Windsor Public Library Board Meeting Minutes July 15, 2014
MINUTES OF July 15, 2014
The meeting of the Windsor Public Library Board was called to order by the Chair at 4:50 p.m. on July 15, 2014 in the Board Room, Central Library.
Present:Peter Frise, Chair
Dan Lee
Margaret Payne
Howard Pawley
Councillor Irek Kusmierczyk
Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac
The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 4:50 p.m.
2014/25MOTION by J. Gignac, SECONDED by D. Lee to approve the agenda, moving IT discussion matter, Agenda item 8 to the top of the agenda.CARRIED.
2014/26MOTION by J. Gignac, SECONDED by H. Pawley to approve the in camera minutes of May 29, 2014. CARRIED
- IT Update – Harry Turnbull
Harry Turnbull, Executive Director of Information Technology at the City of Windsor, provided a verbal update to Board members about outstanding IT issues at the library, specifically printing issues. Mr. Turnbull explained there have been many issues regarding computers and printing. At this time all Userful computers have been replaced in all branches. There is an outstanding printing issue because of network-software compatibility, but it is hoped that by mid-August all issues will be resolved and all branches will have the same computer hardware rolled out.
The Board Chair thanked Mr. Turnbull for the update.
- Archives – Michael Fish
Michael Fish presented an overview of the WPL archival holdings. The Archives holds over 1 km of paper records pertaining to our City. There are holdings of 20,000 architectural drawings and thousands of photographs. Mr. Fish informed the Board of the three duties of the Archivist, namely: to appraise, to arrange and order, and to describe the records. Through grants the Archives has digitized a number of its holdings from prints and maps to photos and posters. Each November, Mr. Fish displays the war propaganda posters on the windows of the Archives. The Archives is the depository for Municipal holdings. The Board would like to set up a tour for themselves with Mr. Fish. This will be arranged through administration. Board members wondered if travelling exhibits could be a source of revenue. The Archives is a hidden treasure-trove still to be discovered by Windsorites. Annually, the Archives receives more than 500 visits and around 1500 phone calls.
The Board Chair thanked Mr. Fish for his informative presentation and looks forward to the forth-coming tour. The Board asked that administration reach out to the University of Windsor’s Odette School of Business to investigate any ideas that may be revenue generating using the Archives.
- Customer Comments
The CEO advised the Board that he has had a number of phone calls and emails from customers happy with library staff, namely Rob Eagan and Fiona Bruce, both librarians at Riverside Branch and the staff at Remington Park Library who assisted during the Provincial Election, as the library was an advance polling station. Staff has been commended.
- Donation Letter
The CEO acknowledged a generous donation from an Estate. Administrative staff has been in contact with the lawyer dealing with the Estate and has passed on the library’s thanks and condolences.
The Board Chair thanked all staff for their dedication and professionalism. The Board would like to make sure there is a public recognition possibly through a donation tree/wall/plaque for the generous donation just received.
2014/27MOTION byH. Pawley, SECONDED byD. Lee to approve the minutes of May 29, 2014. CARRIED
- Summer Programming – Lego Robotics
The CEO gave a verbal update about summer programming being performed throughout the library system in July and August. “Eureka” is the theme of the programs and includes a wide gamut of interesting subjects from stories to Lego robotics. The CEO distributed the July/August flyers and the “Eureka” program guides to the Board.
Received for Information.
Chris Woodrow highlighted his written report that was distributed at the start of the meeting. Mr. Woodrow outlined the path the library has taken to meet the anti-spam legislation that was rolled out July 1, 2014.The self-publishing centre continues to be very busy with 320 books published during the last reporting period. The lab is covering expenses. Mr. Pawley was thanked for his participation once again in this year’s Citizenship Ceremony. WPL staff has been participating in community engagement with booths set up at the downtown farmers’ market and Adventure Bay. The staff has experienced great successand will continue to look for opportunities to engage the public at outside venues. The fine revenue is on track and was acknowledged as being welcomed back by customers and staff alike.
2014/28MOTION by J. Gignac, SECONDED by M. Payne to move receipt of the CEO Report. CARRIED
The Board recognized a member of the public who had two concerns to bring forward to the Board. The Board agreed to hear the concerns as number 16 on the agenda.
Mr. Mosimann asked the Board if there was a possibility of having a Great Books Foundation at the library. He would like to see works of classic quality on the shelves, books that would have enduring value. The second concern brought forward was restructuring; Mr. Mosimann would like to see several small ineffective branches closed and a major location developedat Devonshire Mall. He believes this would be cost effective.
The Board Chair thanked Mr. Mosimann for bringing forward his concerns to the Board. The Master Facilities Plan does include a branch at Devonshire Mall. The Board respectfully disagrees that the materials on the shelves at the library are wasteful.
- Circulation Statistics
Received for Information
- Anti-spam Legislation – Chris Woodrow
Mr. Woodrow addressed this item in his CEO Report.
Wednesday,August 20, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.
2014/29MOTION by, SECONDED by to adjourn the meeting at 5:40 p.m. CARRIED