Board Minutes

May 13, 2009

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of May 13, 2009

President Greg Hanon called the Regular May 13 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:09 p.m.

Present: Greg Hanon, Mike Pavlik, Sherm Voiles, Rick Hendricks, Jeff DeMarre

Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent; Debra Barlow, Executive Director, Human Resources; Chris Wick, Executive Director, Teaching & Learning; Deb Campbell, Executive Director, Business Services; Ann Cook, Director, Communications; Erin LaVerdiere, Director, Professional Development; Susie Lynch, Director, Research & Assessment; Sandy Nelson, Chief Technology Officer; Sarah Briehl, Director, CTE; Marilee Hill-Anderson, Director, STARR Project; Steve Fulkerson, Co-Principal, Lakeridge Middle; Tim Thomsen, Director, Athletics; Troy Whitten, Director, Transportation; Beth Dykman, Principal, Victor Falls Elementary; Mark Baumgarten, Director, M&O; Brian Scheerer, Sharon Fochtman, and Jeff Gardner, Assistant Principals, Bonney Lake High; Shannon Thissen, Teacher & Administrative Intern, Bonney Lake High; Bonney Lake High staff: Anna Class, Sheri Helmold, Shannon Carr-Cohen, Anthony Clarke, Josh Gaydos, Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Jen Black, and Randy Jones; BLRB Architect Lee Fenton; Joyce Bickle, Administrative Secretary; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.

Visitors: 47

Flag Salute

Approval of Agenda

Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.

Approval of Minutes

Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular April 15 Board meeting and the minutes of the April 29 Special Board meeting as presented: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried.

Consent Items

Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.

Contract Ratifications

Jacqueline Krezelak, Science Specialist, Daffodil Valley Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Jerome Grant Pennington, Learning Specialist, Bonney Lake High, new hire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Russell Andrew Sage, Science Teacher, Bonney Lake High, rehire on a 1.0 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Laura Sjolund, Physical Education Teacher, Crestwood Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE continuing contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Angela Sullivan, Counselor, Sumner High, rehire on a .50 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Andrea Landes, Librarian, Victor Falls Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE continuing contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

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May 13, 2009

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Contract Ratifications, continued

Danielle Losinski, Learning Specialist, Emerald Hills Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE continuing contact, effective 2009-2010 school year

Jennifer Lundh, Kindergarten Teacher, .50 FTE Emerald Hills Elementary/.50 FTE Maple Lawn Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Lynn Salsbury, Kindergarten Teacher, McAlder Elementary, contract increase from .50 FTE continuing to .50 FTE continuing contract and .50 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009- 2010 school year

Kari Shaw, Learning Specialist, McAlder Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE continuing contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Kathleen Templeton, Speech Language Pathologist, Bonney Lake Elementary, contract increase from .80 FTE continuing contract to .80 FTE continuing contact and .20 FTE time- limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

KeliAnn Trowbridge, Librarian, Liberty Ridge Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Robin Zenisek, 1st Grade Teacher, Emerald Hills Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year

Offers of Employment

Tami Schack, Child Nutrition Assistant, Sumner Middle, ongoing position, effective April 16, 2009

Noah Layton, Paraeducator, McAlder Elementary, time-limited position, effective April 16, 2009

Supplemental Contracts

Shawna Hunt, Assistant Volleyball Coach, EBAT, Sumner Middle

Jeff Losinski, Assistant Football Coach, EBAT, Lakeridge Middle

Anna Seavello, Assistant Volleyball Coach, EBAT, Lakeridge Middle

Nick Seavello, Assistant Volleyball Coach, EBAT, Mountain View Middle

Robert Thayer, Head Girls Basketball Coach, Sumner High, effective 2009-2010 school year

Reduction in Force

Brandon Tix, Aquatics Specialist, Pool, effective September 1, 2009


Denise Faille, Heath Tech, Liberty Ridge Elementary, effective June 30, 2009

Judith King, English Teacher, Sumner High, effective end of 2008-2009 school year. Judy has been teaching for 37 years, 29 years of which were with the Sumner School District.

Meri Mattson, 2nd Grade Teacher, McAlder Elementary, effective end of 2008-2009 school year. Meri has been teaching for 34 years, 32 years of which were with the Sumner School District.

Leave of Absence

Ellen Berwick, Science Teacher, Bonney Lake High, new request for .33 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2009-2010 school year

Jennifer Colgan, Counselor, Bonney Lake High, new request for a .40 leave of absence without pay, effective 2009-2010 school year

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Leave of Absence, continued

Erin Gallion, English Teacher, Bonney Lake High, continued request for .33 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2009-2010 school year

Randi Charron, 1st Grade Teacher, Emerald Hills Elementary, continued request for a .60 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2009-2010 school year

Lauren Hatcher, 1st Grade Teacher, continued request for a .40 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2009-2010 school year

Leslie Hollingsworth, Learning Specialist, Victor Falls Elementary, continued request for a .50 leave of absence without pay, effective 2009-2010 school year

Chris Prestin, .33 FTE Teacher/.42 FTE IB Coordinator, Sumner High, continued request for a .25 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2009-2010 school year


Diana Ekstrom, Girls Swimming and Boys Swimming Coach, Sumner High, effective end of 2008-2009 school year

Shawn Grimes, Speech Language Pathologist, Daffodil Valley Elementary, effective end of 2008-2009 school year

David Loveless, Girls Fast Pitch Head Coach, Bonney Lake High, effective May 8, 2009.

