Script for Fast Start (with 2 slides) 13 DEC 2017
***The new Fast Start is the two slides that are at the end of the new presentation.
Hey new recruits name I am excited about getting you started today. You have already listened to the Brett Burks CD and you have already watched the Jeff Seagrave, Business Overview on So you already have a good understanding of our business model and what we are trying to build.
So let me show you how we are going to get you started. The first thing we are going to do is get you registered. Now we actually already did this, the company is paying the $1200 for all your licensing and you paid the $124. So we already have that done. So the next step is to Expand your business, talking about the distribution side, what we want to do is find 3 people for you as quickly as possible to work inside your business. Step 3 is we want to share this with 10 families. So you will go out with a field trainer and share this because we need to get the information out about your business. This is kind of how we do your advertising. So those families do not have to buy anything and they do not have to be interested. In most cases, they may buy something or be interested, but what we are looking for is that they could actually give you referrals of other people they know. Does that make sense?
When we get that done you are actually going to become a District Leader. We want to get all that done in your first 30 days, really in your first 2 weeks. So you are already on Step 2 we are going to find 3 people really quickly and we are going to share thing with 10 families really quickly.
Now let me show you how we are going to do that. We are going to do that training in the field; because 1 hour in the field is worth 20 hours in the classroom. That is why we are going to be in the field as much as possible. The 1st step is you have to become a consumer so you know how this works. So what we are going to do is we are going to do a Financial Needs Analysis for you and your family. We are going to see what your financial house looks like and if it is good to go we are going to tell you that is great you guys keep driving on. But if there is an area that your company can help you with; like save you money or put you in a better situation then you would want to take advantage of that because that does 2 things for you. Number 1 it is going to give you a great story to share. So when we are sitting down with families you are going to be able to say, hey let me share with you how this company has already helped our family. And Number 2 it is going to give you credibility.
Because if you are sitting down with somebody and you are trying to help them with one of our financial products and they say, hey do you own life insurance with Primerica? And you say no, what do you think they are going to say? WFA Yea, they are going to say no too.
Step 2 you are going to become an observer. What that means is you are actually going to watch a trainer. We are going to go out together and I am going to be training you. We are going to sit down at the kitchen table and I am going to do the presentation for you and you are going to watch and take notes. I am going to do all the work for you and help you. I am going to help you recruit people and help you get more clients. So I will be building your business for you. Now as I do that, I am going to do that 3,4,5 times then we are going to share the presentation. I am going to do some slides and you are going to do some slides. We will do that 3,4,5 times and then you will be doing more. Then ultimately what is going to happen is
Step 3 you are going to be the doer and I am going to be the watcher. You are going to start doing your own activity and I will sit at the kitchen table and you are going to do the presentation and I will take notes and of course if there is a place in there where you need my help I will help you. When you are done we will go talk about how you can do it better so you can learn faster. Ultimately what you are going to do is
Step 4 you are going to become the teacher. You are going to become the master field trainer so you can train other people because guess who learns the most? WFA That’s right the teacher. And when you are training other people that is how you are going to build your business even faster and it is going to grow exponentially.
The other thing we do is we have some classroom training but that is only to support the field activity. So we have training classes in our office on Sunday afternoon and some times on Tuesday evenings. We also have leadership retreats and these things are unbelievable. These things are life changing.
***Here you want to talk about the last retreat or the next one that is coming up and talk about the guest speakers and the location and how great it is and then say something towards the end like…
Yea when is the last time you had someone who makes $5, 6, 7, 800,000 or a Million Dollars or more come and teach you for three days how to be successful? WFA yea and we do these every 2 or 3 months. Isn’t that amazing?