The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the5TH of Novemberin the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 7:00p.m.

Present: Mayor Dale Sellers,C. Celeste Sellers, C. Chylene Whipple, C. Charity Jackson and C. Dennis Ekker

Absent: None

Employees: Maintenance Jeff Pei & Eric Wells andClerk Lisa Wells

Public in Attendance: NONE

Meeting to Order: Mayor Dale Sellers

Pledge: Mayor Dale Sellers

Prayer: Celeste Sellers

Roll Call: Mayor Dale Sellers

Approval of minutes: Motion to approve minutes ofOctober 2015 council meeting: C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Celeste Sellers Aye: All in attendance

Report of Officers:

Councilmember Chylene Whipple:

C. Whipple attended the monthly Business Expansion and Retention (BEAR) meeting. Different things that all businesses could utilize were discussed to grow their business and also encourage tourists to stay longer in Wayne County.

Update on buildings: Community center roof leak and EMS building garage door have not been completed. Stan Alvey has moved his personal water pressure tank that has been in the community center building as requested by the Council.

Councilmember Celeste Sellers:

Reviewed report from Department of Environmental Quality; deficiencies were noted and need to be addressed. The arsenic problem continues; Jeff Pei is testing the Navajo well again because it showed just over the limit of acceptable level.

Jeff Pei purchased a flow meter to test the flow rate at the fire hydrant on town since that is now the responsibility of individual towns.

Councilmember Dennis Ekker:

C. Dennis Ekker declared that his term of office on the council will be ended at the end of the year; he will be gone in December so this will be his last council meeting.

Councilmember Charity Jackson:

C. Jackson will update the cemetery log after she does a physical inspection of every headstone to make sure nobody is missed. Noted a hole in the road near the school and maintenance will fix that tomorrow. Bull creek crossing, maintenance is checking with Wayne County for more materials for rip rap and will continue to complete that project. Mayor is asking maintenance to help keep the town street right-of-ways open.

Maintenance Jeff Pei:

Projects in progress:

  • Working on hydrant maintenance project to be ready for inspection at the end of the month
  • Insulating water meters
  • Sewer project for January
  • Winterizing the park and shutting down the public bathrooms
  • Bull Creek – gravel from the park and rip rap from Wayne County
  • Broken window in Apt #2
  • Ceiling repair in Community Center
  • Christmas lights

Treasurer Jessica Alvey:


Clerk Lisa Wells:

  • Bills were presented (see attached spreadsheet)
  • Motion to approvebills for payment C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Celeste Sellers Aye: All in attendance.
  • Town of Hanksville needs to become a Certified Local Government to be qualified to apply for funds to help pay some of the expenses for the Old Church project and an ordinance will need to be passed establishing a preservation ordinance.
  • Council appointed: Susie Hatch, Sherry Ekker, Carolyn Hatch, Rae Lene Ekker, Sharon Lusko and Susan Wells to the commission board for the Certified Local Government. 4 year term
  • 2 council seats will be vacant at the end of December; those spots will be advertised and filled in January

Mayor Dale Sellers:

Mayor would like to apply for Wayne Special Service District money to use for the veterans memorial project. C. Dennis Ekker mentioned that his daughter, Vicki, might be willing to donate to the memorial project if her son could be added to the memorial, he was killed in action.

Tabled items:

New issues and Public Comments:

Tread lightly! Grant is available in partnership with the BLM in the amount of $2000. BLM is willing to provide letters of support and would provide some materials if the town would like to apply for this. Table this item for further discussion next council meeting.

Council meeting was changed in January and December to the second Thursday of the month due to conflicts with council member’s schedule.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Dennis Ekker; Second C. Celeste Sellers Aye: All in attendance

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm

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