(Not final until approved/signed by the Board)
Turtle Lake Township Regular Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2018, 19143 Lake Julia Dr. NW Bemidji, MN
Meeting of the governing body of Turtle Lake Township, Beltrami County MN was called to order at 7:03pm by Chairman Allan Lidstrom. Also in attendance are board members Russ Bennett, Michelle Anderson, Billy Ayers, Fulton Gallagher, Treasurer Gail Dockendorf, and Clerk Lynn Johnson.Zoning Administrator Kelly Booge was unable to attend this meeting.
Approve Agenda
Supervisor Gallagher requested the addition of election procedures to new business after resolution appointing election judges. Motionto approve agendawith addition made by Billy Ayers, second byRuss Bennett. Motion carried 5-0.
Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2018
Motion to approve made by Michelle Anderson, second by Billy Ayers.Motion carried 5-0.
Approve February5, 2018 Treasurer's Report
Motion to approve made byBilly Ayers, second by Fulton Gallagher. Motion carried 5-0.
Approve Claims & Payroll
Motion to approve made by Billy Ayers, second by Michelle Anderson. Motion carried 5-0.
Public Attendees (signed in)
Tanja Bennett, Dave Haskin,Cynthia Haskin, Doug Montgomery, Deb Glynn, Bill Barthelemy, Wade Thoring, and Scott Thoring.
Discussion Items (OLD BUSINESS)
General Road Updates
Road Supervisor Lidstrom reported that road conditions are good. He informed the Board that he had received questions about access to the property just past the beginning of Tower Road MM from the northwest end during the winter months when it is closed and gated, and if the Township would upgrade that portion for future development. This parcel is for sale and if sold, the gate would likely need to be moved. No decision was made but this topic will be revisited if the property sells.
Discussion about residents’ snow plowing township roads occurred.Supervisor Anderson stated according to the MAT attorney Minnesota Statute 160.2715(a)(2) does prohibit residents from plowing township roads. She also brought up her concern about people approaching our contractor and the possibility of safety issues if residents are plowing. She believes any concerns should be directed to the road supervisor. Wade Thoring said if there are issues to discuss them with him.
Kieson Letter
Supervisor Gallagher questioned if the Board was going to respond to Mr. Kieson’s letter datedJanuary 4,2018. As directed by the Board at the January 8, 2018 meeting, Clerk forwarded said letter to Troy Gilchrist the township attorney. Discussion ensued regarding his response. Fulton Gallagher motioned that a response should be sent from our attorney to Mr. Kieson. Second by Billy Ayers. More discussion followed. It was suggested that the letter from the township attorney should be forwarded to Mr. Keison instead of having our attorney contact him.
Supervisor Gallagher rescinded his motion and Supervisor Ayres rescinded his second. A motion was made by Fulton Gallagherto have Clerk send the Gilchrest letter via email to Mr. Kieson bymidnight February 5, 2018. Second by Billy Ayers. Motion carried 5-0.
Discussion Items (NEW BUSINESS)
Fire Association Meeting
Supervisor Ayers reported on the annual Fire Association Meeting and their long-range planning meeting. The association is looking at increasing the budget for 2018 which means an increase in dues for the township. The association is looking at adding a North Fire Station in the future. Supervisor Ayers will keep the Board informed of any new developments.
Beltrami County Assessment Agreement
The assessment agreement between the Township and Beltrami County was presented. Motion to approve agreement made by Fulton Gallagher, second by Russ Bennett. Motion carried 5-0.
Election Judge Resolution
Resolution number 020518 appointing the following judges for the March 13, 2018 election was presented:
Pauline Golden - Head Judge
Judy Dvorak
Christine Lidstrom
Motion to approve election judges made byFulton Gallagher, second by Russ Bennett. Motion carried 5-0.
Election Procedures
Supervisor Gallagher questioned what the procedures are for elections. Clerk explained how elections work. The election process is spelled out by statute and those rules are followed by the clerk.
A motion to adjourn was made by Billy Ayers at 8:45pm, second by Fulton Gallagher. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting was adjourned.
Approval of these Minutes from the February 5, 2018 Regular Township Meeting
Lynn Johnson, clerk