Awards Ceremony – 12th May 2017

Celebrating Excellence in Kent


Before completing this form, please read the accompanying Guidance Notes and Rules of Entry and also note the additional information provided in italics on this form.


Please clearly print in black ink or type the following details. You must ensure that all sections of this form are completed otherwise the nomination cannot be accepted.

Application Form for: (please select one/delete as appropriate)

·  Kent Law Society Junior Lawyer of the Year Award 2017
·  Kent Law Society Outstanding Achievement Award 2017

Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Surname: Forenames:

Known as (If different from above):

Date of Birth:

Name of firm/organisation:


Telephone no:

Position in firm/organisation:

Area of practice:

If applicable:

Current Level of CILEX exams: Date of qualification:

Date of completion of training contract:

Brief summary of seats/training undertaken during training contract: (50 word max)

These Awards are aimed at lawyers whose professional activities over the previous 12 months, whether paid or unpaid, are worthy of special recognition. Particular regard will be paid to notable achievements; innovation and creativity; the highest standards of professionalism; groundbreaking or headlining work/case/project; determination and drive; outstanding dedication and commitment, and significant contributions to the local or legal or wider community. To come within the criteria, contributions must go beyond that which would be expected within a nominee’s regular tasks and duties. The nominations should include an account of what the nominee has done, the purpose and objective of the activity and most importantly the beneficial impact and added value that was thereby achieved.

Please provide answers to each of the following:

1.  In what role(s) or area(s) has the nominee excelled? Describe the contribution made and the objective. (100 words max)

2.  How has the nominee’s contribution impacted on the legal field, a particular practice area, their firm or organisation, a particular client/group of clients, or the community? Why does the nominee deserve special recognition? (100 words max)

Applicants may provide evidence or testimonials from relevant third parties in support of their nomination provided such evidence does not exceed two sides of A4 paper. Additional material will not be considered.

Is any third party material attached? Yes/No (delete as appropriate)

Summary of nomination (50 words max) (for PR/media purposes)

Is the nominee aware of this nomination? Yes/No (delete as appropriate)


To the best of my knowledge all information given in this nomination is true and accurate in each and every particular, and can be substantiated if required.

Name: …………………………………...

Signature: …………………………………...

Date: …………………………………...

Position in firm/organisation: …………………………………………...

Contact tel: …………………………………...

Endorsement of nomination by Partner/Trainee Supervisor/Senior Manager/Employer:

I have read the foregoing proposal and believe it to be true and accurate. I support this nomination for a Kent Law Society Award

Name: …………………………………...

Signature: …………………………………...

Date: …………………………………...

Position in firm/organisation: …………………………………………...

Contact tel: …………………………………...

Please send this form via post or email to:

Roger Cruttenden


Kent Law Society

39 Well Close




TN11 8RQ

or DX 30001 Sevenoaks


Date form received:
Reference number:
Date acknowledged: