Rally by the Seaside

Sunday 21st – Saturday 27th September, 2014

NEWSLETTER NO. 4 – July, 2014


Hello everyone – it gets ever closer, so another little update for you. If you don’t hear from us between 1st and 11th July, it is because the Secretary and Rally Director are away. I will deal with everything when we come back although we hope to have email access while we are away. Toni

RALLY ENTRY CLOSED – While we would love to have even more entries to the National Meet, we have however reached the limit of what the venue hall can accommodate for our Meals and activities, so we are regretfully closing entries at 150.

REMINDER - Your Order Forms and payments for Meals and Merchandise need to be received by our Secretary by the closing date of 18th July, 2014. They are coming in very nicely at the moment, but we don’t want any of you to miss out on what you would like. Orders for Merchandise will be made the next day, so it is essential that these are in by this date.

Raffle tickets for the tear drop caravan will still be available at the Meet, and we have some wonderful raffles just for Meet participants during the week. Calendars will also be available for sale at the Meet.

VEGETARIAN MAIN MEALS_will be available at the Monday night Welcome Dinner. Please let me know if you want to adjust your Catering Order or put a note on your form that you require one at the Monday night dinner and it will be provided. The cost is the same at $25.00 a head.

PAYMENT - Please check your Merchandise and Catering Order amounts. Return these Order Forms with payment to Toni Mahony, 157 The Strand, Bedford, W.A., 6052, by either Cheque/Money Order (made out to Model A Restorers Club – National Meet 2014), or by email to with bank transfer of funds by the due date to ensure delivery. Please identify yourself on the bank transfer by name or rally number.

BankWest details - BSB 306-988, Account No. 007685-7, Model A Restorers Club - National Meet 2014.

NEWSFLASH!!! Busselton Drive In Theatre – we thought you might like to have a night out at the local drive in theatre, a very short drive from the Meet headquarters. This place is due to close shortly, however it will be open especially for us. If we have sufficient numbers interested in going to see a movie in your Model A (or modern), we will organise this night. We have to make it viable for the owner to open, so we need to know who would be interested. They do have some ‘hook on the side of your car’ speakers as well as those that work through your car radio. Tea would be available at the kiosk, the usual sort of fare for a drive in theatre. A suitable film is being sourced. The cost is unknown at the moment.

To let us know as soon as possible, either email Toni or tear off the last section of page three and send back to her. We must have the numbers to make this a goer!!


Thank you to those who have already forwarded their photos and write up about their car to Rally Secretary,. For those of you who are yet to send in a photo of your Model A entered in the National Meet, would you do so as soon as possible, please? Also, please do a small write up on the Model A’s history and/or your ownership of it to go with the photo. These are being made into a photo book for the rally.


We have planned for you to be out and about each day. Your Rally booklet will have all the Run instructions. There is a balance of half and full day outings.

Our display board with brochures and information will help you make decisions of which Runs to do! There are more Runs than you will be able to fit in the week! On most outings YOU need to decide what you visit and how long to be away!

Basically you come and go at a time that suits you; however there will be some movement restrictions between 8.30 and 9.15 each morning.

More detailed information given at our Sunday Meet and Greet.

Alan Jeffree (Run Coordinator)

GNOMESVILLE – Following the Mandatory Run on Wednesday, 24th September, there will be an option for the return journey to Busselton. This will take you to visit Gnomesville, a rather unique spot in the bush, where you will find hundreds of gnomes. If you wish to bring a gnome from your home town with you to place with all the others, feel free to do so. For further information about this place, check out www.gnomesville.com

UPDATE on Mandatory Run (Wednesday 24th September) day – Lunches will NOT be available at the Mandatory Run venue, so you will need to take your own or maybe adjust your Meals order to order in a boxed lunch for this day. Please let me know if you need lunch made for you in this way. You will still be able to buy coffee and cake type of afternoon tea at the venue, if you wish.

RALLY BAG – These will not include a cooler bag or mugs this year, so if you need to use either for your daily runs, you will need to bring your own.

WINERY BUS TRIPS (As on the Merchandise Form) – for your information, this bus run is not just to a couple of wineries, but will also cover places like the Silk Factory, chocolate and ice cream places, cheese factory and other places of interest, so if you want to book your place for one of these bus trips, please include it on your Merchandise Form. The cost of these is still being assessed but it could be cheaper than mentioned in the Merchandise Form.

Depending on the numbers of people who are interested, this bus trip may run on two days, with the return time to coincide with late afternoon or evening activities.

NAMES OF PASSENGERS – if you are bringing a passenger, be it partner or friend, but did not give me their name on your Entry Form, please let me know so we can create a name badge for them.

FUN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION – In keeping with the theme of Rally by the Seaside, the criteria for this little competition is that the photo shows the majority of a Model A Ford in a seaside setting. These can just be snaps you’ve taken at any time as long as they fit the criteria. We must see the car and we must see the sea. While quality of photo may be important to some, I’d rather see people having fun with their vehicle.

Please write your rally number on the back of the photo, to be placed on the board at the Meet.

ERA CLOTHING – Feel free to wear your 1920-30’s clothing on any or all days, whatever you choose to do. It would be good to see as many as possible in special outfits at the Mandatory Run. The Presentation Dinner requires you to be in your most dashing or in your finest and prettiest. Judging for day wear and evening wear will be held during the week and on Friday evening.

CEVA TRANSPORT & ACCOMMODATION IN PERTH - On the subject of Motels within reasonable access to the CEVA depot, I have identified four Motels along Great Eastern Highway which I think would be ok. CEVA is 12 km from Great Eastern Highway at 1000 Abernethy Rd. This runs off Gt. Eastern Hwy.

The Bel Eyre Motel is 1km east of Belgravia St., which is one street east of Abernethy Rd. The Flag Motel is 1.2 km west of Belgravia St, The Toorak Motor Lodge is 2km west of Belgravia St. Great Eastern Motor Lodge is just another .2 km west. Belgravia Street has lights at its intersection to Great Eastern Highway, so makes for ease of access. The Bel Eyre probably gives the best access to Great Eastern Hwy because of the lights.

Like all Motels , these have open access to the property, but all have parking that is not visible from the main road and therefore are reasonably secure.


For those interested and who may be staying around for a while after the Meet, the Re-enactment of the ANZAC Gallipoli Fleet leaving from Albany will be taking place at the end of October, early November. Ships will be gathering, just as they did 100 years ago, in Albany’s outer harbour and once again leaving port on the 1st November. Accommodation is very hard to get in Albany at this time, however, I have heard that RAC WA may have some options available.

ALL ENQUIRIES AND PAYMENTS – Toni Mahony, 157 The Strand, Bedford, W.A. 6052.

Home - (08) 92717630 – mobile - 0438 290448.



Would you be interested in attending the Drive In Theatre Night?? YES NO