1253 E. Nathaniel Drive, Pleasant Grove UT 84042 PH #801-367-0668 - FX # 801-701-0948
Boat Rental Reservation Sheet
Thisreservationis made on ______, between TK Watersports, City of Pleasant GroveState of Utah, and ______Renter/Renters City of ______, State of ______.
For valuable consideration, the parties agree to the following:
TK Watersports agrees: Rental Service a ______Vehicle/Vessel on ______, 2014to ______, 2014.
To Renter/Renters: ______.
For the price of $______per day or $______per week.
______Days ______week/weeks Subtotal Price:______
Tax(6.8%): ______
Insurance X-Insurance $38.95-65.00 per day premium amount is determined by 2,000 or 3,500 Deductible and boat rented. Your deductible is also your deposit amount.
TOTAL Gas Used:Delivery______+Boat______= ______
OTHER AGREED CHARGES INCLUDE: ______wants delivery and pickup ______
Multipledays Discount: ______
No modification of this Reservation will be effective unless it is in writing and is signed by both parties. This contract binds both parties and any successors and assigns. This document, including any attachments, is the entire agreement between the two parties listed above.
Any Additional Items Needed For Rental:
-Copy of valid Drivers License
- Signature on liability waiver and all other forms and contracts.
-Proof of insurance from Renters agent with signatures from both agent and renter.
Signature of Renter/Renters:
Name: Date:
Name: Date:
TK Watersports REP: ______Date:______
**Renter agrees to return equipment clean (wiped down and free of sand, debris and excess water), undamaged and in rentable condition. If not returned in such condition, miscellaneous charges may be applied**
Miscellaneous Charges:
- Cleaning: pull tubes & water trampolines - $25.00 - $50.00
- 2,000– 3,500deposit on all boat rentals
- Damaged equipment - cost of repair or replacement
- Lost equipment – cost of replacement
- Late return: $20.00/hour up to 2 hours late; after 2 hours price of full day rental will be charged or 50% of lost rental business due to late return; whichever is greater
Customer Information:$300 Reservation Deposit that will apply to the total balance
Address: ______
Phone #s: Home: ______Work: ______Cell:______
Email: .
Card #: ______Exp: ______Code: ______
Circle on of the following - Visa Card, Master Card or Discover
Name as shown on card: ______zip code: ______
Renter: ______Date: ______
Standard Pick-up and Delivery to Lake Powell $700.00 - $350 each way.
Northern Utah Pick Up- 4575 W. Vineyard Road, Lindon Utah (Lindon Marina)
Power Boat Insurance – Options
Insurance X-Insurance 48.95 -65 per day premium amount is determined by $2,000 or 3,500 Deductible Your deductible is also your damage deposit amount.Please indicate insurance option.
Option 1 – 3,500Deductible 55.00 firs day and 48.95 each additional days
Option 2 – 2,000 Deductible 65.00 first day and 55.00 each additional days
Info about Group: ______
Item can be rented separately or in packages:
Large Wake Board
Medium Wake Board
Small Wakeboard
Adult Combo Waterski's
Youth Combo Waterski's
Surf Board
1 Person Tube
2 Person Tube
3 Person Tube
Wakeboard/Ski Rope
Surf Rope
Towable Rope
XL Life Jacket
L Life Jacket
M Life Jacket
Sm Life Jacket
Youth Life Jacket
Fat Sac & Pump