Liebenzeller Mission
Liobastraße 17
75378 Bad Liebenzell
(may be sent by email)
APPLICATION: impact Outreach
Name: / First name(s) 1) / 2)Date of birth: / Place of birth:
Street: / ZIP / City:
Phone: / Cell phone:
Passport number: / Expiry date:
Issue date: / Issuing authority:
Marital status: single in a relationship engaged married divorced
Parents' names / occupation:
Name, age and occupation of siblings (if applicable):
Address of NEXT OF KIN
Street: / ZIP / City:Phone: / Email:
SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE: / PROFESSION: / Trained profession:Career practiced:
Will your employment contract continue during the outreach? yes no
Please give a short description of your educational background (schools, vocational schools, university, etc.):
What are your INCENTIVES for taking part in an outreach trip?
TIME FRAME for this outreach: from to
Preferred kind of impact OUTREACH / preferred OUTREACH COUNTRY / preferred OUTREACH DATES:
What are your PERSONAL EXPECTATIONS regarding the outreach country, the tasks and the time planned for your outreach trip?
FOREIGN LANGUAGE SKILLS (please state proficiency):
English: fluent intermediate basic none
German: fluent intermediate basic none
Spanish: fluent intermediate basic none
French: fluent intermediate basic none
: fluent intermediate basic none
: fluent intermediate basic none
Describe your personal STENGTHS and WEAKNESSES:
Please briefly describe how you became a Christian, your life with Christ and spiritual progression, the people who have influenced you etc.):
What role does JESUS play in your daily life? How do you demonstrate this?
Current HOME CHURCH (name, address)?
Are you ACTIVELY INVOLVED in parish work- if yes, in what capacity?
Please name at least two people whom we may contact to obtain a REFERENCE:
Name / Relationship / Email and telephone1.
(Pastor, leader, …)
(Elder, youth leader, …)
(a good friend or acquaintance …)
The reference form can be downloaded from the internet ( and distributed to the relevant people. Please ask them to send the reference to the impact office.
I have already sent the form to the above-mentioned people. yes no
Are you prepared to be a model Christian throughout your Impact outreach and to abstain from alcohol and nicotine due to the exceptional situation of the mission field?
yes no
During the impact, the most important goals are to serve people, your relation to God and your personal development. Do you agree not to enter into a romantic relationship for the course of your trip?
yes no
Are you prepared to cover the expenses for this outreach, as far as possible? yes no
Do you accept the Liebenzell Mission's Statement of Faith (see appendix)? yes no
How have you become attentive to impact Outreach?
Internet recommendation from former volunteers recommendation from church/family/friends
I agree that the personal data contained in this profile form may be used to process my application and, in the case of a contract, may be stored electronically (subject to the German Data Protection Act). It may also be passed to the assignment location.
,Place, Date / signature
(digital accepted)
AppendixLiebenzell Mission's Statement of Faith
Liebenzell Mission´s Statement of Faith
A.We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Divine Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, equal in nature, power and glory.
B.We believe in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His shed blood as the only atonement for sin, in His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal return in power and glory.
C.We believe in the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin, testifies of Christ, enables the believer to live a victorious life, and guides into all truth.
D.We believe that the whole Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is the Divine authority and infallible rule for faith, life and doctrine.
E.We believe that man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and is in need of regeneration through faith in Jesus Christ.
F.We believe in the resurrection of the body. The believer will arise to eternal life, the unbeliever will arise to eternal condemnation.
G.We believe in the Spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
H.We believe in the commission of the Risen Christ, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19,20).
I.We uphold the truths as stated in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds.