To be sent via fax. +39 0434 381637 or in pdf format via email-

A.  Company Profile - Description of the company

(All fields are mandatory - The fields in grey are confidential and for internal use only)

Company: / City: / Country:
Street: / Postal Code:
www-Address: / Contact person:
Position in the company: / Telephone: / Fax
General e-mail address: / E-mail contact person:

Year established:

Turnover in million Euro: / Number of employees in the enterprise:
Up to 2 million / 1 – 9
2 to 10 / 10 – 49
10 to 50 / 50 – 249
More than 50 Million / More than 250
Activity Code (NACE Codes if available):
Contact Languages: / English / Others:
Company's current products/activities, particularly with regard to the co-operation request (main products, services, core activities):
Certification/Quality standard:
None ISO9000 ECOAUDIT Other, specify:
Already engaged in Trans-National Co-operation:
Yes No
Percentage of Trans-National Activity (defined as approximate of turnover):
0 to 9% 10 to 49% 50% or more

B. Co-operation Proposal - Description of the co-operation sought

Type of co-operation:

Commercial co-operation

Trade Intermediary (agent, representative, distributor) / offered requested
Franchise / offered requested
Transport/Logistic / offered requested
Joint Venture / offered requested
Merger or exchange of shares / offered requested
Sale / Acquisition of a complete company or a part of it / offered requested
Reciprocal Production / offered requested
Subcontracting / Outsourcing activities / offered requested

Target Countries:

·  The full description must be detailed and reflect all elements of the profile (this means that the full description must contain at least the mandatory elements of the summary (country and sector of activity of the company), and that each type of co-operation selected must be explained in detail .You can add any other additional information that you find interesting. Describe here the advantage(s) offered by your company and why it should be selected by the potential business partners. The description should not include the name of the company)

Full Description (specification of co-operation
Description of the main advantages the company
could offer to a potential partner

C.  Describe the required characteristics of the potential partner

Type of partners: / Company Other (please specify):
Field of activities of the potential partner: / Manufacturing
Trade (buying/selling)
Number of employees of the potential partner: / 1-9
50-249 / 10-49
More than 250
Trans-National Co-operation experiences of the potential partner: / No preference Preferred Required
Expected input/Characteristics of the partner: (Description of what is expected from the co-operation partner)
Except nominative information, the present co-operation profile will feed the Business Co-operation Database (BCD) and will be processed and disseminated by the organisations belonging to the Enterprise Europe Network. / I agree I refuse
Informativa sulla Privacy
D. Lgs 196/2003, art.13
I dati raccolti nel presente modulo saranno trattati con o senza supporti informatici, al fine di trasmettere informazioni ai soggetti potenzialmente destinatari della richiesta di cooperazione in Italia e all’estero tramite la banca dati BCD – Business Cooperation Database. Il conferimento dei dati è facoltativo; il mancato consenso al trattamento degli stessi comporterà peraltro l’impossibilità da parte dell’ufficio di fornire il servizio di ricerca di cooperazione.
Titolare del trattamento dei dati forniti è la Camera di Commercio I.A.A. di Pordenone. Responsabile del trattamento dati è l’Azienda Speciale ConCentro dell’Ente Camerale pordenose nei cui confronti l’azienda interessata potrà far valere i diritti previsti dall’art. 7 del D.Lgs. 196/2003 (modifica, aggiornamento, cancellazione e opposizione all’utilizzo dati) inviando una semplice comunicazione scritta alla Camera di Commercio di Pordenone.
Data ______Firma e timbro ______


Business Co-operation Database