Present Canon Ed Pruen Chairman
Steve Clarke Churchwarden
Sue Jamieson Churchwarden
Michael Del Mar Treasurer
Millie Shaylor Secretary
Angela Clarke
Hugo Egleston
Maurice Goor
Jean Osgood
Charlie Shaylor
Apologies Stuart McCandlish and Frances Parris
Canon Ed welcomed the Members and opened with Prayers.
1 MINUTES of the meeting held on 27 September were signed as a correct record
2 Church Thermostat - Setting the frost stat at 10 degrees was queried. It was explained that this was the temperature recommended by Walkers to keep the organ in good condition. Questions were raised as to whether it would be possible to keep the organ at an even temperature with the use of an internal heater, similar to the one installed inside the piano. Steve volunteered to contact Walkers to find out. ACTION - Steve
3 Winchester Records Office - Michael had not seen the records to be taken to the Records Office. The Chairman said that he would like one copy of the Registers to be left in the safe and the other copy could be given to Michael to take to the Records Office. ACTION - Churchwardens and Michael
4 Canon Ed thanked everybody for their work at the Harvest Services. He also commented on how Bentworth School had been awarded "Outstanding" in their SIAMS Inspection. He was pleased with the recent Bereavement Service on All Souls' Day.
5 This Report had been circulated to all Members. Steve emphasised the section on the Review of the PCC. It was important that we seek to recruit new younger members.
6 The Treasurer's Report, together with the comparative figures for 1 January - 31 October had been circulated to members. Michael pointed out that the income figures were substantially affected by baptisms and funerals.
7 Benefice Costs - The Chairman said that, at a meeting of Benefice Treasurers, the following percentage share of the Benefice costs had been agreed:
Bentworth 20% Lasham 13% Medstead 54% Shalden 13%
Ed's expenses, mainly for travelling and telephone, would come out of the central fund in the above ratio.
8 Insurance - Michael had contacted Ecclesiastical Insurance about their concerns regarding asbestos, lighting and the electrical survey. Agreement has now been reached and Ecclesiastical have accepted our risk assessments.
9 Benefice Photocopier - The Diocese had a surplus photocopier and have given it to the Benefice at a cheaper rate of £45 plus VAT per quarter. There is no official contract with us.
10 Christmas Services - Details of all the Services in December will be sent round the village by email. It was decided that next year the Services for Christmas should be discussed at the September meeting in order that a card could be printed by the beginning of November and distributed with the December Villager. ACTION - Churchwardens and Secretary
11 Messy Church and Open the Book - Both of these were very successful and needed more helpers.
12 Green Shoots - A letter from Charlie about Messy Church, St Mary's Bentworth and Open the Book had been circulated to members. It was felt that this was very encouraging and should be sent to the Diocese after it had been edited. ACTION - Charlie
13 Draft Service Schedule - Idea 9 - This latest suggestion was distributed to Members and Ed explained the three principles which governed this idea:
a) Ed would like to conduct as many services as possible across the Benefice
b) Regular services should be held in all four parishes to meet the spiritual needs of all parishioners
c) Seeking ways of growing the Church
After some discussion the PCC agreed with Idea 9 and confirmed the following:
1) Services in Lasham should start at 9.15 instead of 9.30 to enable Ed to meet parishioners
2) Lasham to support the Benefice service at Bentworth Church on the 2nd Sunday of the month
3) Services on the third and fourth Sundays would be led either by Ed or a covering Priest (payment for whom would be from the Benefice expenses)
14 Parish Share - The Treasurer proposed that this year we should meet the 10% increase requested by the Diocese. Currently we pay £868 per month, £10,416 pa. If this is upped by 10% the new figure is £11,458. If this is paid monthly it comes to £955 per month. The Diocese are requesting that we should pay the year's total over 10 months. This means £1,145 per month for 10 months only. However, this proposal did not guarantee that the 10% increase would refer to the following year. The proposal was agreed unanimously by the PCC
15 "Giving for Life"- A questionnaire from the Archbishops Council regarding our practice on stewardship matters had been circulated to all members of the PCC. During the discussion it was decided that more use could be made of the Parish Buying Service by the whole Benefice, eg in the purchase of Communion Wine.
16 Rector's Board - A quotation of £110 had been received to add Ed's name in gold leaf to the board in St.Mary's. This cost covered removal of the board, inscription and re-installing the board. This was unanimously approved.
17 Christmas Coffee Morning - Thanks were expressed to the Eglestons for hosting this event. A total of £800 had been raised.
18 Projector and Screen - John Wiles, who had done very good work at Old Alresford Place, had given an approximate quotation of £1,500 -£2,000 to provide a standard projector and screen for St.Mary's. This would cover cabling and an audio link to the sound box already installed. It was agreed that we should request a definite quotation. A Faculty will now be applied for.
19 Karamoja - An email from Charlie, including a letter of thanks from the student we sponsor at the Diocesan Training Centre, had been circulated to members. This student would be at the DTC for another two years. Charlie said that Shaldon and Lasham had both paid their contributions. He also said that unfortunately lack of food was still an issue in Karamoja, partly owing to the population explosion and climate change problems.
20 Safeguarding - The Chairman volunteered to laminate the required statement on Safeguarding which should be on the Notice Board in the Church porch. ACTION - Canon Ed
Next PCC Meeting - 7.45 for 8 pm on Tuesday 24 January at Wingfield House
PCC Meeting - 7.45 for 8 pm on Tuesday 28 March
AGM - 8 pm on Tuesday 25 April in St.Mary's
The meeting closed with the Grace.