MWSCAS2016 Tutorial Proposal
Please email your submission to Tutorials and Special Session Chairs:
Ayman Fayed, Ohio state University, USA ()
Ibrahim Elfadel, Masdar Institute, UAE ()
Title / Indicate the title of the proposed tutorialPresenters / Please enter name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information of the presenter(s)
Presenter 1 / Name
Postal Address
Web page
Presenter 2
(if applicable) / Name
Postal Address
Web page
Area / Please indicate the area of the tutorial (select only one from the list below)
[ ] Analog and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits
[ ] Neuromorphic Systems
[ ] Digital Integrated Circuits, SOC, and NOC
[ ] Control Systems, Mechatronics, and Robotics
[ ] Systems on chip for IoTs
[ ] Linear and Non-linear Circuits and Systems
[ ] Power Systems and Power Electronics
[ ] Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology
[ ] Bioengineering Systems and Bio Chips / [ ] Communication and Wireless Systems
[ ] System Architectures
[ ] Embedded Electronics
[ ] Image Processing and Multimedia Systems
[ ] RFICs, Microwave, and Optical Systems
[ ] Digital Signal Processing
[ ] Power Management and Energy Harvesting
[ ] Hardware/Software Co-design
[ ] Bio-inspired Green Technologies
[ ] Other ______
Keywords / Please enter at least 3 keywords for the subject of the tutorial
Abstract / Please enter a 200-300 word Abstract of the tutorial (for inclusion in registration materials).
Learning Objectives / Please describe what the participants should expect to learn upon completing the tutorial
Targeted Audience / Please describe the target audience who would be likely interested in the tutorial and any pre-requisite knowledge
Previous Offerings / Describe previous offerings (if any). Include the event name, date, number of attendees, and if possible provide a URL link. Describe how the current proposal differs (if any) from previous offerings
Full Description / Please include a full description of the tutorial (1-2 pages to be used for evaluation). This is the most important part of the tutorial proposal. Please describe in more details than the abstract the topics the tutorial will cover, and how long each topic is expected to last. The tutorial should be no more than 2.5-3 hours.
Biography of Presenter 1 / Please include a 1-page biography/CV of presenter including a photo
Insert a Photo here
Biography of Presenter 2
(if applicable) / Please include a 1-page biography/CV of presenter including a photo
Insert a Photo here