Partial Notes for - Joshua ppt
•The book of Joshua is the end of one story and the beginning of another.
•It is the end of the long epic of Israel’s deliverance from ______and ______.
•It is also the fulfillment of God’s promise to______in Gen 15 regarding the land.
•Joshua is also the book of the beginning of the hard tale of the ______of Canaan.
•Much of Joshua is full of ______and the ______of war.
•In a typological way the battles to take the ______point toward the spiritual battles of the Church and her members to get into heaven, the ultimate promised land.
•______is often called the new Jerusalem. It is in heaven where God’s promise is completely fulfilled. The powers of the devil and the world do not want us inheriting this promised land and so we engage in ______.
•“We are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12)
•The success strategy for Joshua then and for us now is simply to ______and ______God. After all He is the perfect commander.
•When ever Israel trusts and obeys God, she______, even against apparently unconquerable obstacles, such as the Jordan river, which is miraculously crossed (Ch 3-4), and the walls of Jericho, which comes tumbling down (Ch6)
•Sometimes the orders we receive from God make sense to us as when God instructed Joshua to use a divide and conquer method.
•At other times God’s orders ______to us like the command to march around Jericho seven times blowing trumpets.
•God’s plans seem irrational only because of our own ______placed on him. (Anthropomorphism = ascribing human characteristics to God).
•God acts in ways that seem irrational to us in order to ______us. The only way to pass the test is to ______and ______.
•Joshua is the main character. He has been appointed by God to take over for ______.
•Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know I am ______, as I was with Moses” (Jos 3:7)
•Comparison between______and ______. As Moses was a type or prefigured Jesus so too Joshua is a type of Jesus. Both these man were symbols of Christ (the thing symbolized is always greater than the symbol itself) they point to Christ.
•1) The name______and ______mean the same thing. The Hebrew spelling of Jesus is Yeshua, which is the same as Joshua. Moses changed it from Hoshea meaning “salvation” to Joshua meaning “the Lord is salvation”. Jesus means “God saves or the Lord is salvation”
•2) Jesus, like Joshua is the new Moses
•3) He is the commander of God’s chosen people and the______of God’s enemies.
•4)They lead their people through the ______of death to new life– the ______River and the water of ______.
•5) Joshua does what ______couldn’t do, he brings the people into the promised land…Jesus does what nobody else could do, He brings us into the ultimate promised land, Heaven.
•6) the conquest and spreading out of the twelve______ symbolizes the expansion of Christ’s Church into the world by His twelve ______.
•The anti-type is always greater that the type.
•Most importantly Jesus did what Joshua could not do: save His people ______, not just for a time; and from the spiritual defeat of sin, not just military defeat.
•In probably the most important passage, Joshua calls upon Israel to make the single greatest choice every individual and society must make:
•“______this day whom you will ______, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Jos 24:15)