Human Biology N212 Fall 2016Rm LE 105Carol M.G. Flora, Ph.D.

Text: Human Anat. + Phys. (Martini, Seeley, or Marieb)()

Time: 6:00 - 7:15 PM (MW)

DateTopic and Chapters

8/22, 24Human Organism (Chapter #1)

Chemical Basis of Life (Chapter #2)

8/29, 31Structure and Function of the Cell (Chapt #3)


9/7, 12Histology: The Study of Tissues (Chapter #4)

9/14Exam #1

9/19, 21Integumentary System (Chapter # 5)

9/26, 28Skeletal System: Bones and Bone Tissue (Chapter #6)

10/3, 5Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy (Chapter #7 + 8)

10/10Articulations and Movement (Chapter #9)

10/12Exam #2


10/19, 24Muscular System: Histology and Physiology (Chapter #10)

10/26Muscular System: Gross Anatomy (Chapter #11)

10/31Functional Organization of Nervous Tissue (Chapter #12)

11/2, 7

11/9Exam #3

11/14, 16, 21Central Nervous System (Chapts #13 + 14)


11/28, 30Peripheral Nervous System (Chapts #13, 14, and 15)

12/5, 7, 12Special Senses (Chapt #17)

12/14Exam #4 - (non-cumulative)

Exams: There will be 4 lecture exams, each worth 100% points. The 4 exam scores will be added and divided by 4 to give the course percentage. The grading scale is shown below. Exams will cover the lecture material. These exams will be multiple choice, multiple-multiple choice, true and false, and matching. Any student who knows that he/she can not take an exam at the appointed time must inform me before the exam: email () or bycanvas. Unexplained missed tests and tests missed due to an inadequate reason will result in a “0” for the test.

Lecture notes: Lecture material can be obtained via canvas ( under the assignments section. Sometimes new material is added to the lecture notes during the class lecture. Students are responsible to know all material that is discussed in class. Hence, students are strongly encouraged to come to class and to pay attention in class and to avoid distractions. Please,no cell phone use during class. Research has shown that students who text or use the cell phone during class do poorer on exams than when they are not using the cell phone. This is discussed in the following link:

Text Book: Human Anatomy and Physiology by either Seeley et. al.; Martini et. al; or Marieb et. al. Any older edition will be sufficient for this class. The powerpoint figures that I will show in lecture will mostly be from the Seeley text.

Extra credit Possibilities:

1. Clinical Application: The end of each exam will contain 4 bonus questions for extra credit. These will be centered around the clinical applications of the topics thatI pick from the chapter. A list of these clinical application topics will be provided prior to the test.

2. Quizzes: There will be a 2 question quiz during each lecture which will count as extra credit towards the upcoming test. Each quiz question will count as a test question.

3. Homework: I strongly encourage students to take the chapter quizzes/tests that can be found at the following link:

Not only are these exams very helpful for studying, but also, I will have 2 questions (exact wording) from each chapter quiz/test on the exam as bonus points. Since each test covers approximately 4 chapters, this provides approx. 8 bonus questions for each test. This link from Seeley provides excellent study material for those wishing to do their best!

In addition, I am also providing another link from Martini et. al. for those who wish to have futher questions to study from.

4. Power point Presentation - OR - Research Paper (not both):

a) Power-point presentation (worth 10 possible points): Student can present a 3 to 4 minute power-point presentation to the class on a relevant clinical application topic of choice (if OK’d by me). Points will be awarded based upon content and clearness of presentation. The presentation should include an introductory overview of the disease, causes, symptoms, possible cures, general conclusion, and a list of legitmate references (at least 3 references – science journal articles, books, but no more than 1 internet site. Periodicals available on-line are not considered internet sites). Due to time constraints, please let me know ASAP (by midterm) if you would like to pursue this option. Otherwise this option will not be available.

b) Research Paper (worth 10 possible points): Student can provide a 2 to 3 page written text paper on a relevant clinical application (if OK’d by me). Points will be awarded based on content of paper. The paper must be at least 2 full pages (not including title page), approx 900 to 1,000 words, double spaced, 1 inch margins, font size 10, have a title page which includes name, class name, date, title of clinical application, and a list of legitmate references (at least 3 references – science journal articles, books, but no more than 1 internet site. Periodicals available on-line are not considered internet sites. The paper should include an overall description of the clinical disease, causes, symptoms, and treatment, and mortality rate if applicable. Figures are allowed, however, these figures do not count towards the page amount that is required. NO plagerism is allowed. Plagerism will result in 0 points for the paper. This paper will be due 11/21/16. No papers will be accepted after this deadline. I would like a 2 versions of the paper (1 printed version and 1 electronic version). Please send the electronic version by attaching the file on oncourse.

Grading Procedure: The grading scale is as follows:

% GradeFinal Course Grade

98.5 - 100 %A +

91.5 – 98.4 %A

89.5 – 91.4 %A-

88.5 – 89.4 %B +

81.5 – 88.4 %B

79.5 – 81.4 %B -

78.5 – 79.4 %C +

71.5 – 78.4 %C

69.5 – 71.4 %C -

68.5 – 69.4%D +

61.5 – 68.4 %D

59.5 – 61.4 %D -

0 – 59.4%F

Important Dates to Remember

Please refer to the following link to acess the full IUPUI School of Science Fall 2016 Academic Calendar:

Below are some important dates to remember.

August 28100 % Refund (last day)

Sept. 475 % Refund (last day)

Sept. 1150 % Refund (last day)

Sept. 1825 % Refund (last day)

October 16(Midterm) According to the Policy of the School of Science this is the last day to withdraw with a “W” or “F”. A grade of W after this date will be given only when the student is earning a passing grade at the time of the request. If you are not passing the class and you wish to withdraw after this date, a grade of “F” will be assigned.

October 23Withdrawal requires signature of advisor and instructor.

Nov 11Last day to withdraw with a grade of “W” or “F”. After this date, withdrawal from class requires signatures of the instructor, the advisor, and the student’s Dean. The policy of the School of Science is that an instructor will not give a grade of W after this date unless a serious and a documentable excuse can be verified. For students enrolled in the School of Science, the Academic Dean will not endorse a withdrawal unless an extremely serious and documentable excuse can be verified.

Administrative Withdrawal: A basic requirement of this course is that you will participate in all class meetings and conscientiously complete all required course activities and/or assignments. Keep in touch with me if you are unable to attend, participate, or complete an assignment on time. If you miss more than half of the required activities within the first 25% of the course without contacting me, you may be administratively withdrawn from this course. Example: Our course meets twice per week; thus if you miss more than four classes in the first four weeks,you may be withdrawn. Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal will take place after the full refund period, and if you are administratively withdrawn from the course you will not be eligible for a tuition refund. If you have questions about the administrative withdrawal policy at any point during the semester, please contact me.For further information on this topic, please refer to the following link:

FLAGS System (Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success)

This semester I will be using IU's FLAGS System to provide real-time feedback on your performance in this course. Periodically throughout the semester I will be entering data on factors such as your class attendance, participation, and success with coursework, among other things. This information will provide feedback on how you are faring in the course and offer you suggestions on how you might be able to improve your performance.
You will be able to access this information in the student center: Onestart > Student Services page > Student Center > My Academics and Grades > My Grades.

For further information: