Volume 7* Issue 11* December 2014
Inside this Issue:
§ From Executive Officers Desk
§ Call for National Enquiry into Violence against
People with Disabilities in Institutions
§ Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT
§ Community Sector United on ACT Budget Priorities
§ 2014 International Day of People with Disability
§ Things You Can Do!
§ Information Page
§ Community Activities & Events
§ Season’s Greetings & PWD ACT’s Office Closure for the Holidays
§ PWD ACT Contact & Free Membership Information
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December Dates for your Diary
December is the Month of Celebrations
1 World AIDS Day
3 International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD)
5 International Volunteer Day
9 International Anti-Corruption Day
10 International Human Rights Day
18 International Migrants Day
20 International Human Solidarity Day
25 Christmas Day
28 Boxing Day
31 New Years Eve
Executive Officer’s Desk
2014 International Day of People with Disability
December is a busy month in the disability sector. First there is the International Day on 3 December 2014. This Newsletter contains a lot of information on International Day activities. PWD ACT members will be joining with the Rough Diamonds Social Group for lunch on 3 December and at this lunch David Luck will be talking about the International Day and about PWD ACT and its work.
December is also the month of Awards. In early November the ACT Chief Minister announced the ACT Award winners in the National Australia Day Awards. PWD ACT congratulates Sue Salthouse who was a finalist in the ACT Seniors category.
The ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards are presented on 11 December. PWD ACT congratulates finalists for these Awards including Roy Daniel, Craig Wallace and PWD ACT President Terry Millar.
You can view the list of all nominees at: http://actinclusion.com.au/portfolio/act-chief-ministers-inclusion-awards/past-winners-and-nominees/
The National Awards are presented on 3 December. The Everyone/Everyday Team at Disability ACT has been nominated for an Award in the education category. For developing and implementing a curriculum for primary school children to encourage inclusive attitudes among primary school children.
PWD ACT’s 2014 AGM
PWD ACT held its AGM on Saturday 22 November 2014. We thank the Canberra Southern Cross Club for allowing us to use its community room free of charge as our meeting venue. Those who attended the meeting enjoyed lunch at the Club following the meeting. Also following the meeting, Sue Salthouse provided an informal update on the implementation of the NDIS in Canberra for those attending the meeting.
A new Committee was elected for the 2014-2015 year as follows:
President: Terry Millar
Vice-President: David Luck
Secretary: Sarah Ferguson
Treasurer: Sue Carbone
Committee member: Juan de la Torre
Please visit our website www.pwdact.org.au to read 2014-annual-report.html and
financial-statements-2014.html in PDF attachments.
Robert Altamore OAM CM | Executive Officer
Call for National Enquiry into Violence against People with Disabilities in Institutions
People With Disabilities ACT supports the call by People With Disabilities Australia (PWDA) and Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) for a National Enquiry into violence, including gender based violence, against people with disabilities in institutional settings. As an organisation of people with disabilities conducted for their benefit, we are horrified at the events which were portrayed in the 4 Corners program broadcast on Monday 24 November. ABC 4 Corners program, ABC 4 Corners program, In Our Care. This program exposes the deliberate cover-up of shocking and pervasive violence and exploitation perpetrated against people with disability in institutions operated by Yooralla, a large disability service provider in Victoria.
While the Victorian State Government is conducting its own enquiry into the matters raised on the 4 Corners program, our experience is that State and Territory enquiries focus on violence in specific institutions or residential settings. What is needed is a National enquiry to address the systemic and prevalent violence, exploitation and abuse experienced by people with disabilities in congregate institutions and residential settings. This inquiry would respond to a number of United Nations recommendations to investigate and address as a national priority violence against people with disability, and in particular women with disability living in institutions and other congregate residential settings.
PWDA and WWDA urge all who are concerned about this issue to sign the petition to urgently establish a national inquiry into violence, neglect and abuse against people with disability in residential and institutional settings.