John Stewart, Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher, Sumner Middle, effective end of 2008- 2009 school year

Shannon Van Loo, Speech Language Pathologist Assistant, Special Services, effective May 29, 2009


a.Class of 2013: Graduation Requirements

Sarah Briehl, Director, Career & Technical Education and Secondary Guidance, presented the revised Sumner School District graduation requirement procedures which were updated to reflect Washington State’s increased minimum subject areas and credits required for high school graduation, beginning July 1, 2009, which included a change in the mathematics requirement for the graduating class of 2013.

b.Budget Report

Deb Campbell, Executive Director, Business Services, gave an update on the development of the District’s 2009-2010 budget and reviewed revenue and expenditure projections. The first reading of the budget and the budget hearing will take place at the June 17 Board meeting. Adoption of the budget will take place at the July 15 Board meeting.

Audience Comments

Dr. Mendoza offered the Board the May issue of the Sumner Education Association (SEA) News from SEA President Kandy Rose.

Superintendent Comments


Board Member Comments


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May 13, 2009

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Unfinished Business

a.Policy Revision: Ninth Grade Participation of High School Teams – Second Reading

Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board eliminate Board Policy 3323.3, which addresses eligibility for junior high student athletes wishing to compete at the high school level: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.

New Business

a. Capital Facilities Plan

Dr. Mendoza presented to the Board the District’s updated capital facilities plan, which included new enrollment projections. This is an annual requirement by Pierce County to receive impact fees. Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve the Capital Facilities Plan as presented: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried.

b. Acceptance of Bids: Victor Falls Elementary

Director Mark Baumgarten and BLRB architect Lee Fenton reviewed comparisons & tabulations from the fourteen general contractor bids received for the modernization project. The successful low bid was from Construction Enterprises Contractors, Inc., who has extensive, recent experience with many school projects including remodels, additions and new construction. Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve acceptance of the Base Bid and Alternate Bids from Construction Enterprises Contractors for the modernization of Victor Falls Elementary School: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.

c.Intent to Construct: Victor Falls Elementary

Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve Resolution No. 24/08-09, the intent to construct/modernize Victor Falls Elementary School: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.

d.5- & 20-Year Resolution: Victor Falls Elementary

Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve Resolution No. 25/08-09: Certification of 5-Year Continued Use & 20-Year Extension of Life at Victor Falls Elementary: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried.

e. Instructional Materials Adoption: First Reading

Teaching and LearningExecutive Director Chris Wick reviewed a new textbook for AP Spanish and kits for use in 3rd grade science classes. This information is provided for first reading.

f.Change Order #5: Elementary School No. 9

Dr. Mendoza briefed the Board on items included in the change order. Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve Change Order #5 for Elementary No. 9: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried.

g.Yearbook Vendor

Dr. Mendoza summarized the bidding process for secondary school yearbooks for the 2009-2010 school year, with availability of three one-year extensions. Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve Taylor Publishing to supply yearbooks for secondary schools as presented: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.

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May 13, 2009

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New Business, continued

h.Arts Education Month Resolution

Dr. Mendoza presented to the Board a resolution proclaiming May as Arts Education Month in the Sumner School District as requested by the Washington Alliance for Arts Education. Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve Resolution No. 26/08-09: the month of May as Arts Education Month: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried.

i. Warrant Approval

Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the warrants as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.

Warrant #36651-#36748 in the total amount of $377,033.96

General Fund $357,742.39

ASB Fund $18,741.57

Warrant #36616-#36650 in the total amount of $217,572.23

General Fund $203,318.96

Capital Projects $1,242.00

ASB Fund $13,011.27

Warrant #36548-#36615 in the total amount of $2,430,842.35

General Fund $186,714.10

Capital Projects $2,221,192.50

ASB Fund $22,435.75

Private Purpose Trust Fund $500.00

Warrant #36489-#36547 in the total amount of $142,795.68

General Fund $127,928.12

Capital Projects $520.00

ASB Fund $14,203.55

Private Purpose Trust Fund $44.00

Warrant #195254-#195314 in the total amount of $5,216,824.24

General Fund

Warrant #490101-#490116 in the total amount of $205,118.66

General Fund

Information Only

a.Upcoming Board Meeting

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, at 6:00 p.m. and will be

held at Sumner High School.

b. Budget Status Report

The budget status report for April was included for Board information.

c.Bus Inspection Report

The Sumner School District completed its annual Washington State Patrol School Bus and

Vehicle Inspection. For this inspection they check 100% of the bus fleet and any other vehicle that

transports students. The Transportation Department is proud to announce that we received an

inspection score of 100% in compliance. A well deserved thanks goes to the mechanics for the

exceptional job of maintaining our fleet.

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May 13, 2009

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Meeting Recessed: 6:56 p.m.

Meeting Reconvened: 7:00 p.m.


Senior Showcase

Shannon Thissen, Teacher and Administrative Intern at Bonney Lake High School, and Danika

Wilcoxson, 2009 Bonney Lake High School Daffodil Festival Princess, introduced outstanding seniors

who embody excellence of mind and strength of character. Students recognized were: Marika Barnes,

Theresa Edwards, Nicole Larsen, Chris Lumsden, Sam Murphy, Melanie Partridge, Garrett

Orchard, Patcharin Thavornchaichok, Addison Tracy, and Danika Wilcoxson.

Meeting Recessed for Executive Session: 8:00 p.m.

President Greg Hanon announced an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective

bargaining and a personnel matter. Board action was anticipated.

Meeting Reconvened: 8:30 p.m.

Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve the Administrative Support Group (ASG) Handbook for a four-year term - September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2013: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried.


Moved by Mike Pavlik that the meeting be adjourned: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.

Meeting adjourned: 8:31 p.m.


Gil Mendoza, Secretary

Board of Directors


Greg Hanon, President

Board of Directors