Advisory Council Meeting 3

South Davidson High School

Advisory Council Meeting

Date: November 15, 2010

Attending: Jonathan Hayes, Principal; Dennis Loflin; Kim Strother; Tim Bean; Bill Sigmon; Judy Heffner

Old Business: As a follow-up to “Building on our Professional Learning Communities” Mr. Hayes distributed copies of the Curriculum Clips form that’s used for classroom observations.

I. Race to the Top (RttT) Update

A. Graduation Rates (4-yr cohort) – must have been above 60% for 2 of the last 3 school years, beginning in 2007-08. State target number is 85% by 2013-14 school years. SDHS – 06/07 (64.6%), 07/08 (68.4%), 08/09 (63.2%), 09/10 (66.1%)

B. College Readiness - % graduates taking SAT (09/10 – 25.62%)

C. College Enrollment -- % graduates who enroll in post-secondary programs (09/10 – 80%)

Each of these items is considered high priority by the state and local systems.

Mr. Hayes explained that RttT is a federal initiative passed on to the state. There are many situations that affect the graduation percentage including freshmen that leave the system. Regarding the percentage of graduates that take the SAT, it was suggested that many students are intimidated by the test. Practice SATs for some students can be prohibitively expensive.

II. ClassScape

Mr. Hayes explained that this was an internet-based program developed at NC State to help EOC teachers assess student progress. There is a lab on campus that’s dedicated to this program. Another tool that’s being used is USA Test Prep which can be done at home.

III. Morning Traffic

Mr. Hayes reported that traffic flow is improving. There are less tardies from car riders. As an incentive the students are getting early dismissal on Friday if they are not late that week. Discussion followed regarding traffic issues and the potential for accidents due to the backup on Hwy 109.

IV. Attendance

Mr. Hayes reported that 23 (out of 96) potential graduates are failing at least one class based on missed days alone. Davidson County School Board policy states that students that miss more than eight days in any class will not receive credit in that class. Students are allowed to make up five excused days in each period meaning that students can miss up to 13 days of school each semester. The opportunity to make up absences began on November 1. Care Team members are discussing the problem and calling parents. A letter from the school will be sent to students reminding them of attendance requirements.

V. United Way

South Davidson High School gave $1,721.04 this year. The campaign was headed up by Carmen Shelton and Raylene Morris.

VI. General Business

Open House will be on Tuesday, November 16 in the gym. Mrs. Paul has coordinated the event including coming up with incentives for students to attend. A free hot dog dinner will be served. SDHS’s Communities in Schools program will be paying for the hot dogs.

VII. Other

Facility Locks:

Mr. Hayes will be discussing this concern with Dr. Rapp, Director of Special Projects for Davidson County Public Schools.

Academic Booster Club:

This issue was discussed at the last Advisory Council meeting after NC State announced tuition will no longer be waived for general education classes offered at colleges. Mr. Hayes will discuss this with our local school administration office. For this school year Davidson County Public Schools has paid the tuition for students that were scheduled to take classes at DCCC.

Landscaping around entrance sign:

Mr. Hayes reported that we now have $100 to use towards this project. Judy Heffner talked to Tom’s Creek Nursery regarding suggested plants. The nursery provided a $300 estimate that including planting. After some discussion we decided to have a community work day to move some plants, plant some shrubbery and mulch the area around the sign. Tim Bean graciously agreed to donate the mulch needed for this project.

Lion’s Club Principal’s Meeting:

Dennis Loflin extended thanks to Mr. Hayes for speaking at a recent Denton Lion’s Club Meeting.

Submitted by: Judy Heffner, Secretary