Monday, January 11, 20167:00 P.M.Monatiquot Kindergarten Center School
School Committee Present:Cyril Chafe/Thomas Devin/Lisa FiskeHeger/George
Kokoros/Kate Naughton/David Ringius/Mayor Joseph Sullivan
Administration:Superintendent of Schools– Dr. Frank Hackett
Assistant Superintendentof Schools – Ms. Jennifer Fay-Beers Business Manager – Mr. Ed Cronin
Student Representatives:Edmond Bousaleh, Brian McDermott, ErinMcGinn, Sarah
Murphy Recorder:Diane Intravaia
Mr. Ringius called the meetingto order at 7:08 p.m. He welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained Section 8-10of the Braintree Charter requires the School Committee to reorganize to electa Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Recording Secretary in January of each even-numbered year. Mr. Ringius stated hewill turn the meeting over to Town Clerk Mr. James Casey to preside over thereorganization.
Mr. Casey asked for a roll call vote by the Recording Secretary Mr. Devin.
Roll Call:Ayes– 7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
Mr. Casey stated the charter requires the Town Clerk to preside over the reorganization of the School Committee and immediatelyafter aChairpersonis elected, to turn the meeting over to the Chairperson where the Chairperson will thenpreside over the election of the Vice-Chairperson and Recording Secretary.
Prior to a motion being made to open nominations Mr. Ringius asked if he could make a few remarks with regards to his experience serving as School Committee Chairman over the past two year. Mr. Ringius began by welcoming Councilor at large Ms. Shannon Hume to the meeting. He thanked her for her commitment to education and her continuousadvocacy forthe childrenof Braintree.In additionhe thanked Town Clerk James Casey for being present attonight’s meeting.Mr. Ringius reminded the crowd at the last School Committee meeting of 2015 back in December he made a few remarks thanking many of the administrators, staff and School CommitteeMembers which he has worked with over the years. Mr. Ringius noted he has enjoyed his time as Chairman and
glad to have been entrusted with the opportunity to have served.He stated at times the position was difficult and it hashad its challenges and hurdles but he is very proud of the way the School Committee has attempted to address theissues asthey have arisen.Mr. Ringius noted last year stands out with the search fora new Superintendent, snowfall totals of 2015, the filling of various directorships, replacement of a long-standing and beloved Principal Mr. Edward McDonough of South Middle School, in addition to the contentious issue of dealing with the Chemical Health Policy ontop of the normal budgetaryissues and anever increasing space needs issue.Mr. Ringius will forever be thankful to have been the Chairman of the Braintree School Committee.
Mr. Ringius acknowledged throughit all he has always had a supporting crew behind him especially in his personal life. For a few moments, Mr. Ringius thanked those close to him, most importantly his partner and wife Kim.Through all the long hours she has endured with himaway fromtheir family while holding down a full-time job of her own, being a wonderful and caring mother to their two beautiful daughters, managing their home and keeping up with the day today activities of a family.Although Mr. Ringius plans to staya committed member of the School Committee, he looks forward toa reprieve in his time and more time at home with his family. Inaddition, Mr. Ringius thanked his two daughters Ari and Autumn for being the lights of his life and he looks forward to spending more time with them. In addition, Mr. Ringius thanked his parents, his brother Adam, sister-in-lawAshley, his sister Leanne and his niece and nephews AJ, Aubrey and Ace for their support over the years.
Mr. Ringius again thanked past and present Superintendents, Business Managers, Assistant Superintendent, and MayorSullivan.Inaddition, he thanked his fellow committee members. Although they were not always in agreementwith one another they each always had the best interest of the children of Braintreein mind.Mr. Ringius stated as a SchoolCommittee he would like to focus on the present asthe committee needsto push forward and find a way to solve our spacechallenges.Mr.Ringius noted that issue will needa collective commitment among parents, School Committee Members and the Town Council.
On behalf of the Town of Braintree and asamember of the committee, Mayor Sullivan thanked Mr. Ringius for his stewardship anda job well done over the past few years.
Mr. Casey opened the nominations for the Chairperson, Vice Chair and Recording Secretary of the SchoolCommittee. He asked for a roll call vote by the Recording Secretary Mr. Devin.
Roll Call:Ayes– 7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mr. Ringius and seconded byMayor Sullivanto open nominations for School Committee Chair.
Roll Call:Ayes–7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
Mr. Ringius nominated Ms. FiskeHeger for School Committee Chair.The nomination was seconded by MayorSullivan.Ms. Fiske Heger acceptedthe nomination; there were no further nominations.
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mayor Sullivan and secondedby Mr. Devin to close nominations for School Committee Chair.
Roll Call:Ayes–7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to elect Ms.Fiske Hegeras School Committee Chair by unanimous acclamation.
Roll Call:Ayes–7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
Ms. Fiske Heger thanked the School Committee for the opportunity to serve as Chair as well as their support. She stated it is not only an honor butaprivilegetoserve as Chair of the Braintree School Committee.
