

Registration may be done electronically with all appropriate forms submitted no later than 8:00pm on Thursday, August 15, 2013. Electronic registration materials must be submitted to . In person registration will be held Friday, August 16,2013 from 4:30-8:00pm at the Holiday Inn Eastgate located at 4501 Eastgate BlvdCincinnati, OH45245. Teams may register either way, but must be registered prior to game time on Friday, August 16, 2013.

Team must bring the following information:

  1. Coaches must bring travel permits (if outside OSYSA).
  2. Signed emergency medical authorization forms.
  3. Signed tournament release of liability form.Liability Release:
  4. Player cards.
  5. Two copies of approved roster lists
  6. Copy of completed concussion certificates for all carded coaches. You will need at least 2 copies as we are required to retain one copy. See discussion and links below:
  7. Coaches’ concussion verification form and parent acknowledgement form.
  8. Guest player cards and roster if you have guest players.
    Coaches should bring player/coach passes and medical release forms to every game. Coaches must present concussion certificates before each game.
    CONCUSSION AND PARENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (see form above to fill out and complete)

Links below to complete concussion training through NFHS (preferred) or CDC)

In order to protect young athletes, the State of Ohio has passed a concussion law, commonly called the “Return to Play” law. Therefore, all Ohio Tournaments are responsible to monitor and track compliance with the concussion training requirements of the Return to Play law. See O.R.C. 3707.511 (C)(1). Tournaments are required to collect and maintain certificates of compliance from the coaches. ALL coaches MUST complete the Concussion Training Course from either NFHS (preferred) or CDC. Coaches must submit a copy of the completed certificate to the tournament et either Registration or thru Pre Registration. They are also required per Ohio law, to have distributed a copy of the Parent Concussion Information Sheet to the parents of all the players.If these items are not satisfied, those coaches will NOT be able to coach at this event.

Only staff that has been certified are allowed on the player sidelines, and will need to show the certificates prior to game start. (Either certification is accepted -- you do not need both)

***All coaches, whether from Ohio, outside of Ohio, or outside of USA, MUST complete the training.***

Certification can be acquired at the following websites:

NFHS (preferred):


Upon completion of the above concussion training, EACH coach must (1) submit a copy of their individual certificate to the tournament and (2) submit a certificate copy with their registration materials. A separate copy of the certificate(s) need to be with your player cards and brought to each game.

^^^^All parents must receive the Youth Sports Organization Concussion form as either (a) an attachment on an email or (b) physically handed to them. See above forms for the Youth Sports Organization Concussion Form.