Credentials ChairThomas Rogers – Chapter 2206
- Legislative Chair Ted Mathis – Chapter 156
- Nominations ChairPhilip Treadway – Chapter 808
- Resolutions ChairRoger Quincoses – Chapter 454
- Rules ChairWalter Mack – Chapter 2108
- Sergeant at Arms ChairFrank T. Quinlan – Chapter 156
Thomas Rogers, Credentials Chair, provided first credentials report, a total of 166 as follows:
- National Officers2
- Past Presidents3
- Federation Officers16
- Delegates106
- Alternates4
- Members30
- Guests5
Thirty six of fifty chapters were present. (report on file)
Walter Mack, Chair of the Rules of Convention, introduced his committee. He stated the convention was in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. He went over the rules for the convention.
A motion was made, passed, and approved to accept the Rules for the entire Convention. Motion was carried. (report on file)
President Sams invited everyone to attend the reception hosted by Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
The first business session adjourned at 6:55 p.m. until 8:15 a.m. on Thursday, May 10, 2012.
Thursday A.M. – May 10:
President Sams called the second business session to order at 8:29 a.m.
James E. Fox, Smoky Mountain 1420, gave the invocation. President Sams led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the USA Flag.
President Sams introduced Josiah Bova, Manager NC Seniors’ Health Insurance Information – SHIIP, who spoke on the following:
- Medicare is forty six years old
- Consumer Service Department
- Medicare part A and B
- Medicare part D
- Social Security
- Shiip offices are located in all one hundred counties of North Carolina
- Senior Health and Benefits
- Visit Shiip on line –
A question and answer session followed his presentation.
President Sams announced a quilt made by late Gail Martin, showing the five states in Region X, would be raffled off at the National Convention. Bill Martin, Region X Vice President, told how Gail had started the quilt before the accident. He stated several ladies finished the quilt.
Thomas Rodgers, Credentials Chair, gave the second report on the credentials, a total of 169 as follows:
- National Officers2
- Past Presidents3
- Federation Officers16
- Delegates111
- Alternates5
- Members2
- Guests30
Thirty seven of fifty chapters were present. (report on file)
Freida M. Terrell, Area I Vice President/ Convention Chair, introduced speaker Charles Smith, Jr., District Supervisor – Social Security Administration based in Franklin, NC. Charles spoke on his responsibilities in the Social Security Association. He started out working for SSA over fifteen years ago as a Claims Representative and he is now an Operations Supervisor.
Charles went over the Social Security benefits and how they affect your life. He also provided an e-mail address atwhich a printout can be requested of your an annual statement on your Social Security account – He emphasized the importance of planning before retirement for future retirement. Charles reviewed a chart showing how Social Security works for retirement years and how payroll taxes are a large part of the money that supports Social Security. Questions and answers followed Charles’ presentation.
President Sams called a recess for all delegates to adjourn to their Area Caucuses to elect Area Vice Presidents for 2012-2013 and discuss other topics of importance. Since Samuel E. Crain, Candidate for Federation President, and Gracie W. Couch, Candidate for Federation Treasurer were running unopposed; they gave their campaign speech as to why they should be elected to the office and requested the support and vote of the delegates They did not attend the Area Caucuses. The following Area Vice Presidents were elected for 2012-2013 year:
Area IFreida M. TerrellArea IIE. Sue Hawkins
Area IIIBetty J. WhittenArea IVDoris Maxwell
Area VTom JenningsArea VINancy G. Batchelor
The second business session adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Thursday P.M. – May 10:
President Sams called the third business session to order at 1:16 p.m.
