Entering a CancellationNoticeAPSjobs Task Card


This Task Card supports agencies notifying Cancellation notices.Cancellation notices are required in instances where a previous notice has been incorrectly notified.

This task card is correct as @ 24 July 2013. The upgraded version of APSjobs and associated documents is an open BETA version. This means that the site it is still undergoing final testing and refinements. We are happy to hear from you if you encounter a technical problem, or glitch with the site. If you do, please email us at .


The process for entering a Cancellation notice is detailed below:

Step 1 – Work Tray

Once logged into the APSjobs system your work tray will be displayed. Select ‘Enter New Cancellation, Corrigenda or Retirement/Termination’

Step 2 –Manage Notices

After selecting ‘Enter New Cancellation, Corrigenda or Retirement/Termination’ a list of available Gazette editions is displayed. *Please note that Corrigenda notices can only be lodged in the weekly Gazette. Editions of the weekly Gazette are highlighted in white (see below)*.

The user should select the edition of the Gazette they want to have the notice published in by clicking on that Gazette.

Step 3 –Selecting aCancellation notice

To enter a new Cancellation notice select the Add New tab beside the Cancellationoption.

Step 4 – Add New Cancellation

Field 1 –

Select the relevant agency from the drop down list.

Field 2 –

Select the relevant region from the options provided.

After these details have been entered the user should click on the ‘Continue to Notice’ button.

Step 5 – Edit Cancellation (New Notice)

Field 1 – Employee details

In this field the user enters the employee’s full name and AGS number. Care should be taken to enter the correct AGS number as an incorrect number can result in inaccurate employee records.

Field 2 – Position Details

The information in the Portfolio, Agency, Region and Classification fields is pre-populated by the information previously entered in Step 4.

In the case of a non Senior Executive Service (SES) notice the user will also be required to enter Position title, location and post code details. Users should take care to ensure that the location and post code details match as these details are used for APS wide reporting purposes.

This field also contains a place for notes explaining why the cancellation was required.

Field 3 – Cancelled Notice

In this field the user is required to enter the details of the notice that is being cancelled. The user is required to indicate:

  • if the original decision was merit based
  • which issue of the Gazette the original notice was published in
  • the notice number of the notice requiring correction

Care should be taken to ensure that the original notice number included in the Cancellation is correct and relates to the employee or decision being referenced in the Cancellation notice.

Field 4 – Administration Information

Notes made in this field are visible to System administrators but are not published in the Gazette. Any notes placed in this field will be retained audit and reporting functions.

The Save and Preview button enables the user to see the notice as it will appear when published, as shown below. This option also enables the user to print the notice for record keeping purposes.

Making changes

If the draft notice requires editing the user should select the ‘Back’ button located at the bottom of the page and can then edit the required fields within the notice.

It is important to not use the browser’s back button which is located at the top left hand corner of the screen.

Submit the notice

Once satisfied the notice is ready for publication the user can select the ‘Submit’ button and the notice will be entered in the nominated issue of the Gazette and reviewed by the APSjobs team.

If the notice is rejected the user will be informed by e-mail and provided a brief explanation as to why the notice was rejected and can make changes and re-submit the notice.

This task card is correct as @ 24 July 2013. The upgraded version of APSjobs and associated documents is an open BETA version. This means that the site it is still undergoing final testing and refinements. We are happy to hear from you if you encounter a technical problem, or glitch with the site. If you do, please email us at .