Southern Clinton County Lutheran Parish
+ FROM REV. KARL RUNSER:You may contact the Pastor at the office (570) 748-7932, at home (570) 725-2032 or email .
+RUMMAGE SALE will be held on Fri., April 21st from 9-4 PM, and Sat. April 22nd from 9-1 PM in the Fellowship Hall at Uni9ted. Baskets will be raffled include: Spaghetti, Movie, Wine, Gardening, and a Children’s basket. Chances are 3 for $1.00 or 20 for $5.00. Lunch and snacks will be offered for purchase by Camp Kids.
+ CONFIRMATION CLASS will be held Sun., April 23rdbeginning at 12:30 PM at United.
+ SUGAR VALLEY LENTEN Services will be held at the following locations beginning at 7:30 PM:
April 13 (Maundy Thursday) – St. John, Booneville
April 14 (Good Friday) – St. John’s UCC, Tylersville
+ JOINT COUNCIL will be held on Thurs., April 27th beginning at 7:00 PM at St. Paul, Mill Hall. Please note the change in date.
+ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Two delegates from each church are needed to attend the 30th Annual Synod Assembly on Fri., June 16th at Sat., June 17th at Susquehanna University. This year’s theme is “Together in Mission: Relating and Reforming.” Guest speakers and musicians from the ELCA’s Global mission Team will be with us, including Sunitha Martha as our ELCA Churchwide representative. Register before April 15th for a $10 discount on registration.
+ SERVICES FOR April will begin at 10:30 AM.
+DARLA SOLETO is the contact person to the parish office for Salona. Please contact her at ith any news & events that need to be in the bulletins and newsletters.
+ A COLLECTION will be taken on the first Sunday of each month to benefit St. Paul’s Food Pantry.
+ SALONA YARD SALE will be held for three (3!!) days again this year… April 27th, 28th and 29th!! Please mark your calendars and grab some bargains!! Hot dogs, hamburgers, and ice cream will be sold also.
+ EASTER LILY ORDERS: Easter lilies are $7.00 per plant this year. Sign-up sheet is available in the Sunday School room. Deadline to order is TODAY.
+ COUNCIL will be held on Mon., April 10th at 6:30 PM.
+SERVICES will be held at 10:30 AM.
+NORMA DORMAN is the contact person to the parish office for St. Paul. Please contact her at ith any news & events that need to be in the bulletins and newsletters.
+ BUILDING FUND envelopes are in the vestibule for donations for sealing and repairing the bricks. Checks are to be made payable to St. Paul’s Lutheran Memorial Fund.
+ PLEASE CHECK THE Sunday School room for information before going to Sanctuary.
+ LENTEN DONATIONS will be given to the Nittany Valley Fellowship.
+ VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: St. Paul needs a Chairperson for its Social Committee The Chairperson coordinates covered-dish meals, usually after worship. Please contact Pastor Runser if you are interested.
+ COUNCILwill be held on Wed., April 19th at 6:00 PM.
+ SERVICES FOR April will be held at St. Paul’s, Loganton beginning at 9:00 AM.
+DENNIS SCHRACK is the contact person to the parish office for St. Paul. Please contact Dennis at ith any news & events that need to be in the bulletins and newsletters.
+JANE ROSSMAN is the contact person to the parish office for St. John. Please contact her at r (570) 725-3772 with any news & events that need to be in the bulletins and newsletters.
+ ST. PAUL’S ROOF FUND envelopes are available in each vestibule.
+ ST. PAUL’S COUNCIL will meet on Tues., April 11th at 7:00 PM. Please note the change in date for this meeting.
+ ST. JOHN’S COUNCIL will meet on Tues., April 11th at 8:00 PM. Please note the change in date for this meeting.
+ SUGAR VALLEY Girl Scouts will be serving the senior lunch on Wed., April 12th at 12:00 Noon at the Albright United Methodist Church, 47 E. Main St., Loganton. The public is invited.
+ ST. JOHN’SATTENDANCE:4/2: 12; Offering: $565
+ SERVICES will be held at 9:00 AM.
+MICHELE LUKEHART is the contact person to the parish office for United. Please contact her at with any news & events that need to be in the bulletins and newsletters.
+ ALL PRAYER CHAIN requests should be directed to Lena Welsh at 748-3787.
+ ALTAR FLOWER OPENINGS: Current openings for Altar flowers include: July 23, August 6 & December 31. If you would like to sponsor the altar flowers on any of these dates, please contact Cindy Rogala.
+ FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! If you have a Facebook account you can look up United Evangelical Lutheran Church easily. Upcoming events and news updates will be posted weekly, along with ELCA, Upper Susquehanna Synod, and Camp Mount Luther information. Please feel free to comment and share posts with others.
+ LENTEN OFFERING: It has been a tradition to collect a special offering during Lent, to move us beyond thinking of ourselves toward thinking of others. Envelopes provided in the Narthex can be used for your donations. All monies collected will be given to Camp Kids. The last day to submit your Lenten Offering is Palm Sunday, TODAY.
+ DONATIONS NEEDED! We are in need of items to fill our baskets that will be raffled off during the Rummage sale in April. Baskets to be raffled include: Spaghetti, Movie, Wine, Gardening and a Children’s basket. All donations can be placed on the tables in the 1st floor hallway until Easter Sunday. A list of items needed can be found there also.
+ DONATIONS NEEDED: The Children and Adult Sunday School will be making up one large and five small Easter baskets to be given to the Clinton County Women’s Center. Donations of wrapped Easter candy, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and hairbrushes would be greatly appreciated. All donations can be dropped off by Palm Sunday, TODAY.
+ SUNDAY SCHOOL will be held on TODAY and Sun., April 23rd.
+ COUNCIL will meet on Tues., April 18th at 6:00 PM.
+ ATTENDANCE:4/2: 44 Adults, 2 Children; Offering: $1061.
Today:Choir Rehearsal, 8:00 AM United
Holy Communion, 9:00 AM United
Rev. Karl Runser
Worship, 9:00 AM St. Paul’s, Loganton
ALWL Vincent Meisinger
Sunday School, 10:15 AM United
Holy Communion, 10:30 AM St. Paul, MH
Rev. Karl Runser
Worship, 10:30 AM Salona
ALWL Vincent Meisinger
Monday:Salona Council, 6:30 PM
Tuesday:St. Paul’s, Loganton Council, 7:00PM
St. John, Booneville,8:00 PM
Thursday:Maundy Thursday Service, 11:30 AM Chapel at United
Maundy Thursday Service, 6:30 PM St. Luke’s, UCC
Maundy Thursday Service, 7:30 PM St. John, Booneville
Friday:Good Friday Service,12:00NoonChapel at United
Stations of the Cross Service, 3:00 PM St. Paul, MH
Tenebrae Service, 7:00 PM United
Next Sunday:Sunrise Service, 6:30 AM Big Rock
Choir Rehearsal, 8:00 AM United
Holy Communion, 9:00 AM United
ALWL Sandy Grier
Holy Communion, 9:00 AM St. Paul’s, Loganton
Rev. Karl Runser
Holy Communion, 10:30 AM St. Paul, MH
ALWL Sandy Grier
Holy Communion, 10:30 AM Salona
Rev. Karl Runser