3.7 – Use of School Property and Telephone / Mobile Phone Usage

All Agency property, including supplies, equipment, facilities, funds and perishables are for the exclusive use of staff and students in the programs, activities and functions of the Agency. Personal use of school property is allowed on a limited basis per the following guidelines:

Where other arrangements cannot be made, copies may be made on Iowa Braille School copiers for $.10 per page and fax machines may be used at a cost of $.50 per page. It is the responsibility of staff to compensate the school. This is on the honor system. Money should be taken to the Business Office in room 101.

Iowa Braille School athletic facilities may be used per the established use policy.

Telephones are to be used only for school business; personal long distance use in cases of emergency must be compensated to the school. Staff are asked to use personal long distance cards or personal cell phones for such eventualities. Landlines should be used for routine communications. Personal cell phone use during work time is limited to emergencies.

  1. Braille Writers

Students and staff may check out and use Braille writers for private use in their homes. Student's parents and employees must check the item out from an Agency representative, such as a Teacher of the Visually Impaired or Iowa Braille School library employee. The loan expires on May 30 of each year and shall not exceed twelve months. If the machine is returned in damaged or broken condition, those borrowing the equipment shall be liable for the cost of repairs or replacement. To borrow equipment longer than a twelve-month period requires that the equipment be returned for inspection.

  1. Photocopiers

Photocopiers available to all staff are located throughout the Iowa Braille School campus. Staff are encouraged to learn to operate the copiers independently. For special needs or large projects, clerical staff may be available for assistance. Use a work order to request this service.

  1. Iowa Braille School Landline Telephones

Every office, classroom and dormitory is equipped with a landline telephone. School telephones are designated for the use of official school business and for student needs. When possible, landlines should be used for routine communications, rather than mobile phones. Prompt and courteous answers to telephone calls should be demonstrated at all times, including offering to help the caller with questions or transferring the caller to the appropriate extension. It is a good practice to identify yourself or your department when answering or making a call. All staff with an office at the Iowa Braille School have voicemail and should always have a professional greeting on their voice mail. In-servicing is available in the use of the school's phone system. For any necessary telephone service, repairs, or change of service, contact the Business Office.

All long distance phone calls to be charged to the School require the use of a seven-digit access number. Staff members needing to make long distance phone calls for school business must contact the Business Office to sign up and self-assign a seven-digit access code. Personal long distance calls must be compensated to the School. Monthly, each person with an access code will receive a listing of long distance calls made with their seven-digit access code. Staff must review their listing for any personal calls and reimburse the School within 5 business days of receiving the monthly listing. Personal long distance phone calls charged to the School must be reimbursed to the School at a rate of 167% of the school’s cost (as listed on the monthly printout) of such calls. (Ex. $2.25 school’s cost for personal calls per printout x 1.67 = $3.76 cost to be reimbursed to the School within 5 business days.)

Personal calls should be limited to emergencies or urgent situations. Personal cellular phones may be used by school staff in cases of emergencies or other reasonable needs. Collect calls or the use of personal long distance calling cards is also permitted in emergencies or for other reasonable needs.

  1. Work Related Mobile Phones

Employees who travel more than 50% of the time or employees designated by the nature of their work, upon recommendation of the immediate supervisor and approval by the Superintendent or designee, will be issued a cell phone or Blackberry for business use. Use of Agency mobile phones is restricted to school business only and should only be used by the individual to which they are issued. Personal calls are prohibited except in the case of an emergency.

Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired is committed to promoting employee safety by encouraging the safe use of school-owned or personal mobile phones by its employees while driving on school business. While there often is a need to use the phone, safety must be the first priority. Driving safely requires alertness, attention to traffic, caution, and courtesy. When driving for school business:

1.If a phone call must be made while driving, find a proper parking space first. Stopping on the side of the road is not acceptable. The only exception is for genuine emergencies such as an accident or car breakdown.

