Mrs. P. Davis School Year: 2016 - 2017

Course Description

U.S. History is a year-long survey of American history from the age of exploration and discovery to the present. The intent of the course is to provide you, the student, with the skills and factual knowledge necessary to analyze the problems and recurrent issues in American history. Students will also build upon and reinforce prior course material in preparation for the US History Georgia Milestones end of course assessment to be taken in the spring. The Georgia Milestones assessmentserves as the final exam for US History. It counts as 20% of your final grade.

Course Text

Our textbook for this course is The Americans, by Danzer et al.McDougal Littell(2007). The replacement cost is $64.88.


For this class you will need:

3 ring binder


Loose leaf paper (college ruled)

Pens(black or dark blue ONLY)


Please be sure to bring these materials to class every day.


Assessments (Major tests, Essays, Projects)=50%

Daily Work (Class work, Quizzes, Participation Packets)=40%


For Academic Success…

  1. Read the textbook
  2. Ask questions related to the topic being discussed
  3. Participate appropriately and constructively in class activities
  4. Proofread written work and edit in a meaningful way
  5. Review multiple sources of information
  6. Challenge yourself to continuously improve

Academic Honesty

“Coursework submitted by a student must be the student’s own, original work. Students shall not cheat on any assignment by giving or receiving unauthorized assistance, or commit the act of plagiarism. Students who commit such acts are subject to not receiving credit on the assignment in question as well as disciplinary action.” (HCS Student and Parent Handbook p. 30)

Make Up Work

Only students with an excused absence or excused tardy slip will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to get with me to make arrangements for make up work.

Students with an excused absence on the day of a test or quiz must make arrangements with me to take the quiz or test in the BLC or after school. Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero.

REMEMBER: It is your responsibility to find out what you missed in class on the day you were absent.


1.Homeworkshould be in the “Assignments In-basket”BEFORE class starts.

a)Work may be turned in only at the beginning of the class period.

b)Work turned in after class begins will be considered late.

c)You may NOT give assignments to me at any time other than in class.

d)Assignments turned in online are due by 8:10 a.m.

2.You should be in class working on your Bell Ringer assignment by the time the tardy bell rings.

3.At the end of class please remain in your seat until the teacher dismisses you.

Classroom Rules and Policies

1. Respect yourself and others.

2.No eating or drinking in class (No food, drink, water, candy, gum, etc.).

3. Cell phones MUST BE OFF.

4.Only one person talks at a time. If you wish to be heard, raise your hand and wait to be recognized.

5.No personal grooming in class.

6.Get permission before getting up.

7.All school policies regarding behavior and appearance will be enforced. (See the Student Handbook)


Students who persist in violating classroom rules and policies will be subject to the appropriate school and or district level consequences.

***Sign up for text message reminders***

Send a text to 81010 with the message: @dfcd7c

*This syllabus is subject to revision.



Please share this information with your parent or guardian. Have them complete the form below and return it to me. This is to let me know that you and your parent/guardian have read the syllabus for this course. I can be contacted by phone at school (770 515-7510) or directly (678 379-7341). The best way to contact me is by email at .

Parent/Guardian Signature______Cell # ______

Parent/Guardian Email ______

Does the student have Internet access at home[YES NO]?Type of device: ______

Student Name______

Date______CLASS PERIOD ______