Freida M. Terrell, Area I Vice President/Convention Chair, introduced Larry S. Hartley, Elder Law Attorney, who spoke about two programs for long term care as follows:
- Long Term Care
- Skilled Care
- How to plan for long term care
- War time Veterans with ninety days of active duty
- WW II Veterans – 1941-1946
- Korean War Veterans – 1950-1955
- Vietnam War Veterans – 1961-1976
- Iran War Veterans – 1990 to present
- Medicare
- Medicaid
President Sams introduced Bill Martin, Region X Vice President. Bill stated he had brought a quilt to the convention, hiswife; Gail Martin had started for Region X with all five states represented in the quilt. She made the quilt for FEEA (Federal Employee Emergency Assistance). Bill stated Gail enjoyed doing things for different organizations as Alzheimer’s. Bill stated this quilt will be raffled off at the National Convention. Bill spoke about the following:
- Membership – current membership – less than 278,000 members
- Retention
- New Members
- E-Chapters – National Chapter with 3000 plus members
- How to join NARFE
- Protecting our benefits
- 1400 Chapters and 54 Federations
- Doing our part in letting Federal employees and Retirees know about NARFE
- OPM records are used by National Headquarters to recruit new members
- Membership Chairs of all our NC Chapters need our help in gaining new members – each of us need to be active in increasing membership
President Sams provided an update about the status of the Bailey Extension; reminding us the Bailey-Emory-Patton settlement started in 1989 and ended in 1999. President Sams reminded everyone that each month we receive seven percent more in our annuity because the State of North Carolina does not tax our annuity. President Sams stated the 4th Branch is successful in getting information out for about $30,000.00 per year.
Bill Martin announced he is running again for Region X Vice President. He stated “I appreciate you electing me your Region X Vice President at the 2010 Grand Rapids Convention”. “I am asking you to please vote for me once again at the 2012 Reno Convention”.
Thomas Rodgers, Credentials Chair, gave the third report on the credentials, a total of 169 as follows:
- National Officers2
- Past Presidents3
- Federation Officers16
- Delegates111
- Alternates5
- Members2
- Guests30
Thirty sevenof fifty chapters were present. (report on file)
A motion was made to accept the 2011 minutes with one correction – Bennie Saunders was the advisor to the Resolutions Committee. The motion was seconded and carried.
Federation Treasurer Sam Crain stated copies of the proposed budget for 2012-2013 were distributed in delegates’ packets. He stated the Budget Committee has approved the 2013 budget; the Federation Board has also approved the 2013 budget. He went over the proposed budget for 2012-2013 for $46,500.00. A motion was made by Robert Bartlett, seconded, and carried to accept the budget as presented. (budget on file)
Philip Treadway, Nominations Chair, presented the Nominating Committee report. The following nominees running for Office of President – Samuel E. Crain;for the Office of Executive Vice President - Bennie Saunders, Bill Cannon, and Carolyn London; for the Office of Secretary – Sarah Gonzales and Ron Buffaloe; and for the Office of Treasurer – Gracie W. Couch. Philip stated a motion, seconded and carried from the Nominating Committee was made to accept this report as presented. Philip presented the nominees for the Area Vice Presidents as follows:
Area IFreida M. TerrellArea II E. Sue Hawkins
Area IIIBetty J. WhittenArea IVDoris Maxwell
Area VTom JenningsArea VINancy G. Batchelor (report on file)
President Sams stated to cross through Bill Cannon’s name off the ballot.
President Sams opened fornominations from the floor for Office of President with no nominations from the floor a motion was made to close the nominations for Office of President, seconded and carried. Samuel E. Crain was elected by acclamation as Federation President.
President Sams opened nominations from the floor for the Office of Executive Vice President. No nominations coming from the floor a motion was made to close the nominations for Office of Executive Vice President, seconded and carried.
President Sams opened nominations from the floor for the Office of Secretary. No nominations coming from the floor a motion was made to close the nomination for Office of Secretary, seconded and carried.
President Sams opened nominations from the floor for the Office of Treasurer. No nominations coming from the floor a motion was made to close the nominations for Office of Treasurer, seconded and carried. Gracie W. Couch was elected by acclamation as Federation Treasurer.
Herbert J. Lieberman, Ballot and Teller Chair, instructed delegates to go to their Area for the election. Herbert asked all other people in the room who were not delegates to leave the room for the election of officers. The Sergeant at Arms gave out the ballots for the election of officers to delegates and Federation Officers.
President Sams introduced Bill Austin as a Past Federation President and National Vice President. He thanked Bill for all the work he has done for NARFE.
Committee Reports:
By Laws – first reading – Gene O. Williams, Chair, introduced his committee and advisor. Gene thanked his committee for their work on the By Laws Committee. Gene read the proposed amendment to NC Federation By Laws –
- Title: To clarify that, like other Executive Board Members, the National Legislative Officer and the State Legislative Officer may succeed themselves and may hold chapter offices.
- By-Laws Article and Section affected: Article IV, Section 9
- State the specific change proposed: Resolved that Article IV, Section 9 be amended to delete the following words in lines 5-6, “except the National Legislative Officer and the State Legislative Officer”.
