21st Century Afterschool Program
Pennichuck Middle School
Sheri Bulluck – Site Coordinator
Welcome back to school, everyone! I am looking forward to a great year of afterschool activities and fun. The primary goal of our program is to provide a safe environment were students build self-esteem and develop a picture of a positive future by offering support for creative thinking, hands-on experiences, and the chance to build relationships with adults, friends and peers for success in school and in life!
Here are some basic answers to the most common questions that we receive.
*Program begins Monday, September 9th
*Program time: 2:45 – 5:45, Monday – Friday
*We do not have program on Early Release days or school holidays. We use this time for staff training and meetings. If school is dismissed early due to weather, contact the school to see if there is program.
*We meet in the cafeteria as soon as school gets out – for snack, announcements and to “chill” for a few minutes. Students are then dismissed for homework zone and enrichment activities.
*Fees: The program fee is $50/year OR $20/trimester and includes a free membership to the Boys and Girls Club.
*The Afterschool Bus leaves at 5:15 each day.
*Students sign themselves into and out of program each day on a sign-in sheet.
*Pick up is in the library by 5:45.
*Students pick their own activities and must stay in the activity they choose for the duration of the club – normally 5-6 weeks depending on holidays.
*Students are expected to follow Pennichuck school rules – no phones or mp3s during class time. They may use them during Lounge from 5-5:45.
*We offer many fun activities throughout the year including Destination Imagination, sports activities, music, art, crafts, NASA engineering, homework help, swing dance, small animal care, fun field trips on some school vacation days, photography, and many more.
*Classes are taught by trained teachers and volunteers. Most of our teachers work here at Pennichuck and your child may already know them. The teachers look forward to teaching things they don’t get to do during the regular day.
Please fill out the forms attached and send them in with payment as soon as possible. I love to have my students’ names already printed for check-in on the first day of program. I will get a receipt for payment to you through your child during that week.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail me. E-mail is the best way to reach me, but if you do need to speak to me by phone, just let me know and I will call you as soon as possible. My contact information is listed below.
Thank you! I am looking forward to getting to know your child this year!
Sheri Bulluck
Afterschool Coordinator, Pennichuck Middle School