A Student’s Guide to Managing Test Terror & Exam Panic 1

Many students feel anxious about taking tests. Test phobia is common and most students experience it to varying degrees. However, anxiety actually can be helpful in test situations. Anxiety stimulates a person’s adrenaline and produces energy that can improve performance. The trick is to control and use the energy and not to succumb to the terror. How do you do it?

STEP ONE -- Learn what to learn.

Remove your fear of the unknown. Learn as much as possible about what the exam covers. Ask your teacher:

  • for a study guide or exam outline.
  • what materials you should review. --old tests, quizzes, handouts, text.
  • what form the test will take. --essay, short answer, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank.
  • if questions are new or from previous tests and quizzes. Ask if the class may see a previous exam.
  • for assistance with questions or problems you cannot resolve yourself.

Brainstorm potential exam questions with fellow classmates and share notes (See Step Five).

STEP TWO -- Set priorities.

All exams are not equal. Study time is limited; use it wisely. Do not spend an inordinate amount of time studying for an exam if the exam’s grade will not make much difference in the semester grade. Here is a plan:

Calculate your present semester average for each class. If you neglected to keep track of your grades for a class, it is time to ask your teacher for your averages. Then, you can determine what exam score you need to change your grade. Here is how you do the math:

(1) Multiply your current grade average by 4,

(2) add the exam score, (whatever you think you will/may earn)

(3) and divide by 5.

Remember that the exam counts as 20% of your final grade.

Say your class average going into the exam is88 and you earn 100points on your exam, your final grade for the class is 90.4, an “A.” Likewise, if you score 75 on your exam, you will decrease that 88 average to 85.4. Use this information in planning a study calendar reflecting the need to study more for exams that could improve your final grade.

STEP THREE -- Organize study time.

Record the exam schedule on a calendar and devise a study schedule. Block out any days you cannot use. Mark on the calendar how long and what you are going to study each night. Once you begin, use a timer and stick to the schedule. Do not stay up late the night before any exam.

STEP FOUR – Organize study.

You will want to plan what and how to study.

  1. Organize tests, quizzes, and papers in chronological order.
  2. Correct any missed questions on those tests, quizzes and papers.
  3. Black out all but correct answers on multiple-choice tests. Do not read or study wrong choices.
  4. Collect all note cards for vocabulary, identification, short answers and essays.
  • If you do not have note cards, it is time to make them for items you do not remember.
  • Outline probable short answer and essay questions and add them to the note card(s).
  • Study note cards at every opportunity: bathroom and lunch breaks, car/bus rides.

STEP FIVE – Form or join a study group.

This is a very effective and efficient test preparation strategy.

  1. Teach one other. The group can provide: study cards, responses to short answer questions, expanded class notes, and additional insights and understandings. Actively share information and make each person defend and explain answers.

2. Quiz each other.

STEP SIX -- Take the exam.

The following check list provides an organized way to attack any exam:

Bring paper, pencils, pens, eraser, and a watch.

Read and make sure you understand all test directions. Do not hesitate to ask the teacher questions.

Skim read the exam before responding to any test items.

Budget time on exam sections based on point value. For example, if an essay question is worth 25% of the exam, budget 25% of the time allowed. Jot time limits beside the sections. AHS exams are two hours in length.

Build confidence by responding first to questions for which you know the answers. Put a question mark next to those answers that you may be uncertain or wish to recheck. Put a line or another mark next to questions you skip. Watch for answers in other test questions. If you are unsure of a multiple-choice answer, line through obvious incorrect choices, and return to that question later. There are additional hints on how to take specific types of tests on the handouts listed below.

Avoid choosing an answer containing information that you have never heard.

Mark answers on the paper test before you transfer them to a scantron. Politely protest if the teacher does not want you to mark on the paper copy. You may point out that this creates a second record of answers in case something happens to the scantron sheet. Many students prefer to transfer answers after they complete all the questions.

Determine what the short answer and/or essay section(s) on the exam demand. Look for key words in the directions such as: list, explain, analyze, describe. Underline these descriptor(s). Reread the directions. Must you address multiple components? Look for key words such as then, after, also.

If a question has more than one part, number the parts on the question to help ensure that you answer all parts. Check these off as you answer them.

For essays, devote about 1/3 of your budgeted time to pre-writing activities: free writing, clustering, cubing, listing, outlining. This is critical to the quality of your essay.

If an essay asks a specific question, be sure to answer the question in the first paragraph and then follow

with your support. Keep your writing legible and neat. Mark a straight line through what you want to delete.

If you experience a mental block, move to another section. Do not turn in the exam early if you know that even one answer may be incorrect. Sometimes our brains are on time delay. Be patient. The answer may come to you.

L. Savage, AHS Gifted Resources
