Selectboard Minutes November 13, 2017

Call to Order- 6:00pm

Attendance - Moe Brigham, Chris Jarvis, Carl Russell, Paul Vallee, TM Greg Maggard, Finance Administrator Therese Kirby.

Approval of Agenda - Addition of SB resignation letter, and another item related to road signs included under town manager’s report. Vallee will update on Human Service Committee. All in favor.

Public Comment/Inquiry - none


6:15 - BRI - Banner designs - Lylee Rauch-Kacenski, re: Art on the River, banner project update. Reviewed each banner design, potential locations, and timeline. Also, discussed winter banner project with local students. Russell expressed his preference that this continue to be a BRI project, and not turn into a project that the municipality inherits.
The select board approved the final design, and the seasonal banners.

6:30 - Jose Lazo with Energy Commission - A Better Connection Grant Application presentation and reviewing internship position. Lazo requested that an ad be placed for internship.
Better Connection Grant - The Energy Commission is asking for a 10,000-line item in the town budget (to be used for matching funds for this grant). This grant will pay for the study to determine preliminary designs for solutions for the congested downtown/village improvement.
Energy Commission will be writing the grant in conjunction with the BRI, and Maggard will have some input before the grant application is submitted.
The Selectboard would like to see more specifics before approving money to be included in the budget. Lazo agreed to come back with more specifics prior to the time the warning is due for the town budget.

Reports Motions and Ordinances

1.) Reading of resignation letter from SB member Vanessa Brown. Resignation is effective immediately, citing the need for more privacy at this time. Brigham pointed out that there are six more meetings prior to town meeting, and wondered who might be interested at this late date. The board agreed to publish a letter soliciting interest in the interim position.

2.) Moving forward with Tax Sale property purchased by Town - Parcel on 459 Sugar Hill Rd - Maggard outlined the specifics of the purchase and what needs to happen moving forward. The statute reads that the town is within their rights to sell it as it sees fit, including the possibility of selling it back to the original owner who currently resides on the property. Financial manager provided suggestions regarding sale price including back taxes, some percentage of legal fees, advertising fees, etc. Brigham asked about the current insured status of the property. Kirby will reach out to VLCT to make sure it is covered.

3.) VLCT - Statuary options for Municipal Shared Services Cost Estimate - (regarding transfer station costs) Presentation from VLCT, regarding the town’s responsibility for cost sharing. Jarvis, motion. Brigham second. All in favor.

4.)Town Constable Cell Phone Sharing (Breakdown of Bethel’s Share - Revisiting the issue of what the cost of the cell phone is. Will pay a third of the current bill.
Brigham motion. Vallee second. All in favor.
5.)Lister’s Errors and Omissions - K Hodgdon, and J Punger- any changes once the list has been “lodged” have to go through the SB. Both changes were approved.
Authorization to make changes. Brigham, moved. Vallee, second. All in favor.

6.)Sugar Hill Rd property discussion - (review item #2, discussion of tax sale property)

7.)FY 19 Budget Discussion -
a.) Selection of Dedication for Annual Report - usually a secret process. SB agreed to review written suggestions during executive session.
b.) General Fund discussion
Teresa has completed the general fund budget items.
Maggard requested to include tires for some town equipment, which will come to 6,000 additional dollars in the equipment line item (from 25,000 to 31,000). Teresa reviewed some changes to the structure of the budget.
Chief Aldrighetti noted that this is first time he has gotten a print out of the fire department budget prior to Town Meeting, and he thanks the town for this. Aldrighetti reviewed the details of the budget.
Constable Belisle - Reviewed his budget request, and highlighted those items that might have raised the proposed budget, including fuel and the requested increase in hours. (from 13 to 20hrs).
Ele Griffin, Recreation Dept.- asked specific questions regarding wages and combined positions. Maggard reviewed the suggested changes to to the recreation budget. Griffin asked that if there is “extra” money in the budget that the issue with the chlorine pump be resolved.
Paul Vallee - asked if there is a “cap” to the Human Services Committee budget? Discussion. No there is not a cap.
Further discussion regarding specific details of the budget.
Teresa is developing the budget figures based on expenditures from the last year NOT the budget from last year.

8.)Town Manager Report (information in packet)
a.) status update on action items
meeting Wednesday with UNC about rate structures for water/sewer.
Patton is preparing for snow/roads.
Road signs are being addressed
b.) Town Managers admin report
*road signs (item added to agenda tonight) - property owner has added a “dead end” sign fifteen years ago. it is not legal, and the town is determining a plan of action to address it. Russell notes that this is more about a specific policy that is consistently enforced throughout town.
c.)Constable’s report - no discussion.

Minutes and Communications
SB minutes of 10/30/17 and SB minutes - (special meeting) 10/2/17
Motion to approve both SB meeting minutes, Brigham, Second Vallee. All in favor.
VT statute section on Constables (included in packet) - Including who the direct authority to the Constable, and what his job description is (specific duties are covered by the VT statute. Russell asked that the town have a job description documented.
Committee Minutes - (included in packet) Recreation Committee, and Human Service Committee.
Other communications - Nice letter from community member praising recent positive changes in town, including the atmosphere in the town office and attention to the roads.
Any other business necessary to come before the board. None.

Enter executive session at 8:56
Motion, Brigham. Second, Jarvis. All in favor.


Carl Russell Moe Brigham Paul Vallee


Chris Jarvis