University of Michigan

Admissions System Productions (ASP) Group

Host: School of Public Health



Date: April 10, 2007

Time: 8:30am-10:30am

Location: SPH Crossroads

Present: Mark Nelson (MAIS), Dria Howlett (OUA), Cheryl Szpaichler (SOE), Antoinette Hopper (Rackham), Frenchie Burroughs COE-R&A), Dria Howlett (OUA), Jean Wong (Law), Laura Strozeski (Music), Fran Vasel (Bus), Daryl McDaniel (PH)


I. Agenda Check/Matters Arising

II. Approval of the Minutes from 2/27 & 3/13 (Approved)

III. MPathways Business

A.  Total Units Count Report – Updated/revised

1.  Provides a snapshot, clearer breakout of application status.

B.  Business Objects Upgrade

1.  SA01 completed, SA02 is not but will be ready by next Admissions cycle.

2.  Mark will provide a specific date on when both systems will be available.

3.  Official announcement coming out Wednesday

a.  WebI, Infoview Access

b.  Licenses associated with access to Business Objects.

c.  All corporate reports will be converted. Layout will be affected – reports will have a different look.

d.  Feedback from user testing has been positive – most prefer the new environment.

e.  Existing personal reports can be sent to MAIS for conversion.

f.  Go live 4/30/07.

C.  Immigration Status

1.  Over 10,000 hits on the I-20 web app status link – many students clicking the link without need, inadvertently.

2.  Students applying to dual programs – only participating schools are displayed, which may be confusing to international students.

3.  The school that begins the I-20 process "owns" it - even if student applied to two schools.

D.  PeopleSoft Upgrade

1.  SAAG involved in recommendations.

2.  Current version 8 runs out August 2008. (UM skipped v. 8.9)

3.  Fusion on the horizon – allows for an easier upgrade process.

a.  Oracle wants to be able to plug/play with platforms.

b.  Current 18 month upgrade process would be considerably shortened.

4.  Current Upgrade target – June 2008.

5.  MAIS is currently comparing the new system to the old.

6.  MAIS may need help in testing. Version 9 looks different than v. 8.

7.  MAIS may consider building a New/Prospective "student center" that would not be part of the PS package.

8.  Communications Generator

a.  Letters will be stored student by student.

b.  Email capability.

9.  Improvement to Academic Interests fields

a.  Allow students to enter priority interests using free-form entry rather than having to select a code from pre-determined options.

10.  Essay Topic Values

a.  MAIS would like to remove options that are not being used.

b.  ASP will review and follow-up with recommendations.


ASP Future Meeting Schedule:

April 24 (Canceled)

May 8 Unknown location