For more information:
Factsheet: Violence against people with disabilities in Institutions and Residential Settings
PWD ACT remains concerned that Australia has not yet implemented measures to address violence against people with disability through its National Disability Strategy, nor has the issue of gender based violence against women with disabilities been included in the National Plan to reduce violence against women and children.
Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT)
Source: http://ymlp.com/zk301t 25 November 2014
National Peak Disability Consumer and Advocacy Organisations applaud the Senate vote to block the passing of the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) Payment Scheme Bill 2014.
In blocking the Bill, the Senate has shown support for the human rights of people with disability to seek fair and full compensation for lost wages through the Federal Court.
We honor the courage of Michael Nojin, Gordon Prior, Tyson Duval-Comrie, with the support of their families, to stand up for their right as people with disability for just and equitable conditions of work.
Paul Cain of Inclusion Australia said, “The Federal and High Courts of Australia determined that the BSWAT discriminates against people with intellectual disability in the assessment of award wages”.
“Thousands of people with disability who work in Australian Disability Enterprises have been paid, and continue to be paid, wages less than they would be entitled to if they were paid under a fair and equitable award wage assessment system” said Samantha French of People with Disability Australia.
Kairsty Wilson of AED Legal Centre said “Rejection of the BSWAT Bill means that people with disability will maintain their right to legal redress for discrimination in employment and will have their full entitlement to back pay determined by the independence of the Federal Court”.
People with Disabilities and other disability organisaitons call on the Federal Government to negotiate a fair compensation settlement for workers with disability, who experienced discrimination and lost wages as a result of BSWA in response to the representative action in the Federal Court.
• Commit to abolishing BSWAT and transition to the Supported Wage System (SWS) for all employees with disability in ADEs to ensure fairness and equity in the determination of award wages; and,
• Consult with people with disability and their representative organisations on the best way to proceed with this transition and a full and fair settlement.
The government is attempting to persuade the independent senators to change their vote. PWD ACT and other disability organisations encourage you to write to the following independent Senators asking them to oppose the Government’s efforts to reintroduce this unfair bill.
* Senator John Madigan -
* Senator Nick Xenophon -
* Senator Jacqui Lambie -
You may also like to thank key Labor and Greens MPs who have worked to ensure the Bill was voted down. Encouraging and reassuring them that they have significant support in the disability community for their stance.
· The Hon Jenny Macklin MP –
· Senator Claire Moore –
· Mr Adam Bandt MP -
· Senator Rachel Siewert –
Community Sector United on ACT Budget Priorities
Media Release: Community Council of SocialServices, 10 November 2014 www.actcoss.org.au/publications/Media.html
In response to the 2015-2016 ACT Budget Consultation the ACT community sector have identified affordable housing and homelessness as the major policy issues needing long term planning and investment by the ACT Government.
Research commissioned in 2013 by the ACT Anti-Poverty Week Steering Committee and undertaken by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modeling found that the ACT has the highest average rents in the country and that, according to 2011 data the ACT had the second highest rate of homelessness of all Australian States and Territories.
Commenting on the sector’s collective endorsement of housing as the priority area for government action Susan Helyar, Director of the ACT Council of Social Service, stated: " The prevention of homelessness is a whole-of-government responsibility requiring collaboration between the economic policy levers that create jobs, ensure adequate income when people are not in paid work, provide affordable housing and enable access to a range of social supports, including services that help people to access jobs."
Others in the sector echoed this view and shared their priorities for action:
Stephen Fox, Manager of National Disability Services ACT said: "Doing more on the provision of affordable housing is not an optional extra. It will be the litmus test of the effectiveness of this administration."
Sue Salthouse, Convenor of Women With Disabilities ACT highlighted the importance of accessibility: "The Government should make amendments to the building code to ensure that minimum standards for accessibility are met in both private and public housing, to maximise the ability of older Canberrans to age in place."
Robert Altamore, Executive Officer of People with Disabilities, agreed with this, stating that there is a need for: "An increase in the numbers of accessible and conveniently located houses for people with disabilities.”
Effectively addressing housing and homelessness is essential and complementary to the investment in, and effective delivery of, services in the alcohol, tobacco and other drug sector. ATODA supports the ACTCOSS joint sector budget statement on Housing."
