KY Legislative Ethics Commission
July 9, 2002
Chairman George Troutman called the regular meeting of the Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission to order on Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. in room 129 of the Capitol Annex.
Commissioners Present: Pat Freibert, Ann B. Henn, Judge Charles B. Lester, Dr. Doug Moseley, John Shepherd, Vice Chair Rebecca Tomblinson and Chairman George Troutman.
Commissioners Absent: Lloyd Clapp and Clarence Jackson
LEC Staff Present: Anthony Wilhoit, Peggy Williams and Donnita Crittenden.
Guests: Jan Gould, Kentucky Retail Federation
Dr. Nancy Horn, American Pharmacy Services Corporation
Dr. Ralph Bouvette, American Pharmacy Services Corporation
Chairman George Troutman asked for approval of the minutes of the June 10-11, 2002 meetings. Mrs. Tomblinson moved and Judge Lester seconded a motion to approve the minutes of both meetings.
Peggy Williams reported to the Commission that she was in the process of setting up a meeting with the Governor’s Office on Technology and the Legislative Research Commission to discuss electronic updating to the LEC web site.
Peggy Williams informed the Commission that the staff would soon begin internal audits using active employers and legislative agents chosen at random from our database.
Judge Wilhoit presented information regarding a request for an informal opinion before the Commission. The question was presented to the Commission by Jan Gould, Kentucky Retail Federation as to whether Dr. Nancy Horn should register as a legislative agent for a pharmaceutical company while she interns at the University of Kentucky in a study program.
July 9, 2002
Chairman Troutman asked for a motion regarding the request from Jan Gould. Mrs. Tomblinson motioned and Mrs. Freibert seconded that Dr. Nancy Horn should register with the Commission and be required to file updated registration statements. All were in favor.
Chairman Troutman entered a motion to go into Executive Session to determine whether there is probable cause to proceed with a complaint. Mr. Shepherd moved and Judge Lester seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Upon returning from Executive Session, and there being no further business, Mrs. Freibert moved and Mrs. Henn seconded the motion to adjourn. The next meeting will be held on August 13th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Capitol Annex in Frankfort. All were in favor.