I think it did. She's reading the other one now.

Heather Lettner-Rust

Longwood University

Department of English and Modern Languages

201 High Street

Farmville, VA 23909



From: Miskec, Jennifer

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:49 AM

To: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Subject: RE: from Bean

Shoot - now I hope it lives up to my praise. My Diversity students loved it! :)

-----Original Message-----

From: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 8:48 PM

To: Miskec, Jennifer

Subject: RE: from Bean

From Heather:

That worked. She's reading Ruby tonight...

Heather Lettner-Rust

Longwood University

Department of English and Modern Languages

201 High Street

Farmville, VA 23909



From: Miskec, Jennifer

Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 9:59 AM

To: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Subject: RE: from Bean

Dear Ugh Bean (the magical fruit),

Ruby Lu steals the car in the first book, Ruby Lu Brave ad True. Ruby Lu Brave and True also contains: magic, pneumonia, a girl named Flying Duck, gecko legs, a traitorous younger brother, and knit wear. The second book has a really funny part about swimming lessons (they don't go well for Ruby Lu).


The Bean That Toots

P.S. My cat is trying to read this email.


From: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 8:35 AM

To: Miskec, Jennifer

Subject: RE: from Bean

Dear Bean Tootity-Toot (the stinker) ,

I've started reading Ruby-Lu--not really. Which book does she drive to Chinese school with her brother in the back seat?


Ugh, Bean

Heather Lettner-Rust

Longwood University

Department of English and Modern Languages

201 High Street

Farmville, VA 23909



From: Miskec, Jennifer

Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 8:28 AM

To: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Subject: RE: from Bean

Dear Magical, Mystical Bean Fruit,

Haven't you ever heard that you can't judge a book by its cover? Ruby Lu is awesome! Have I ever steered you wrong? Let me tell you one thing that Ruby Lu does that is really funny: she steals her parents' car and drives it to Chinese school with her little brother in the backseat. And you know what she learns after she gets caught? To not get caught next time! That's a pretty Beanish move, don't you think?

Did you know that there are men in my house refinishing my upstairs hardwood floors? They are making a lot of noise and my cats are scared. Since I can't take a shower up there I am just going to have to sit here and be dirty all day. Wavy stink lines are going to come off of me like the poop in Fester's yard in Ivy and Bean Book 1.


Bean Toot


From: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 8:18 PM

To: Miskec, Jennifer

Subject: RE: from Bean

I didn't really like Ruby Lu. I read the back and it didn't seem as interesting as Alvin Ho. I loved Alvin Ho.

And besides, you gave me an idea. From now on I will call you BeanFruit. Or I can call you JustBean or BeanToot. And by the way, you can be Bean 1, I'll just be Bean.

From Bean

Heather Lettner-Rust

Longwood University

Department of English and Modern Languages

201 High Street

Farmville, VA 23909



From: Miskec, Jennifer

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:48 PM

To: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Subject: RE: from Bean

OK - I'll call you Bean because Beans Beans are the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot. The more you toot the better you feel. So eat your Beans with every meal!

You can't really say that rhyme with a name like Bean I.

Have you read Ruby Lu yet? I love it almost as much as I love Ivy and Bean. Alvin Ho is also cool.

Ha ha - that was funny when you lost your underwear. I'm glad I could be there to help you out of your "situation. I am such a good friend. You're welcome.

See ya later you magical fruit,

Bean I

Dr. Jennifer M. Miskec

Assistant Professor of Children's and Young Adult Literature Director, Children's Literature Minor Department of English and Modern Languages Longwood University


From: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:32 PM

To: Miskec, Jennifer

Subject: RE: from Bean

Dear Bean 1 (just call me Bean, you can be called Bean 1),

You can't borrow any of my clothes. You have your own clothes. You brag a lot. Maybe you can put the underwear on that you found at the pool party. That was yours.

I liked Alvin Ho: allergic to camping, hiking, and other natural disasters.

You wouldn't know Bean if you were her sister. You don't know beans about Bean!

See ya,


Heather Lettner-Rust

Longwood University

Department of English and Modern Languages

201 High Street

Farmville, VA 23909




From: Miskec, Jennifer

Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 11:09 AM

To: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Subject: RE: from Bean

Dear Bean II (see how generous I am? You can be my number 2, my understudy, Bean the Second, which is only fair since A) I read the books first and B) I read them faster. Superfast in fact. OK, it might have taken me two or three minutes to read this one. All I know is I read it FAST because it was so good and funny).

Anyway, maybe I will be Nancy for halloween. Can I borrow some of your clothes?

Please read the attached link:


Bean I


From: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 9:18 PM

To: Miskec, Jennifer

Subject: RE: from Bean

Dear Nancy-who-thinks-she-is-Bean,

Impossible! I doubt it.

I think you should be Nancy for Halloween. Oh wait, you already are!



the irreplaceable Bean

Heather Lettner-Rust

Longwood University

Department of English and Modern Languages

201 High Street

Farmville, VA 23909



From: Miskec, Jennifer

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 5:27 PM

To: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Subject: RE: from Bean

Dear Nancy-who-thinks-she's-Bean,

I finished Ivy and Bean in one minute! Beat that!

I think you should dress up like a squid for Halloween.


The Real Bean


From: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 4:48 PM

To: Miskec, Jennifer

Subject: from Bean

Dear Nancy-

I bet you couldn't finish two chapter books in one day. I finished Ivy and Bean in one afternoon.

PS you're braggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EML (email me later),


Heather Lettner-Rust

Longwood University

Department of English and Modern Languages

201 High Street

Farmville, VA 23909



From: Miskec, Jennifer

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:05 AM

To: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Subject: RE: Ivy and Bean 6

Dear Nancy's mother,

The last scene in the squid costumes - where Ivy and Bean wrestle - is a riot and a half. The costume itself is hilarious.

Dr. Jennifer M. Miskec

Assistant Professor of Children's and Young Adult Literature Director, Children's Literature Minor Department of English and Modern Languages Longwood University


From: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:59 AM

To: Miskec, Jennifer

Subject: RE: Ivy and Bean 6

Dear Nancy-

Grace got the book last Saturday and was done that afternoon. She's looking forward to the next one. (I never heard any laughing out loud.)

Heather Lettner-Rust

Longwood University

Department of English and Modern Languages

201 High Street

Farmville, VA 23909



From: Miskec, Jennifer

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:44 AM

To: Lettner-Rust, Heather

Subject: Ivy and Bean 6

Dear Heater –

Please tell that daughter of yours that I have finished Ivy and Bean 6 and it was HILARIOUS!! I am still laughing. Then ask her if she is jealous.


Jennie “Bean” Miskec

Dr. Jennifer M. Miskec

Assistant Professor of English

Children's and Young Adult Literature

Longwood University