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mr. Kokoros and seconded by Mr. Devin to open nominations forSchool Committee Vice-Chair.
Roll Call:Ayes–7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
Mr. Kokoros nominated Mr. Devin for School Committee Vice-Chair.Mr. Devin accepted the nomination; there wereno further nominations.
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mayor Sullivan and secondedby Mr. Ringius to close nominations for School Committee Vice-Chair.
Roll Call:Ayes–7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mr. Ringius and seconded byMs. Naughton toelect Mr. Devin as School Committee Vice-Chair by unanimous acclamation.
Roll Call:Ayes–7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mr. Ringius and seconded byMr. Devin to open nominations forSchool Committee Recording Secretary.
Roll Call:Ayes–6
Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/
Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
Abstain – 1
Mr. Chafe
Mr. RingiusnominatedMr. Kokorosfor School Committee Recording Secretary.Mr. Kokoros accepted the nomination; there were no further nominations.
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mayor Sullivan and secondedby Mr. Ringius to close nominations for School Committee Vice-Chair.
Roll Call:AYES– 7
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upona motion by Mr. Ringius and seconded byMr. Devin to elect Mr.Kokoros asSchool Committee Recording Secretary by unanimous acclamation.
Roll Call:AYES– 6
Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/
Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan
Mr. Chafe
A.Consideration of Approval of Minutes: Open Session- December 7, 2015
VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Ms. Naughton and seconded by Mr. Chafe to approve the minutes for the Open Session of December 7, 2015.
Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/ Mayor Sullivan
B.Communications and Commendations:
i.New England Association of Schools Colleges: Accreditation Process Postponement to Fall 2017.
ii.Winter Choral Concerts – East and South Middle Schools
iii.BHS Chorus, Girls Group, Show and Concert Choir & InstrumentalWinter Concerts.
iv.School Newsletters, January 2016;BHS Activity Bulletins; ‘BEAM’ – Dec. 15, 2015
A.Monatiquot Kindergarten Center School (MSKC)2015-2016 School Improvement Plan, Principal Donna Anderson
Principal Anderson thanked the Monatiquot staff members that came out tonight to show their support at the School Committee Meeting. Shewent on to state the faculty and staff of the MSKCwill support the 2015-2016 Braintree Public Schools Objectives through the following Strategic goals:1) Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 2) Parent/Community Involvement 3)Professional Development 4) Technology 5) Special Programs6) Physical Facilities and 7) Funding.
As MSKC strives to optimize student performance, their objectives for 2015-2016 are:
- Improve student performance in literacy as evidenced by improved Dibels Next scores
- Improve student performance in mathematics as evidenced by improved Easy CBM scores
- Align science curriculumto new standards
- Work with the six elementary “home schools” to providea safe and beneficial kindergarten experience for our students
- Promote reading as a natural, pleasurable daily activity at school and at home through development of the monthly reading incentive program
- Analyze, select, implement, and promote fundraising programs inorder to raise money for educational programs, field trips, educationalmaterials and
supplies at MSKC
- To increase family input and communication through scheduled eventsat MSKC
- Demonstrate awareness of our town, nation, and our globe
Principal Anderson noted MSKC opened its doors to two full dayBraintree Public School kindergarten classes in September 2013, sharing the Monatiquot School building with the Meeting House Montessori School.In September 2014, the kindergarten center was expanded to 15 classes in 12 classrooms.During the 2014- 2015 school year approximately fifty percent of the students attended a half-day session and fifty percent of the students attended a full-day session. This year, MSKC boasts 16 classes in 13 classrooms. Of our 283 students,116 students are enrolled in the half-day program. 160 students presently attend the full-day program at MSKC. Also noteworthy is the fact that5 of Braintree’s6 elementary “home schools” now house one full-day kindergarten class each,asthe call for full-day kindergarten in Braintree continues to increase.MSKC is established as a wonderful learning environment for 283 of Braintree’s kindergarten students. Our school is grateful for the support ofour students, their families, our School Committee, the Braintree Public Schools and ourcommunity, as we improveour school on a continual basis.
Mayor Sullivan expressed his appreciation for Principal Anderson’sleadership throughoutthe commencement of MSKC.Mayor Sullivan noted as MSKC grows he believes it is an indication ofPrincipal Anderson’s leadership style of being inviting but also her ability to recognize this is a very important element to the Braintree School’s overall program.Mayor Sullivan went on toexpress additional appreciation to Monatiquot’s administration, staff, custodialstaff, etc. for their hard work and dedication to making MSKC a success. Mr. Ringius echoed Mayor Sullivan’s comments and stated youcan see Principal Anderson’sleadership and dedication through the expansion ofMSKC.He feels as though Braintree now has a true Kindergarten Center where the town can come together as one. He applauded Principal Anderson and her staff for everything they have beenable to accomplish with the opening and ongoing operations of the MSKC.Ms. Fiske Heger agreed with MayorSullivanandMr. Ringius’ comments regarding the continued success of MSKC.
Principal Anderson stated she hasa tremendously caring and supportive staff.The success of MSKC is a teameffort. Each staff member truly knows their student individually.