- Provide a comparison of what is in the bylaws now, with the adjustment proposed and how it will look if adopted:
4a Current By Laws: Appointed officers of the Federation shall be the National Legislative Officer, State Legislative Officer, Membership Coordinator, Editor, Historian, Public Relations Officer, Service Officer, Web Master, and Alzheimer’s Coordinator, all to be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, for a one-year term. These officers may succeed themselves and may hold chapter offices except the National Legislative Officer and the State Legislative Officer who are members of the Executive Board. The appointed officers shall perform the normal tasks and duties of their offices, as direct by the President and Executive Board.
4b. If Adopted: Appointed officers of the Federation shall be the National Legislative Officer, State Legislative Officer, Membership Coordinator, Editor, Historian, Public Relations Officer, Service Officer, Web Master, and Alzheimer’s Coordinator, all to be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, for a one-year term. These Officers may succeed themselves and may hold chapter officers. The appointed officers shall perform the normal tasks and duties of their offices, as directed by the President and Executive Board.
- Reason the change should be adopted (Limit to no more than three paragraphs): To complete the process begun in 2010 when the delegates voted for a by laws change intended to allow all Executive Board members to hold chapter offices. That this section also needed to be changed was apparently not caught then. As a result the existing language appeared to still prohibit two board members from holding chapter offices.
- Estimated Cost: No cost
- Method of proposal: From Chapter 0720 Salisbury, NC to the Federation Convention. (report on file)
Resolutions – Roger N. Quincoses, Chair – Winston-Salem Chapter 0454 – Area III, introduced his committee and advisor. Roger read the resolution as follows – Whereas Paul Sams has served as President of the North Carolina Federation and has provided excellent leadership to further the goals of the Federation. His participation and diligence in the original effort of the enactment of the Bailey/Patton Act has benefited all NC NARFE members. He continues the battle to extend the Bailey/Patton Act to all future retirees. His leadership has also resulted in successful negotiation of fair and reasonable rates for the past 2 conventions which has benefitted all NC NARFE members.
Therefore be it resolved that Mr. Paul Sams be recognized and applauded for his dedication, leadership, and service as President of the North Carolina Federation of Chapters of NARFE.
Whereas the North Carolina Federation is holding a most successful convention and whereas the success of this convention is brought about by the careful planning and effective execution of our host committee, Area I Smoky Mountain Chapter 1420.
Be it resolved that this convention go on record as expressing its sincere appreciation to Smoky Mountain Chapter 1420, Area I, for making this convention a most pleasant and rewarding experience. ( Resolutions on file) A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the first and second Resolutions’ reports.
Audit – Jerry Pifer, Chair, introduced his committee and advisor. He stated the audit Committee’s review, found the records to be in excellent condition; current, neat in appearance, and balanced with various accounts. Jerry stated transactions could be readily traced during the period audited. All questions raised by the committee were readily resolved. The Audit Committeeobserved bank statements were reconciled correctly. Jerry stated the Audit Committee members selected by the President to examine the records were of high quality and eager to fulfill their responsibilities. ( Audit report on file) A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Audit Committee’s report.
Budget and Finance - Merrill Jackson, Chair, introduced his committee and advisor. The Budget and Finance met with Treasurer Sam Crain, who presented the proposed 2012-2013 budget. He explained and answered questions about the budget. Merrill stated the committee voted uniamously to present the proposed budget to the convention. This budget was presented to the Federation Executive Board and approved by the board at the 4th quarter board meeting. (report on file) A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the Budget and Finance report.
A motion was made, seconded and carried to receive the Ballot and Teller Committee report on the elections during the Banquet.
The third business session adjourned until 6:45 p.m. for the banquet.
Thursday P.M. – Banquet:
President Sams open the banquet and welcomed every one to the banquet.
Vilma Geisert, Executive Vice President, presided over the award ceremony.
Marian E. Zang of Durham Chapter 0566 was recipient of the Charles R. Patton “Good Egg” Award. Carolyn London accepted the award for Marian E. Zang. The recipient of the Lyle V. Storch Award was Paul E. Sams.
Lloyd Geisert, Service Officer, presented the 2012 Service Officer Award to Lillian R. Boney –Rocky Mount Chapter 0781. Gracie W. Couch accepted the plaque and letter from National President Joseph A. Beaudoin.