7Th Grade Activities and Assignments for Week of 8/17 8/21

7Th Grade Activities and Assignments for Week of 8/17 8/21

7th Grade Activities and Assignments for Week of 8/17 – 8/21

Assignments due this week:

Share your rough draft with me and two other students either today or sometime tomorrow before class starts. Label your rough draft this way: Research Paper Rough Draft Your Name.

The final draft of your research paper is due on Wed., 8/19. Remember, your final draft needs to be shared with me separately. Label your final draft this way: Research Paper Final Draft Your Name.

You will record your pretest scores and set improvement goals in class on Wednesday, 8/19.

Page 2 of your vocabulary packet, a list of 55 words containing noun suffixes, is due on Thursday, 8/20.

Pages 1-2 of your nouns packet are due on Fri., 8/21.

Daily activities this week:

Monday, 8/17

  1. Work on your research paper in the North computer lab. Share a copy of your rough draft with me and two classmates before class tomorrow. Label your rough draft this way: Research Paper Rough Draft Your Name. Be sure to include everything in the rough draft that you’ll include in the final draft also, including a full heading, a title, and a Works Cited page. Double space your text.
  2. 1st period only: Students will receive a copy of “The Terrible 25.” Avoid using these words in your written work!

Tuesday, 8/18

  1. Take the STAR reading test.
  2. Edit research paper rough drafts.
  3. The final draft of your research paper is due before class starts tomorrow. Share your paper with me on Google Drive and label it this way: Research Paper Final Draft Your Name.

Wednesday, 8/19

  1. Record pretest scores and set a personal goal for improvement.
  2. Reflect on the research process: what went well? With what did you struggle?
  3. What is “close reading”? Do a close read of a short selection and reflect on it in your journal. This will be journal entry #1.
  4. Homework due tomorrow: Page 2 of your vocabulary packet. Make a list of words containing noun suffixes.

Thursday, 8/20

  1. Page 2 of your vocabulary packet is due today; please submit.
  2. Do a close read of another short text chosen by Mr. Wenz and reflect on the selection in your journal. This will be journal entry #2.
  3. Receive a copy of the nouns packet and begin working on tomorrow’s homework assignment, which is to complete pages 1 and 2.

Friday, 8/21

  1. Check answers to pages 1 and 2 of the nouns packet.
  2. Read the story “Duffy’s Jacket” from the text.
  3. If you finish the nouns test before the end of the period, please finish journal entry #3 (questions on “Euripides Doesn’t Shoot the Messenger”) or work on p.5 of the vocabulary packet.

Next week: We’ll begin studying the different types and functions of pronouns; you’ll take a quiz over the first set of Greek/Latin roots; and you will read a poem by Emily Bronte and an excerpt from Gilgamesh, complete a journal entry over these two selections, and turn in journal entries 3 and 4.