2.Employees with hands-free phones may make brief phone calls while driving but must park when road conditions are poor, traffic is heavy, or the conversation is involved.

3.Texting, emailing, and other phone use that distracts attention from driving is prohibited.

  1. Technology Acceptable Use Statement

Staff are provided with and encouraged to use Agency-approved electronic devices to engage in activities that are supportive of the Agency’s educational mission and to enhance general work productivity and efficiency. While technology resources are provided for business purposes, limited personal use may occur within the established guidelines. Personal use should be kept to a minimum and in a manner that does not interfere with work responsibilities. Use of Agency electronic devices by friends and family members is prohibited. Students, faculty and staff shall use devices and related network activity in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner.

Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired does not routinely monitor individual use of computing resources, however users should be aware that electronic mail and files stored on computers and network drives or sent over the internet or over wireless networks, dial-up connections, or cable modem connections may not be private. The Agency reserves the right to inspect or monitor systems under its control and responsibility when necessary for the normal operation and maintenance of the Agency’s computing resources or when there is cause to believe a user has violated the law or Agency policy.

Internet blocking is applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene, or to any material deemed harmful to minors. Internet filters are based on categories such as hate, crime, & pornography. In some cases, sites may be manually added or removed from the internet blocking filters if deemed appropriate.

Data that is critical to Agency business must be stored in folders on a network server or designated workstation, and not on individual hard drives, or in home folders or email accounts. Individual computers are not backed-up, therefore individual information and business information must be stored on or copied to an employee’s home folder in order to be included in backup routines.

All student, faculty and staff computer users are required to follow the guidelines listed below. Please note this is not an all-inclusive list.

1.Comply with established guidelines to maintain the equipment, software, email, data storage, and network systems.

2.Maintain user ID’s and passwords and protect them from unauthorized use.

3.Abide by copyright laws and the terms and conditions of all licenses.

4.Respect the privacy of other users’ files and intellectual property.

5.Ensure personal use of school computer systems, including school owned laptop computers, is of limited duration and frequency.

6.Contact Information Technology for software installation or approval for installation.

Staff covered by the AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement are required to adhere to the AFSCME contract regarding electronic communication when using the system for union purposes as stated in Article II, section 11 of the contract.

Unethical, irresponsible, and/or illegal uses may be cause for suspension of or loss of computing privileges, possible disciplinary action and/or in extreme cases, legal action. Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired characterizes the following list of activities as unacceptable. Please note this is not an all-inclusive list.

  1. Using or attempting to use someone else's user ID or authorization.
  2. Seeking or gaining unauthorized access to information resources.
  3. Any computer systems activity which causes the school to incur additional costs.
  4. Violating any U.S. or state laws, rules or regulations or school procedures, guidelines, or policies.
  5. Knowingly and without authorization destroying, damaging, or interfering with the integrity or use of any computer-based information system.
  6. Relocation or redistribution of computer equipment or removal of computer equipment from premises with exception of laptops issued to individuals permanently or via equipment check-out.
  7. Interference with or disabling programs intended to protect school owned systems, such as antivirus software, anti-adware, or anti-spyware programs.
  8. Using computer systems for financial gain, for commercial activity, political lobbying, or for any illegal activity.
  9. Copying commercial software in violation of the copyright law.
  10. Unauthorized installation or un-installation of software, shareware or freeware on school computers.
  11. Any installation of personally owned software on school computers.
  12. Sending anonymous, deceptive, fraudulent, or unwelcome electronic communications, such as chain letters.
  13. Impairing, interrupting or inhibiting any other person's access to or use of resources except consequential to normal and acceptable use. (Examples include generating or spreading a virus, sending codes to lock another person's keyboard, and inordinate consumption of resources, including network band-width).
  14. Involvement with unauthorized or inappropriate usage that could embarrass or negatively impact the Agency; or interfere with Agency business, or student, faculty or staff member’s performance or assigned duties.

Approved 7/21/05

Revised 04/2014

A-Z; P; Procedures; Computer Use