Harvard Undergraduate Council

General Meeting: September 25th, 2016



1.  Community Time: HUDS/SLAM (10 min + 5 min Q&A)

2.  Presidential Updates (5 mins)

3.  Treasurer & Secretary Updates

4.  Committee Updates

5.  Legislation:

35F-01: Fall Grants Pack 1

6.  Questions + Comments

President and Vice-President’s Updates

1.  Title IX Module

2.  HSA Deals

3.  Club 1636 at Kong

Secretary Updates

1.  Attendance Policy

2.  Freshman Mandatory Workshop

Treasurer Updates

1.  Please see after the meeting if you need a reimbursement. Make sure you have receipts.

2.  I'll propose a final budget next meeting, if you want to discuss it or have ideas, please reach out. If you want to be friends and grab a meal, please also reach out.

3.  Red Sox are on a 9 game win streak (as of 9/24) and the Pats are 3-0 without Tom Brady :)

Committee Updates

EdCom – Scott Ely, Adams ’18, Chair

Shopping Week Meeting Time: Tuesday, 9 pm, Quincy Stone Hall basement

1.  Come check us out if you are interested in changing educational policy, organizing a town hall to discuss the intersection of sexual assault and the classroom, making new concentrations or classes, working through concerns of first gen students/students from under resourced high schools, and much more.

2.  In a couple weeks, get ready for a dream session in the style of Google. (Come to the meeting to learn more)

FiCom - William Greenlaw, Pfoho ‘17, Chair

Shopping Week Meeting Time: Wed, 7 pm, Memorial Hall basement

Rules Committee - Cameron Khansarinia, Cabot ‘18, Chair

Shopping Week Meeting Time: Wednesday, 8 pm, Adams Dhall

1.  Rules rules

SIC – Maddy Stern, Winthrop ‘18, Chair

Meeting Time: Thursday, 7 pm, Lev Light Seminar Room

1.  Club 1636--dope

2.  Hoco tailgates for HY stay tuned

3.  Want to work on ~fun~ projects like these?

4.  Have ideas like the freshmen enrichment program or Your Mental Health Matters?

5.  Come to the first SIC meeting Thus 7-8 Lev light seminar room...there will be snax

SLC – Berkeley Brown, Lowell ’18, Chair

Meeting Time: Monday, 7pm, Leverett’s Light Court Seminar Room

1.  Everyone come out to our first SLC meeting and get ready to brainstorm!

SRC – Yasmin Sachee, Currier ’18, Chair

Meeting Time: Friday, 4 pm, Quincy House Shinagel Room

Other (Berkeley) Updates:

1.  Congrats to Taylor Marquis and Evan Bonsall, our new Student-Faculty Committee Directors!

2.  If interested in working on the Harvard Undergraduate Council Alumni Network (looking at you freshmen!) please email Berkeley.

3.  Committee Chairs - please send Berkeley a summary of committee projects by Wednesday at midnight for HUCAN newsletter