Frances Crimmins, CEO of YWCA Canberra and Co-Chair of the ACT Anti-Poverty Week co-ordination group stated: "The lack of affordable housing is a major driver of poverty in the ACT. Preventing, responding better and reducing recurrence of homelessness, especially for women and their children, is a top priority for the YWCA."
Anthony Rochester, Executive Officer of Connections ACT stated that: "With the second highest rate of homelessness in the country, the ACT needs the most cost-effective and efficient way to access the system. Central intake for homelessness ensures the most vulnerable Canberrans have equitable access to limited resources."
Explaining her support for this budget priority Dee McGrath, CEO of Carers ACT, said: “What will happen to the person I care for when I can no longer care? is a key concern for caring families in the ACT. That's why investing in housing pathways to provide appropriate, sustainable accommodation to alleviate this fear and provide security to caring families and their family members with disability is a 2015-16 ACT Budget priority for Carers ACT.”
In coming together on the Budget Asks, the community sector is highlighting that housing is an issue for all of us in Canberra who want to belong to a thriving and successful community.
After broad consultation with the sector ACTCOSS has released a set of recommendations in its Budget Submission which represent the sector’s collective advice to government on how to address homelessness, how to provide effective service responses to ensure that people in crisis can avoid homelessness, and to ensure that an affordable housing market exists and meets the needs of low income and vulnerable households in the ACT.
Recommendations in the Budget Submission focus on:
• Preventing homelessness
• Increasing housing market responses to housing needs
• Improving service responses to people who are homeless
• Developing a long term plan to increase affordable housing and reduce homelessness
For more information or comment please contact:
Susan Helyar, Director, ACTCOSS on 0448 791 987 or 6202 7200.
2014 IDPwD in ACT
2014 The International Day of People with Disability: Wednesday 3 December
2014 IDPwD Community Events in ACT:
‘Creature Media’ – Art Exhibition
2 December 2014 at 12.30pm
Venue: Gallery@Belconnen Belconnen Community Centre, Swanson Court, Belconnen
Art Exhibition Opening and Lunch
Wheelchair Access, accessible parking
For more information contact:
NDIS Webinar: Shifting Attitudes with Assistive Technology
Wednesday 3 December 2014 11.30am to 12.30pm (AEDT)
Join this free webinar on assistive technology and discussing the opportunities it offers for social, economic and community participation.
· Join the discussion by sending your questions before or during the webinar.
· Submit questions using #NDISwebinar on Twitter, Facebook, phone 1800 800 110 or email
· Hear NDIS staff, participants and innovators talk about their experiences, achievements and the way forward with assistive technology.
For more information call 1800 800 110
Enabled Employment – Disability Employment Forum
Wednesday 3rd December 2014 at 2pm
Enabled Employment will be holding an online forum where guests who are working in the disability sector or people with a disability to answer questions as well as a guest blog post by those contributors every day of that week. Confirmed guest bloggers include Graeme Innes AM as well as some other well known celebrities and representatives from the disability sector.
For more information contact:
National Museum of Australia school celebrations of IDPwD
Wednesday 3 December 2014 at 10am to 2pm
Venue: National Museum of Australia, Acton Peninsula
Horse themed with activities, music, dance and a rodeo
Wheelchair access, accessible parking, hearing loops, large print and braille maps of galleries
For more information contact:
A Roll on the Green
Wednesday 3 December 2014 – 10:30am to 12:30pm
Location: West Deakin Hellenic Bowling Club, 50 Kent St, Deakin
Free of charge open lawn bowls morning for the entire community to join Woden Community Service in celebrating I-Day 2014 with special guest Mr. Michael Milton. Free BBQ and refreshments, information stalls, displays and radio 2CC will be broadcasting from the event.
Accessibility details: Action buses will transport any individual who wishes to participate in A Roll on the Green. Individuals can call Action bus directly on 62053555 to arrange free transportation. Disability parking is also available and the club has disabled access including a specialty designed ramp to access the greens to play lawn bowls.