SYLLABUSMrs. Wendy Nugent

English I

(626) 962-2495 x 5841

Classroom Rules & Expectations


(1) Students must treat others with respect.

(2) Students must be in their seat when the tardy bell rings. (Students not in their seats will be marked tardy.)

(3) Immediately after the tardy bell rings, students must sit quietly and prepare for class.

(4) Students must remain seated at all times. (Unless given /permission to do otherwise)

(5) Students must take all belongings with them as they leave the classroom.

(6) Students must respect all school property. Absolutely NO writing on desk, etc.

Classroom Expectations:

(1)Students must have the following supplies with them at ALL times: 2 sharpened pencils with erasers


(preferably a FOUR-in-ONE multi-colored retractable pen)

2 blue OR black ball point ink pens (separate from retractable pen)

2 red ball point ink pens (separate from retractable pen)

1 BLACK marker (Sharpie)

1 three-ring binder (1 – 1 ½ inches wide)

5 dividers (with tabs)

PLENTY of loose-leaf paper

300 3x5 index cards (these may be stored at home after supply check)

Appropriate English textbooks/novel(s) (see reverse side for titles)

1single hole-punch

1 small stapler with staples

1 metal ring (for vocabulary flash cards) or 25 cents

2 highlighters (1 pink, 1 yellow)

BAHS Student Planner (used as assignment notebook)

NOTE: Students will not be allowed to borrow any of these materials from other students. Students may purchase one from the teacher for the cost of $1.00. (Any profit will be donated to the school-wide mission collection.)

(2) Food, drinks, candy, gum or similar items are not allowed in the classroom. (Anyone who breaks this rule will be fined $2.00 per Lancer Life.)

(3) Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom at any time, except in the case of an emergency. Please use the restroom at break and lunch. (2 restroom passes per semester will be given to each student to use if needed—unused restroom passes will be collected at the end of each semester for extra credit points.)

Detentions may be given to any student that does not follow these rules or any others (as stated by the teacher or the Lancer Life). Detentions may be up to 1 hour in length and are held on Fridays, immediately after school. (The day of a detention may be changed at the teacher’s discretion.)

“Book Detentions” are held every Friday. Students must serve 15 minutes for each class in which they have not been prepared in a given week. If a student does not serve a teacher’s detention, he/she will be referred to the Dean of Discipline.

Grading Policies:

Homework - Be prepared for DAILY HOMEWORK. Students are required to complete their own work, ON TIME, and to the best of their ability. Late assignments will not be accepted. Homework is graded on a 10 point scale based on effort and completeness.

In the case of excused absences, the student has as many days to make up the assignment(s), as she/he was absent. It is the student’s responsibility to acquire missed notes, instructions and assignments. Students should not wait until the next class meeting to acquire make-up work as that will put them even further behind. Make-up work will not be accepted any later than the number of days given. The 2 lowest homework grades will be dropped at the end of the semester. Daily homework assignments must be written in the Student Planner at the beginning of each class period.


Make-up quizzes will not be given (unless the absence is due to a school related activity). The 2 lowest quiz grades will be dropped at the end of each semester. (If quizzes are missed due to absences, then the first two will be dropped as the student’s lowest grade at the end of the semester.)

If a student is absent on the day of a test, a make-up test may be given. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to make-up a test on the day he/she returns to class. Make-up tests may be short answer/essay type questions.

Projects: Students are required to complete two projects per semester.

Compositions: 3-4 formally graded compositions will be given per semester. Students may be asked to submit these assignments to and will be penalized if they fail to do so. 10 points per day will be deducted for late compositions.

Grading: The standard grading policy used throughout the English Department is as follows:

Grade Breakdown:

Tests= 15%

Quizzes= 15%

Homework/Class work/Participation= 20%

Composition= 20%

Project= 10%

Mid-Term/Semester Exam= 20% (10% each)


LiteraturePrentice Hall Literature – Common Core Edition (green, hardback)

ResourcesMLA: Handbook for Writers of Research Papers

NovelsOf Mice and Men (John Steinbeck)

*Novels MUST be NEWSpeak (Laurie Halse Anderson)

Night (Elie Wiesel) – New Translation by Marion Wiesel

The Secret Life of Bees (Sue Monk Kid)