B.Presentation and First Reading (NO ACTION), Braintree High School Headmaster,
James Lee
a.Proposed Changes to the Braintree High School Homework Policy for 2016-2017 A copy of the Proposed Changes to the Braintree High School (BHS) Homework Policy for 2016-2017 was distributed on December 3, 2015 to the School Committee for review. The topic was presented for any questions at the School Committee Meeting onDecember 7, 2015.
In addition, Mr. Lee came forward at tonight’s meeting and discussedthe rationale behind the proposed changes.He stated the Grading Committee is a standing committee that addresses issues of grading and assessment at BHS. The committee is comprised of over 20 faculty members, representing each core academic area, special education,and administration. Beginning in 2013-2014, the Grading Committee began to assess the appropriateness of the district’s
homework policy relative to student performance at BHS. In 2014-2015, a survey was presented to the faculty soliciting feedback on the existing homework policy. 70% of respondents favored a newpolicythatmore accuratelyreflected the faculty’s use of homework. GradingCommittee members met with each department to garner input and priorities for a new policy. At the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, the gradingcommittee requestedtheproposed policy be presented toSchool Committee for approval.
In addition, he outlined the benefits to the proposed changes.The changes highlight student mastery of material over completion of assigned work. Homework can be used more effectively by teachers, who can tailor its use towards individual students. It allows for NOTassigning homework, as the expectationnow is that some homework will be assigned eachnight.The proposed changes reduce mathematical importance of homework therefore allowingteachers to grade student performance more on quizzes, projects, tests, presentations and other forms of assessment. Dependent upon homework assignment, allows teachers to spendless time reviewing homework and more time on instruction. It slowly reduces the mathematical significance over the four years of high school and better prepares students for the college experience. The proposed policy provides flexibilityto modify the emphasis ofhomework by grade and by level.
Mr. Kokoros offered his comments in that he likesthe directionof the policy but he wanted to remind everyone at the college level there is still homework and in many cases the homework does factorinto the overall grade received. In
addition, the ability to complete homework in a timely manner is a necessary skill to keep up with the pace of the college course at times.
Mr. Ringius spoke of those students that are engaged on an everyday basis but unfortunately don’t test well and he has always believed it isimportant to afford those students the ability to offset their (test) grade by completing their homework on a regular basis. Mr. Lee responded by stating not only is BHS but the district
as a whole (at every level) continues to look at different ways to assess students performance, i.e. portfolio work, projects, presentations to ensure the assessment is not based too much on test/quizzes.
Mayor Sullivan confirmed the implementation date of the new Homework Policy would be September of 2016. In addition, he noted other schooldistricts which provide a holiday to homework over school vacation weeks.Mayor Sullivan feels that is refreshing not only for the student but also for the teachers.He asked Mr. Lee to thinkabout that option. Mayor Sullivan agreed withMr.Ringius’ point with regards to students that may not typically test well and therefore be without much flexibilityto improve their grade with the new homework policy.In addition, Although Mayor Sullivan can appreciatethe desiretounderstand whether the student masters the material or not, he does not want to miss the value of a student’s effort.
Mr. Lee stated the success ofthe new Homework Policy would bemeasured by noting the success ourstudents haveon the standardized testsacross the country; SATs, AP exams, ACTs, etc. MayorSullivanasked if we could revisit the new Homework Policy next year in terms of its success.
Ms. Murphy added although she would be thrilled to not have homework over vacation as far as AP courses are concerned,it would be a necessity to stay on track in order to cover the AP material for the APexams in the spring.Ms. Murphy along with Mr. Bousaleh, are in support of the new Homework Policy.
Mr. Lee confirmed for Ms. Fiske Heger, teachers teaching the same course have to agree on what ever grading weights they are going to assign.As a group they would sit down and determine theweights that would make up the grade. Departments and Directors have decided homework would weigh more as freshman and lower level classes and become progressively lessweighed as you continue through senior year and upper level classes. Ms. Fiske Heger confirmed the new Homework Policy would be communicated to the students in ways such as the syllabus, back to school night with the parents, etc.
Dr. Hackett felt it would be helpful to define homework versuswhat is not homework. Mr. Lee stated homework would be work done at night which reinforces what the student worked on in class that day.A project would not be considered homework but rathera cumulative grade on work and effort put into the project over a period of time.
b.2016/2017 Braintree High School Programof Studies
Mr. Lee indicated this is his annual visit for the approval ofthe Programof Studies at BHS for 2016-2017. The School Committee has received the recommended changes. Mr. Lee briefly reviewed the changes.
Mayor Sullivan noted the addition ofMandarin I as an electiveand asked Mr. Lee to expand a bit on the topic.Mr. Lee stated the Foreign Language Department would like to offer a third language and they feel there is enough interest fromthe students to do so. He stated if it can be included in the budget process and the right instructor was found they would love to offer the course.Mr. Ringius and Ms. Fiske Heger are very pleased to see so many additional electives being