Welcome & Announcements order of service on screen
Bill invites announcements; Paul Wilson introduces Malcolm Sinclair
Preparation: MV 220 “Hope Shines as the Solitary Star”
candles on the Table are lit; then MV 220 begins; song repeated several times; fading to a time of silence
Opening Prayer: VU 88 “An Epiphany Prayer” (in unison)invited & led by Eileen
Hymn: VU 89 “From a Distant Home” (rise in body or in spirit)
begins with claves, then cajon; then play through entire song once
Old Testament:Isaiah 60:1-6(read by George, in Malayalam;English on screen)
The Word of God. Thanks be to God.
Psalm 72:VU p. 790 (Janet, in English)
Gospel:Matthew 2:1-12(read by Saya, in Japanese; English on screen)
The Gospel of Christ. Praise to you, O Christ.
Sermon: “Roadmap to That Other Road” Malcolm Sinclair
Silent Reflection
invited from behind the Table by Eileen
Friends, the light of Christ’s epiphany shines on us all,
showing us the way of God’s love in the world.
So let us bear witness to the birth of God’s presence among us.
The peace of Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
signs of peace are exchanged;
music based on MV 111 calls us to back prayer;
prayer leaders gather around the Table;
music pauses.
Prayers of the People & Prayer of Jesus
(by 3 student leaders, around the Table)
1. In our Prayers we will be using the successive verses of hymn # 111 in More Voices as a sung response, so I invite you to turn to it now: # 111. [pause]
As we give thanks for the light of God’s presence among us,
we see with even greater clarity our own need, and those of our world.
And so we bring before God our lamentations and intercessions,
remembering the violence of Empires, and Rachel’s tears:
Sung response(seated): verse 1, MV 111 “A Voice Was Heard in Ramah”
A voice was heard in Ramah that could not be consoled,
as Rachel wept for children she could no longer hold.
For Herod ruled the nation, yet feared the infant King.
How great the devastation that fear and anger bring!
1. God of life and new life,
by the light of your story of love we continue to struggle to make sense of the stories that continue to surround us:
stories of gun violence in our homes, and racial violence in our streets;
stories of those who are homeless, dying in the cold of these winter nights;
stories of indigenous women and children, missing, murdered or abused;
stories of terrorism and death, that feed the stereotypes of conflict and division
between religions and communities of faith and people of peace;
stories that leave parents and families weeping, communities and nations
mourning . . . .
Sung response(seated): verse 2, MV 111
O God, we hear the crying of little ones of yours;
for many still are dying in conflicts and in wars
in every troubled nation, on every violent street,
how great the lamentation when fear and anger meet!
2. God of compassion and healing,
we look to you and your people for signs of wholeness and hope.
We give you thanks for all those who strive to live in the light of your love:
those who try to live more simply, that others may live more fully;
those who make daily choices out of respect for the integrity of creation;
those who live active non-violence in places of perpetual conflict;
those who stand up for human rights, speak out for peace, and shout out for justice. . . .
Sung response(seated): verse 3, MV 111
Whenever one is weeping, the whole world suffers, too.
Yet, Jesus, as we serve them, we’re also serving you.
So may we not ignore them, nor turn our eyes away,
but help us labour for them to bring a better day.
3. God of grace and guidance, we also gather today as people who seek,
through study and service in this place,
to deepen our understanding of your call,
to strengthen our commitment to our communities of faith,
and to inspire our passion for your justice and peace.
Be with us in whatever anxiety or excitement, fears or hope, we may carry,
that,together, we may be shaped by your grace and guidance
to be a community of listening and learning,
compassion and courage,
service and solidarity.
Sung response(seated): verse 4, MV 111
O Prince of Peace, you lead us in ways of truth and grace.
May we be brave to practice your peace in every place
to love each fear-filled nation, to serve each troubled street,
how great the celebration when peace and justice meet!
The Prayer of Jesus The Iona Community
1. We gather these and all our prayers, turning to you, O God, as to a loving Parent, praying together in the spirit of Jesus, with words from the Iona Community:
God in heaven,
your name is to be honoured.
May your new community of hope
be realized on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today the essentials of life.
Release us from our wrongdoing
as we also release those who wrong us.
Do not test us beyond our enduring;
save us from all that is evil.
For you embrace justice, love and peace,
now and to the end of time. Amen.
Hymn: VU 93 “When Heaven’s Bright with Mystery”
Blessing & Sending Forth
by Malcolm
Postlude: instrumental reprise of VU 89 “From a Distant Home”