Established in 2008, the SGA Study Abroad Scholarship is a tuition waiver fund administered by Northland Pioneer College’s Student Government Association.


The SGA Study Abroad Scholarships are designed to recognize students with a desire to travel abroad while taking courses in a foreign language. SGA wants to support and encourage their continuing education by providing scholarships to those students who have proven their ability to excel in their studies.


  • Student must attend Northland Pioneer College (also includes Dual Enrollment, and NAVIT students).
  • Registered at NPC for a minimum of 6 credit hours for the current or previous semester.
  • Cumulative high school/college/or technical school grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
  • Please do not submit an application if you do not meet the eligibility requirements as your application will not be reviewed.
  • No exceptions to the eligibility requirements are considered. The SGA Study Abroad Fund does not offer scholarships for weekend programs or less than 4-week summersessions, research, or special projects.


Completion of a one page or more essay outlined in the application.


Scholarship Amounts:

  • One $500
  • Two $250, and
  • Two $1,985


All application materials must be postmarked by March 27, 2009:

  • We prefer that all application materials be mailed as one package. If the is mailed under a separate cover, the student is responsible for making sure that we receive it on or before the deadline.
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
  • Awards are for the current academic year only and are paid directly to the Modern Language Studies Abroad program.
  • NPC’s Records & Registration Office will verify enrollment of credit hours for either current or previous semester upon receipt of scholarship application.
  • A scholarship committee reviews applications.
  • Finalists may be invited to participate in a face-to-face or telephone interview.

Early applications are encouraged. Recipients may reapply a total of two times to the scholarship fund.

Awardees will be notified on or before March 31, 2009.

NOTE: Award recipients are required to bring back a few photos for publication in the local newspaper.


Applications should be mailed to:

Northland Pioneer College

District Office- Attn: Jake Hinton

Student Government Association

Application for The SGA Study Abroad Scholarship

P.O. Box 610, Holbrook, 86025-0610


Deadline (post-mark) for this application is March 27, 2009



Mailing Address______


Home Phone Work Phone ______

Cell Phone______

Email address


Permanent Address if different from Mailing Address


Telephone # where you can be reached after 5pm:______

Date of birth______


Future Educational Plan:



Circle One: FR SO OT

Enrollment Status Full-time ______Part-time ______

Area of Study: ______Minor______

Current GPA______

Expected Year of Graduation:______


Please write a one or more page essay for the following statement: I want to study abroad because……

You can describe any community, school, activism, work activities and/or personal

experience(s) of which you are most proud. How do they reflect your reasons for studying abroad? How has your family background affected the way you see the world? Why do you want to get a college education? How does this particular scholarship fit into your plans for the future? Discuss any special personal or family circumstances affecting your need for financial assistance.

DECLARATION (Must be signed for application to be considered)

I declare that the information provided above and attached is both accurate and truthful,and I will refund my scholarship monies if it is not. I give permission for the Northland Pioneer College’ s Records Office to verify my enrollment and cumulative GPA for the purposes of certifying my eligibility for this scholarship.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Deadline (post-mark) for this application is March 27, 2009